Bit Blot Forum

Aquaria => Modding => Topic started by: Danger Mouse on August 12, 2008, 10:17:05 pm

Title: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 12, 2008, 10:17:05 pm
Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Development by: Danger Mouse
                                  Shiloh Stieber
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Working on Story, Level Design, Concepts and Lua Scripting.

[Opening Prologue]
Chapter: In the Beginning
   [Game Scene Replay]   Scene of where Naija first meets Li.
        [Extend initial scene]   Li falls off the boat after staring into water where he had first gazed into Naija's eyes.
                                                        [New Sound Effect, wa wa ...wwWOAH!!] [Splash!]
                                                        Not knowing how to swim Li struggles at the surface and sinks, drifting downward losing

                                                       Naija Returns out from the depths grabbing Li and bringing him up to the shore. Saving Li's
                                                       life by bring him to the surface where he meraculously starts breathing again after Naija
                                                       gives his lips a kiss.
                                                       [Magic Effect between their lips]
                                                       [New Sound Effect, [GASP] [Cough Cough Cough]]
                                                       (Text from Li: Wha-What happ..., W-Where am I?) with teen Naija looking over him at his side.
                                                       Naija, startled, rushes back off into the water. Scene follows Naija, further in to the
                                                       depths of the water where Naija stops. [Zoom in on Naija]. She turns around and looks back
                                                       in the direction from where she had pulled Li up onto shore, and decides to return to make
                                                       sure he is alright.

                                                       When Naija reaches the shore for the second time, she finds that Li is no longer there.
                                                       But in his place is a weathered beaten book. Naija, not seeing Li decides to take the book
                                                       back to home.

                                                      She opens the book and begins to read it's pages. [Narated story with book cover and page
                                                      images  (Aquarian Text, with Images of 10 Lost Treasures that combine to form a suit fit for the

                                                     (I had decided to venture back to the dry airid realm, so that I may, in hopes, find
                                                     the boy who could not breath underwater. Perhaps to find out how he had gotten this book, or
                                                     maybe I was just too curious about this creature that looked like me but could not breath underwater. I
                                                     couldn't help but admit that I found something attractive in his eyes when he first looked at me.
                                                     Why was I so compelled to press my lips against his?
                                                     ..And, what was the warm tingling feeling that it gave me? For a moment I felt lighter than air.
                                                    What was he doing up there?
                                                    Why couldn't he swim??
                                                    When I had returned to the sandy shores I could find no sign of the curious boy. Behind the
                                                    oddly shaped trees along the shore there appeared to be a little house of some sort that I had not noticed before.
                                                    Maybe I would be able to find some answers there I had thought to myself.)

Planned Suits and Forms:

[Energy Form]
[Fish Form]
[Beast Form]
[Monkey Suit: Walk Outside of Water] New Suit Ability
[Climber Suit: Climb Walls] New Suit Ability
[Invisible Cloak: Invisibility to some creatures] New Suit Ability
[Modified Plant Suit: Ability that lets you stand on the spiny growths, and flowers produce poison to enemies] Modified Suit Ability
[Modified Sun Suit: Shoots a light beem that blinds some enemies] Modified Suit Ability
[Confusion Suit: Makes creatures attack any creature nearby] New Suit Ability
[Muck Paralysis Suit: Primary weapon Vine attack (close range), Charged muck glob spray out making contacted creatures
                                           slowed, slower with more globs attatched] New Suit Ability

New Creatures:

Tropical fish
Baby Gii [2-Finned Drill-Sharfin Pet: Basic Drill Attack (Small Damage)]
Young Gii [4-Finned Drill-Sharfin Pet: Basic Drill Attack (Medium Damage)]
Adult Gii [6-Finned Drill-Sharfin Pet: Charged Drill Attack (Large Damage), Basic Drill Attack (Moderate Damage)]
(Secret) Golden Gii [8-Finned Drill Sharfin Pet: Shielded (Magic Effect), Charged Drill Attack (Massive Damage),Basic Drill Attack (Big Damage)]
Dolphins [Friendly unless confused]
Giant Squid [Shoots ink (Blind Effect), Grabber tenticles that make you stuck to creature taking damage unless using spin
                         for 3 seconds]
Mahjin Odiuss [unknown] ;)

Modified Sprites:
Teen Naija
Teen Li

[===================== *SPOILERS* ====================]
[Concepts & Design]

10 Different Realms each with 10 Different Treasure Guardians

[Crystal Glade: Splitting Crystalin Giant] [Confusion Suit]
[Deserted Dunes: Giant Sting Ray]
[Ice Cascades: Killer Whale (The Ice Orcha)]
[Deep Abyss: Giant Squid] [Modified Sun Suit]
[SeaKelp Tangle: Giant Snapping Turtle] [Modified Plant Suit]
[Tropical Isles: Poisonus Lionfish] [Monkey Suit]
[Bubble Fortress: Blue Dragon]
[Rainbow Trails: Phoenix] [Invisible Cloak Suit]
[High-Water Towers: Wall of Doom] [Climber Suit]
[Mossy Floors: Mossy Muck Blob] [Muck Suit]

            10 Treasure Suits combined to make the Ultimate Treasure
[Naija wants the Ultimate Treasure to be able to stop Mahjin Odiuss from fullfilling his plot to become a god; Mahjin Odiuss

desires the Ultimate Treasure to become an unstoppable war tyrant god and to become the ultimate ruler of the sea.]
[Mega-Boss; Mahjin Odiuss]            
            10 Mini-Bosses to kill to get last Major-Treasure Piece that Mahjin Odiuss had guarded

[===================== *SPOILERS* ====================]

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Deep Abyss
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Easter Eggs
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[Edit #1]  The Rock with the writing saying "Mithalas" I have redesigned. You'll have to do the research to figure out what it says.
[Edit #2] Frog I created from scratch; Inspired by Derek Yu's Comic ( Manjuu ( in "Mix Tape" ( Derek Yu Rock! :P I particularly love your latest literature piece on the functions of the left and right side of the brain on your website, quite fascinating and most definitely seems true.
[Edit #3] Grown form of a dolphin and shark like combined creature named Gii. Swims with the motion of a dolphin. Uses air to propel faster as it exhausts from it's head, and attacks with a drill on it's snout.
[Edit #4] Jelly Fishes, losts and lots of Jelly Fishes! Missing their tentacles, but those will be manipulated using particle effects. :)
[Edit #5] Sea Kelp...   ...mmm mm tasty! Anyone for Sushi?
[Edit #6] Colorful tropic fish.
[Edit #7] A VERY small glimpse of one of the bosses.
[Edit #8] Finished 4 variations of Dragons. Added Mahjinodiuss Evil Huminoid-Squid Boss.
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BTW:  A little thank you going out to Derek Yu for the nice pixel art tutorial. I've always loved graphic design, and have always been extremely talented with the arts, whether it be graphics or music. It definitely must be as you mention with how we are brought up being trained to use our right brain. Being in the military, has definitely made my left side of the brain stronger however, but I still seem to always fall back to creativity. I just want to thank you for all your inspiration. Both you and Alec of course. Perhaps that's how you two made such a wonderful game. Alec is probably more geared towards the left side of the brain, and Derek is probably more geared towards right side of the brain; together they made this whole package complete, and that is why I call it a Master Piece. Not many people take the time to put in so much effort, and so much detail into a project, both in graphics and in code. Kudos!
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Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Alec on August 13, 2008, 01:00:31 am
That looks awesome! :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Ugly Duck on August 13, 2008, 03:02:23 am
That is gorgeous. I particularly like the picture of the shallows. Not only does it have a real sense of depth of field, but the contrast is lovely. Needs a random monkey though, IMO. Quite an ambitious mod, I look forward to seeing it develop. :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 13, 2008, 03:42:19 am
Thanks, I'm glad to see I'm getting some positive feedback. Currently I have no entities set in the maps. That will come later. But a lot of stuff is coming together on the "drawing board", so to speak. It looks like it's going to take a lot of lua scripting effort to get the younger Naija sprites to work right. Currently I'm going off the example created by the replace Naija mod. But things such as the swirling water particle effects, and clinging to walls, sit spots, sleeping spots and such aren't implimented. I'm sure even more will be involved once work starts on other suits, such as the energy form for starters. Going to need all new artwork for that, and animations. Definitely going to need pointers for the LUA scripting if you ever have the time Alec. I've already gone completely through the wiki and the LUA library basics. Unfortunately it's my weaker point in the creation process, but I'm a quick learner and hopefully will work my way through it with some direction. :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: inkblob on August 13, 2008, 06:08:50 am
ooooooo that looks fabulous! this is helping to stoke the fire under my butt to do a mod, I just need an idea that I can run with and feel inspired by! can't wait to see a playable version!
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on August 13, 2008, 06:15:08 am
Dude, that looks so awesome!

I love your idea. And it looks like you have a good start there. Good luck man.  ^-^

That squidy dark picture is creepy. o.o
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 13, 2008, 07:43:47 pm
Thank you again for the positive support and encouragement! Seriously! You don't know how much that helps on keeping up motivation. Today I spent the majority of the day making new tiles. The first chapter has been coming together nicely, and the main storyline is coming together well too. I must say a lot of it is inspired from multiple games; aquaria of course but with a legend of zelda and metroid feel to design and game elements. I'm really liking the multiple pet idea that grows over time, and has powers that will help you solve puzzles to advance as well as help fight, and I might implement it as well, possibly with meshing it into the story line where your first pet that becomes of great help to advance through the story but sacrifices itself in doing so. But, in it's loss you get a different pet with different abilities that will be more helpful (I'm thinking along the lines of both the bird for quick transportation in legend of zelda so that it's with you and you don't have to go running all over the map for a turtle ride... however I might make it so that will be the only way at first, just to make it more work to get places so that it gives you the time to actually see and experience everything). Just ideas at the moment though.

Still working on Sprites, Story, and Level design... all the Lua scripting stuff will come when I'm done with those.

Has anyone thought of making more Particle Effects?

Alec: In the upcoming release, will the Animation Editor not close out of your mod when you exit it? Also, will there be more stuff involved with the Particle Effects Section?

ALSO: Will there be a way to seperate MODS, from Released/Installed mods, so that people don't just use the Map Editor and press P to move their main character through-out the maps??? I'd really like to see this one implemented.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on August 13, 2008, 07:56:43 pm
Dangermouse that looks awesome, I nearly said something along those line last night but I was tired and sleepy after sharing some vino with my son (celebrating his coming birthday) so I decided to wait and let Alec, Dave or someone else have the honours of first reply. :D
Have you added some more screenshots since last night, only I swear that those lower jump scenes weren't there when I looked?
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 13, 2008, 08:15:05 pm
Dangermouse that looks awesome, I nearly said something along those line last night but I was tired and sleepy after sharing some vino with my son (celebrating his coming birthday) so I decided to wait and let Alec, Dave or someone else have the honours of first reply. Cheesy
Have you added some more screenshots since last night, only I swear that those lower jump scenes weren't there when I looked?

No they were there from the first post... but I will post more, currently busy with new tiles though. :)
I had just realized earlier today that the "Mithalas" rock was being displayed backwards, so I made my own, and it's now facing the right direction. lol
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 14, 2008, 02:41:10 am
Dude, that looks so awesome!
I love your idea. And it looks like you have a good start there. Good luck man.  Azn
That squidy dark picture is creepy. o.o

Yeah, you don't want to get too close to the Squidy, I already have it made so that it grabs you and pulls you in, unfortunately currently you can't get back out of its grasp though, that's what Li will be for though. :) *spoiler*
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on August 14, 2008, 10:55:56 am

Eehhh, I can't read Aquarian anymore.. *sniff*. I did draw a picture with "where am I" written on it in that language though lol.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 14, 2008, 05:23:11 pm
[Edit Original Post]  Now for those that don't have a way to decipher the caption on the rock image, it's written below the rock.

:) There you go Hiro.

So, I spent the day working on a new pet, the list of functions on the wiki just isn't good enough!! There's so much information missing still it's crazy. Alec if you read this, hopefully you have some time to revise the function lists so that they are fully explained with what ranges can be used for the functions and so forth. I'm sure if you looked through it you'll see what I mean. Not to discredit all the work gone into gathering that information and posting it. But it needs a serious overhaul and update for the modders to be able to continue work with new content.

If I could recommend a feature for the Animation Editor I would suggest making it so that when you hit play animation there is a progress bar to indicate what frame it is at while it's playing. If what I am suggesting is confusing then let me put it this way; The Animation Editor could use a scroll line like that of Windows Media Player or any other movie player that allows you to see a marker of where in the time-line of frames it is currently at, allowing for live rewind, fast-forward, stop and play. The reason I'm recommending this is so that it is a LOT easier to tell in an animation loop where movement is not what you would like or expect.

I'm thinking maybe it could look better, instead of just the gradient white background. Perhaps a screen more like the in game menu or something. If you want I could come up with some artwork on my spare time for it. Aquaria excels in graphics everywhere except there, in fact I'd say that the only part of the game that needs any attention is the Editor and Support for it.

I know that most of the focus is on converting to different operating systems to expand the games audience , but these things will help expand the games user audience as well as experiences. And surely it would speed up the releases of mods as well.

BTW: Alec, This game truely is a masterpiece. *Two Thumbs Up!*

Note: If any of you other modders have learned ways of scripting new things in LUA for aquaria, please post a tutorial.  I'm sure it would be appreciated by all of us here working on new mods. I'll make sure that anything that I've managed to create, I'll post information on how I made something work. It may not be for everyone, but certainly it may help others interested in creating mods.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Alec on August 14, 2008, 06:24:30 pm
BTW: Alec, This game truely is a masterpiece. *Two Thumbs Up!*

*high five*  :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 15, 2008, 01:51:50 am
I know I have gotten my own creations to work with the animation editor, but for some reason I'm having issues this time around. I followed the tutorial to the 't' this time and my bones are loading fine into the animation editor, and I'm able to animate my everything just fine, everything saves fine in it as well. But when I place the entity that I have correctly placed in the entitygroups.txt it shows up as a white box, and if I select it and escape out then place it on my map in entity mode it only shows up with the main bone and doesn't animate at all.

Here's what I'm working with:
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All 56x56 resolution, placed in _Mods/Lost_Treasures/graphics/pinkjelly/.
I have the following pinkjelly.xml in the animations folder:
    <AnimationLayer />
    <Bone idx="0" gfx="pinkjelly/top" pidx="-1" name="Top" fh="0" fv="0" gc="1" cr="0" cp="0 0" />
    <Bone idx="1" gfx="pinkjelly/middlebrain" pidx="0" name="MiddleBrain" fh="0" fv="0" gc="1" cr="0" cp="0 0" />
    <Bone idx="2" gfx="pinkjelly/rightbrain" pidx="0" name="RightBrain" fh="0" fv="0" gc="1" cr="0" cp="0 0" />
    <Bone idx="3" gfx="pinkjelly/leftbrain" pidx="0" name="LeftBrain" fh="0" fv="0" gc="1" cr="0" cp="0 0" />
    <Animation name="idle">
        <Key e="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="0.1 0 4 -8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 -1 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="0.2 0 9 -14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -2 0 0 2 1 -1 0 0 3 -2 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="0.6 0 -1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="0.9 0 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
    <Animation name="swimloop">
        <Key e="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="0.4 0 0 -53 -68 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="0.8 0 -68 -95 -105 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="1.2 0 -83 -19 -188 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="1.6 0 -125 32 -141 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="2 0 -154 86 -234 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="2.4 0 -75 98 -330 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="2.8 0 -22 15 -351 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="3.1 0 14 -80 -327 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="3.5 0 69 -123 -284 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="3.9 0 108 -89 -241 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="4.3 0 126 -23 -200 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="4.7 0 102 26 -164 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="5.1 0 55 81 -126 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="5.5 0 21 103 -160 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="5.9 0 24 123 -236 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="6.3 0 46 119 -326 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="6.7 0 42 94 -420 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="7.1 0 18 73 -433 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="7.5 0 -5 37 -376 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />
        <Key e="7.9 0 0 1 -359 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 " />

, and the pinkjelly.lua in the scripts folder:
-- P I N K  J E L L Y F I S H


-- L O C A L  V A R I A B L E S

localVar = 0


function init(me)
   "pinkjelly/top",         -- texture
   4,               -- health
   2,               -- manaballamount
   2,               -- exp
   1,               -- money
   48,               -- collideRadius (only used if hit entities is on)
   STATE_IDLE,            -- initState
   56,               -- sprite width
   56,               -- sprite height
   1,               -- particle "explosion" type, maps to particleEffects.txt -1 = none
   1,               -- 0/1 hit other entities off/on (uses collideRadius)
   4000               -- updateCull -1: disabled, default: 4000

function update(me, dt)
   entity_updateMovement(me, dt)

function dieNormal(me)

function enterState(me)

function exitState(me)

function damage(me, attacker, bone, damageType, dmg)

function hitSurface(me)

Maybe someone else can see what I'm doing wrong. :/
I surely would appreciate the help, been a while since I dabled with the entities.

Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 16, 2008, 11:40:43 am
:P Anyone? :P

Note: [Edit #2] For Original Post added today. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on August 16, 2008, 04:47:00 pm
Don't look at me DM, I don't understand much of that at all you need Alec, Derek or one of the others.. :(
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 16, 2008, 09:26:07 pm
[Edit #3] Posted: New Creature, Pet.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Alec on August 17, 2008, 05:06:57 am

One thing I'd suggest if you have problems, is to check the debug.log at the point around where the level is loaded. (reload it to see it easier) Sometimes there'll be hints in there.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Xiagan on August 17, 2008, 11:50:26 am
That looks incredible! Very good work! :)

PS: If you look on DM's ava (how I miss this cartoon!) only from the corner of your eyes, it looks like a Nautilus. ;)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on August 17, 2008, 03:11:50 pm
That looks incredible! Very good work! :)

PS: If you look on DM's ava (how I miss this cartoon!) only from the corner of your eyes, it looks like a Nautilus. ;)

Great you've got your help DM :D I hope that this solves it for you because I would love to see it run :D

Xiagan, here's an episode on Yt for you to watch if you miss DM so much :D (
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 17, 2008, 07:57:52 pm

One thing I'd suggest if you have problems, is to check the debug.log at the point around where the level is loaded. (reload it to see it easier) Sometimes there'll be hints in there.

Thanks, I'll give that a shot, maybe it will help. If anyone sees something obvious let me know.

[Edit #4] Jelly Fish!
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 17, 2008, 11:56:31 pm
[Edit #5] Sea Kelp in varieties. More plant life to come. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 18, 2008, 03:19:08 am
[Edit #6] Tropical Fishies,... well, I need something to be swiming around near those shallow waters! :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on August 18, 2008, 07:35:02 am
Dayum. Those are some nice graphics you have there...


Wishing I could draw that good...
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 18, 2008, 05:51:53 pm
I'm sure you probably could, it's quite easy. I use to use adobe photoshop, but these days I find that Gimp Portable does the job just fine. It can be obtained at for free. Derek Yu has a really good tutorial for making pixel art on his website under the "extras" tab. It's a 10 step process and gets easier and easier every time you go through the process.

Anyways, Thanks for the compliment! :)  Very much appreciated! If you find that you get comfortable with making some cool stuff I'd be glad to have more content, I'd definitely put your name or anyones name as a contribution to the credits for those that contribute. :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on August 18, 2008, 11:07:26 pm
I'm sure you probably could, it's quite easy. I use to use adobe photoshop, but these days I find that Gimp Portable does the job just fine. It can be obtained at for free. Derek Yu has a really good tutorial for making pixel art on his website under the "extras" tab. It's a 10 step process and gets easier and easier every time you go through the process.

Anyways, Thanks for the compliment! :)  Very much appreciated! If you find that you get comfortable with making some cool stuff I'd be glad to have more content, I'd definitely put your name or anyones name as a contribution to the credits for those that contribute. :D

Dm would you like to try your hand at turning my character into a kind of boss for your mod? Simply it's my idea of what Cthulu looked like before I saw other artist's versions , and because I don't do much pixel art now I am quite willing to allow others to paint their versions of him.

The link to the thread page, and it's the last one one just incase you can't guess (
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 19, 2008, 01:31:05 am
That's the sort of the thing I was already going for, and certainly in the Call of Cthulu genre, I like the artwork by the way. I'm surprised I had never visited that thread. Guess I was missing out! I like the head, however I was thinking of longer tenticles, and less humanoid on the body features. I do love the artwork though. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on August 19, 2008, 05:56:53 pm
That's the sort of the thing I was already going for, and certainly in the Call of Cthulu genre, I like the artwork by the way. I'm surprised I had never visited that thread. Guess I was missing out! I like the head, however I was thinking of longer tenticles, and less humanoid on the body features. I do love the artwork though. :)
Did you know that they can make their tenticles longer DM? So you go for it and make him as ou want :D
And thank you for the critique :)
It was Alec who game me the idea for allowing  it to be used for a mod though :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 19, 2008, 10:28:11 pm
cannot open scripts/maps/premap_title.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/premap_title.lua from file [scripts/maps/premap_title.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/premap_title.lua]

cannot open scripts/maps/premap_title.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/premap_title.lua from file [scripts/maps/premap_title.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/premap_title.lua]
setting flag [600] to 0
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone3 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songleaf : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songstalk : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songstalk : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songstalk : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: songstalk : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: healthplant : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: healthplant : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
no sing
no sing
luaScriptError: anemone4 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone4 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
FMODEX error: 23: Unknown error code
playmusic end

loading map init script
cannot open scripts/maps/map_title.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/map_title.lua from file [scripts/maps/map_title.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/map_title.lua]
reset timer
Game::applyState Done
phonograph : attempt to call a nil value animationKey
phonograph : attempt to call a nil value animationKey
phonograph : attempt to call a nil value animationKey
songleaf : attempt to call a nil value animationKey
songstalk : attempt to call a nil value animationKey
songstalk : attempt to call a nil value animationKey
songstalk : attempt to call a nil value animationKey
songstalk : attempt to call a nil value animationKey

FMODEX error: 36: Unknown error code

ID conflict between triffle and pullplantnormal
ID conflict between triffle and pullplantnormal
ID conflict between triffle and pullplantnormal
ID conflict between triffle and pullplantnormal
ID conflict between triffle and pullplantnormal
ID conflict between triffle and pullplantnormal
ID conflict between triffle and pullplantnormal

ID conflict between anemone3 and pullplantnormal
ID conflict between anemone2 and beluga-bubble
ID conflict between anemone2 and pullplantnormal
ID conflict between anemone2 and beluga-bubble
ID conflict between anemone and pullplantnormal
ID conflict between anemone and beluga-bubble
ID conflict between anemone4 and pullplantnormal

ID conflict between anemone3 and beluga-bubble
ID conflict between anemone2 and pullplantnormal
ID conflict between anemone2 and beluga-bubble
ID conflict between anemone and pullplantnormal

cannot open scripts/maps/premap_islands2trench.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/premap_islands2trench.lua from file [scripts/maps/premap_islands2trench.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/premap_islands2trench.lua]
setting flag [600] to 0
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellysmall : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jelly : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellyshock : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellyshock : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: jellyshock : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone3 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone3 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone4 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone3 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: anemone : postInit : attempt to call a nil value

loading map init script
cannot open scripts/maps/map_islands2trench.lua: No such file or directory
(error loading script: scripts/maps/map_islands2trench.lua from file [scripts/maps/map_islands2trench.lua])
Could not find script file [scripts/maps/map_islands2trench.lua]
fading in
FMODEX error: 11: FMOD_ERR_CHANNEL_STOLEN: The specified channel has been reused to play another sound.
reset timer

  • , file :./_mods/lost_treasures/graphics/pinkjelly/top

LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: pinkjelly/top ref: 1 idx: 765
luaScriptError: pinkjelly : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
Map AutoSaved to auto/AUTO_0_islands2trench
master channel

Alec: Here are the portions of the debug.log that look like they have actual errors.
           Nothing here would help me figure out what is wrong and what I can do to fix it. Any suggestions?
           I also don't understand why it's looking for a file named premap_title.lua when I have no pointers to such a file, nor a map_title.lua or

          The part related to the animation not working I'm assuming is this part:
luaScriptError: pinkjelly : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 20, 2008, 07:41:23 am
Hmm I was just thinking how a multi-player version would be kind of cool, both Co-op, and deathmatch aspects could be implemented. By multi-player I don't mean MMO either. I don't mean having a bunch of players but having a 2 players would be pretty neat with this type of game mechanics. -wandering thought for the day.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on August 21, 2008, 06:22:04 am
Well, I think I've read topics on multiplayer before. As far as I can remember, the only easy way to get multiplayer was to have both players on the same computer (ie. one using mouse and the other using the keyboard).

That said, that would be epic awesomeness to have a co-op campain. I don't know exactly how you'd do it, but if you can find a way to make it work, more power to you!

Good luck man. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 21, 2008, 07:17:53 am
Well, I think I've read topics on multiplayer before. As far as I can remember, the only easy way to get multiplayer was to have both players on the same computer (ie. one using mouse and the other using the keyboard).

That said, that would be epic awesomeness to have a co-op campain. I don't know exactly how you'd do it, but if you can find a way to make it work, more power to you!

Good luck man. :)

-If I were to implement this it would definitely require help from alec, and on top of that would have to probably make it a seperate element of the game.

Edit: Oh by the way [Edit #7] is up, a small glimps of yes, a blue "something". I most likely won't show the completed version of this VERY BIG boss. I spent approximately 6 hours working on it last night, and it's coming close to being finished.

RE-Edit: Now that I read this, it gave me but a small laugh. It actually took me over 12 hours to complete the boss the way I wanted it. But it is finished now. As with many other creatures not posted for obvious reasons as to not spoil too much.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on August 21, 2008, 02:44:30 pm
What a tease I love the colour used :D but DM don't show us any more of it will you, pretty please, just leave us all wondering so we have to play your mod to find out I like surprises :D Even though I will admit to a bit of cheating with the recipes in the main game, I regreted it afterwards :( this time I am waiting until I find them and it's much more fun that way :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 21, 2008, 07:14:55 pm
What a tease I love the colour used :D but DM don't show us any more of it will you, pretty please, just leave us all wondering so we have to play your mod to find out I like surprises :D Even though I will admit to a bit of cheating with the recipes in the main game, I regreted it afterwards :( this time I am waiting until I find them and it's much more fun that way :D

I hadn't really planned on posting more anyways, well maybe a few teasers. The content posted will be a very small portion of what is to be completed. Animating the final form is going to make it just look amazing. Still have 2 parts to work on for the final revision of that boss. But I think I'm going to put it on the backburner for tonight as I would like to get some other stuff completed for the mod tonight.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on August 22, 2008, 06:23:56 am
Dude, that eye thing just looks epicly awesome! You're really good at drawing, you know that? :o
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 22, 2008, 03:05:25 pm
Hey thanks! :) It's got nothing on the just about finished version of the boss. Seeing it come to life in Aquaria is going to be pretty neat. :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on August 23, 2008, 04:43:15 pm
Hey thanks! :) It's got nothing on the just about finished version of the boss. Seeing it come to life in Aquaria is going to be pretty neat. :D
Awesome :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 23, 2008, 11:29:46 pm
I've had a lot of updates to the story and design of the mod, with a lot of changes that I really think are for the better. I'll make a change to the Opening Thread Comment.

EDIT: Modification to Original Thread Comment has been made, *Beware of Spoilers Section* Only for those curious enough.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on August 24, 2008, 09:57:07 pm
Thank you DM, I won't look now instead I will wait patiently :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 25, 2008, 01:42:01 am
Not a problem. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on August 25, 2008, 06:45:02 am
Far out that sounds nice as! I wont put any spoilers here, but this guy's got some seriously kick-ass ideas to make.

You gotta finnish this mod buddy. After the patch and my second play through with widescreen I might be inspired enough to help ya in some way if I can. But we'll see. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 25, 2008, 06:53:29 pm
Sounds great, what areas would you be able to help in?
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Jenna on August 26, 2008, 01:33:34 am
Wow this looks beautiful. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 26, 2008, 03:32:37 am
Thanks for the encouragement,.. wasn't able to do much today except gather some music to inspire.

Hey Alec: What did you use to make your music, and with what instruments? Most of my work is done with FLStudio. But I currently only have version 5.0 By brother should be sending me 8.0. I'm sure it will have a lot of improvements to what I'm use to. It would be nice if I could keep within the same theme.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on August 26, 2008, 06:16:57 am
Hmm...Well art I guess but it doesn't look like you need help with that... >.<;;
Maybe if I could be bothered learning how to script but...that requires so much effort and I'm so lazy. :o

Not music too. I couldn't compose, I don't hardly know the first thing about composing. I just know music I like when I hear it. ;)

And the concept is yours so the dialogue is yours...

I can't really think of something I could adequately help you with. XD
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 26, 2008, 08:12:03 pm
Well, have you played around with the editor? You missed level designing. And artwork is welcomed, but I am trying to keep in with the same look and feel that Derek has put into the project. But I'm open to concepts and designs.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on August 27, 2008, 06:29:07 am

Well true, I didn't mention level design..But I don't think I'd be very good at that. XD
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: rt191200 on August 27, 2008, 03:45:53 pm
Just posting my support for this project and am very much looking forward to its release
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on August 30, 2008, 12:39:35 pm
*Still waits for the day when this is released*
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 30, 2008, 07:57:52 pm
There are still a lot of things to do Hiro, it takes a lot of time to put all this together in the way that I would like. In fact there are still things that I'm hoping to be fixed with in the next version so that this can be a better release. For instance the lack of the map editing feature. But still, there's a lot of things still needing to go into this project. :/ I'll get there, I'm not giving up on it. I spent all day yesterday finishing 3 other areas and putting some nice touches on them.  But just so you know as far as progress goes it's a ways to go. I'd actually say that I'm only coming up on  10 % complete at this point. I don't mean to dissapoint, but I'm just letting you know this isn't something that's going to be completed really soon. And I'm not going to rush it out the door either and make something that I'm not happy with.

If there are people that want this to come out sooner and feel that they can help with things such as level design, lua scripting, music production, art work.. I'd be happy to have them help with the project.

I hope that Alec has more time to devote to the mod support as well, seems like he's been pretty busy of late, I'm sure once the mac release is complete he'll have more time to focus on the next release and what can help out with mod support.

I definitely can see how it took 2 years to make this game. It's amazing how much code is really involved in all the functions that currently exist. With this much dedication to this project I'm sure that Alec will definitely help out the community supporting his project.

But anyways, thank you for your continued interest in my project. :) I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I am working on it as much as possible. Don't forget that I'm also currently active full duty and deployed with the US navy, so there's only so much time that I can get to work on it. Even still, I've managed to put a LOT of time into this so far. And I continually find more things to inspire me for design.

Hence, I'm definitely looking into having the a theme involving changing the water level with a certain amount of time to get to certain place and for certain accomplishments in one themed area. It's only on paper right now, but I'm going for something like Zelda had. Should be fun. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on August 31, 2008, 12:55:44 am
Dude, you're in the US navy? And you're working on a mod for Aquaria? Thats awesome.  :-*

No worries about not pushing it out the door mate. Just make it when you can. ;) For something thats not half-done I'm sure people can handle a wait. (Heck, I waited over half a year for Aquaria ;) )
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on August 31, 2008, 02:33:50 am
Can I just add a little plea here DM. I decided to play a mod tonight for a little light relief and I found the pearls in it a bit bugy, can you make sure that any you instal switch of and stop atracting all the shots after they have opened doors :o I was losing health because I couldn't hit any of the nasties unless I sat right next to them all my shots were heading for the pearl even from other rooms :o
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on August 31, 2008, 09:41:33 am
Did you perhaps lock on to the pearl and not let go Silver? I don't remember that happening..
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on August 31, 2008, 02:24:26 pm
Did you perhaps lock on to the pearl and not let go Silver? I don't remember that happening..

I did what I normally do with them Hiro, pick them up swim with them until they lock into place and send a bolt into them to open the door, I have never had this trouble before? I sometime just for the hell of it go back to the 3 eyed fish and reopen that place so I have plenty of practice.
No in this case all my shots after opening the door in the mod were being atracted to the pearl even through several walls?
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on August 31, 2008, 06:36:02 pm
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the heads up. I think I recall the same thing happening in the temple mod.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on August 31, 2008, 11:01:44 pm
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the heads up. I think I recall the same thing happening in the temple mod.
I think that the mod I played was the temple mod, but I can't be sure?
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 10, 2008, 09:37:52 pm
DM I am trying to find the costumes you want I can't find it am I missing something or did I misunderstand what you said?
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on September 10, 2008, 10:00:31 pm
DM I am trying to find the costumes you want I can't find it am I missing something or did I misunderstand what you said?

[Monkey Suit: Walk Outside of Water] New Suit Ability
[Climber Suit: Climb Walls] New Suit Ability
[Invisible Cloak: Invisibility to some creatures] New Suit Ability
[Modified Plant Suit: Ability that lets you stand on the spiny growths, and flowers produce poison to enemies] Modified Suit Ability
[Modified Sun Suit: Shoots a light beem that blinds some enemies] Modified Suit Ability
[Confusion Suit: Makes creatures attack any creature nearby] New Suit Ability
[Muck Paralysis Suit: Primary weapon Vine attack (close range), Charged muck glob spray out making contacted creatures
                                           slowed, slower with more globs attatched] New Suit Ability
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 10, 2008, 10:21:17 pm
Thank you DM I have at least one idea for the wall climbing suit.. Monkey suit though :o some how I would hate to see Naija in a suit with a tail :o I prefer her jumping and if you want her to walk why not add another foodstuff that gives her the ability to walk without needing a suit, I think a monkey suit might be a bit too corny?  :o
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on September 10, 2008, 10:39:39 pm
I'd prefer it not to be food, as it would either be temporary or would be permanent. I want something that you can have when you need it without stopping the effect and at the same time not constantly be able to climb otherwise it would mess things up when you are underwater. Monkey suit is too corny??? No it's not! There's monkey's in the game so why not? After all you get a Jelly fish suit... was that too corny? no. Just because it's underwater themed? Well this mod I'm aiming to have support for being outside of the water as well... at least at some point. Maybe if you can come up with a better suggestion for a costume it might inspire other ideas or may even be an idea that I like and think will suit the mod better.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 11, 2008, 02:50:29 pm
I mean the idea is good it's just that I can't imagine a monkey suit looking good on her? It's the thought of adding a tail that makes me wince and how else do you make it look like a monkey suit.........unless we use the slang for a business or dress suit as the basis for the design?
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on September 12, 2008, 06:42:02 am
Whats wrong with a tail on Naija?  :-\
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on September 12, 2008, 08:23:16 pm
Hiro, I really don't know. I think it would be cute to see naija with a tail. *shrug* Maybe silverflagon just has a thing against protruding appendages on a female character. ;P *LOL*
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 12, 2008, 10:53:10 pm
Hiro, I really don't know. I think it would be cute to see naija with a tail. *shrug* Maybe silverflagon just has a thing against protruding appendages on a female character. ;P *LOL*

Perhaps I have lol ;D
Ok but someone else can design that one I think :D 

Also it looks like I might have lots of time to work on some ideas next week, I will be on a canal boat for 4 or 5 days and no computer etc so I had better make sure that my mp3 player is fully charged before I go :o
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on September 13, 2008, 12:51:15 am
Sounds fun silver! :) Have a good time!
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 13, 2008, 10:14:50 pm
Sounds fun silver! :) Have a good time!
I hope it is DM but it's also going to be very cold at night as the boat needs a dreadful amount of body work doing to it :o
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on September 15, 2008, 07:53:22 am
Heh heh. Yeah, I think Naija with a tail could look pretty cool...

And have fun Silver. ;)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 16, 2008, 11:18:05 pm
Thank you Hiro the journey would of been fun but not the night I can't take cold nights any more, I need my warm duvet lol 'Rethink' Perhaps the kind of tail that I just thought of might look cool ;D

Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on September 18, 2008, 11:30:09 pm
And what kind of tail would that be silver? Geez, just leave us hangin'
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Chibi on September 19, 2008, 05:08:53 am
Hiro, I really don't know. I think it would be cute to see naija with a tail. *shrug* Maybe silverflagon just has a thing against protruding appendages on a female character. ;P *LOL*

Perhaps I have lol ;D
Ok but someone else can design that one I think :D 

Also it looks like I might have lots of time to work on some ideas next week, I will be on a canal boat for 4 or 5 days and no computer etc so I had better make sure that my mp3 player is fully charged before I go :o

I can see quite a few (protruding appendages) in your avatar ...  ;)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 19, 2008, 10:09:04 pm
And what kind of tail would that be silver? Geez, just leave us hangin'
Just pulling your tail DM lol

I recalled this black colobus and realised that a really stunning costume could be made using it as inspiration DM :D

Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on September 20, 2008, 12:35:36 am
Wow, nice idea. Its interesting how the tail flairs a bit at the end there. (I have to admit, I was thinking of a brown costume, but why should a monkey have to be brown? :D )
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 20, 2008, 05:36:16 pm
Wow, nice idea. Its interesting how the tail flairs a bit at the end there. (I have to admit, I was thinking of a brown costume, but why should a monkey have to be brown? :D )
Exactly Hiro, I really didn't like the idea of brown for a costume so I hope DM likes this trend my thoughts are taking?
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on September 21, 2008, 02:40:20 am
That picture is going in my inspiration folder. ;)
Thanks Silver!
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 21, 2008, 04:14:09 pm
Hiro, I really don't know. I think it would be cute to see naija with a tail. *shrug* Maybe silverflagon just has a thing against protruding appendages on a female character. ;P *LOL*

Perhaps I have lol ;D
Ok but someone else can design that one I think :D 

Also it looks like I might have lots of time to work on some ideas next week, I will be on a canal boat for 4 or 5 days and no computer etc so I had better make sure that my mp3 player is fully charged before I go :o

I can see quite a few (protruding appendages) in your avatar ...  ;)
Oh yes my avatar lol It's rather a sad tale really, no pun intended. I am part of a big group of artists who chat and show our art online and one of them lost a sister who had invented an imaginary sea people who were half human and half squid or octopus.
Well we were asked by her sister to paint our own versions as a tribute to her and that was my painting, I can see a few faults now and perhaps one day I will correct them?  :-[
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 21, 2008, 04:14:57 pm
That picture is going in my inspiration folder. ;)
Thanks Silver!
I'm pleased that you like the imspiration source DM :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on September 22, 2008, 11:17:50 am
Wow nice. I never realised that the picture had such a background to it. :)
It looks good. I think you did well.  :-*
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 22, 2008, 06:18:22 pm
Wow nice. I never realised that the picture had such a background to it. :)
It looks good. I think you did well.  :-*
Thank you Hiro :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on September 28, 2008, 11:35:56 pm
So today I finally got a chance to hop back online and stumbled upon the main page for bit-blot which I had not visited for awhile. I usually just hop on to the forums directly, but this time I thought since I hadn't been on for a couple days that I would check it out. Damn was I floored to see my mod up on the main page along with quit a bit of motivating dialog. Of course it's not complete yet, and there won't be a release of it until I have a complete version. With enough feedback I may even keep up on updates. Anyways, thanks to all for their support!
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on September 29, 2008, 12:35:16 am
Lol! That things been up for quite a while mate.  :P

Yeah, its awesome. (That aquarium thing was neat too).

Notice: I'm officially on holiday for two weeks from today. :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on September 29, 2008, 08:02:17 pm
Lol! That things been up for quite a while mate.  :P

Yeah, its awesome. (That aquarium thing was neat too).

Notice: I'm officially on holiday for two weeks from today. :D
I've just been to the main page and I can't see it and I would like to see what's been said about it? :(
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on October 01, 2008, 01:34:36 am
Hmm? If you go to the main page and scroll down a bit (one post) it should be there.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on October 01, 2008, 09:41:11 pm
Hmm? If you go to the main page and scroll down a bit (one post) it should be there.
I've never seen that page before, is it another site Hiro? Thank you for the link by the way :-*
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on October 02, 2008, 11:20:31 am
Thats...thats a link to a blog post on the main site..
How do you get to these forums if not through there?
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on October 02, 2008, 08:23:09 pm
Thats...thats a link to a blog post on the main site..
How do you get to these forums if not through there?
I was just blind and didn't see a link to a blog, that's all Hiro  ::)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on October 03, 2008, 02:55:25 am
xD ok. No prob.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: G String on October 07, 2008, 03:36:59 am
show time~
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: silverflagon on October 07, 2008, 11:22:21 pm
show time~
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: TinaFishOfDoom on December 22, 2008, 02:04:11 am
game too awesome :o :o :o *faints* Also i was thinking about like a land miniboss battle and you get a monkey pet or like a birdy ;)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: inkblob on December 22, 2008, 05:01:17 am
game too awesome :o :o :o *faints* Also i was thinking about like a land miniboss battle and you get a monkey pet or like a birdy ;)

that sounds cool, I was always hoping for more air time. see what I did there...   seriously tho, pet monkey, can't go wrong
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on December 22, 2008, 05:37:58 am
Just a note that this project isn't dead. Still working on it. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: ChimeraThing on December 22, 2008, 07:51:50 am
I am going do explode with anticipation if a dont see a demo soon!
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: elZorro on December 31, 2008, 07:19:27 pm
Looks great, congrats on the front page article
I love the new suit ideas
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on December 31, 2008, 10:17:55 pm
Thanks,... been pretty busy over the holidays though and it's put a hold on the project. I will get back on it here soon though.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on January 03, 2009, 01:48:04 pm
I know what you mean about holidays. >.<;
But I'm back now. Might look into the modding thing again. Its been like a week since I've touched a computer...gone a bit cold and rusty. xD
Good luck on your own projects too. I know I for one don't often finish things I start, but recently I did finish a big picture project of mine so thats a good sign. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on January 03, 2009, 05:50:22 pm
I still say we should help each other out with modding. :) Good to see ya back, I hope you had a great time!
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on January 09, 2009, 06:07:51 am
Final Version of my Dragon Boss is complete. All seperate pieces complete. Head, each of the wings, each of the hands hands, tail, and body. Refer to first message of this thread,... it's at the bottom.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Chibi on January 09, 2009, 07:18:53 am
Nice, Danger Mouse! Is that the actual boss, or a drawing of it? If it's the actual boss, kudos for doing a very good blending job and departing from the traditional 2D side view, and if not, amazing pixel art anyway.  :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on January 09, 2009, 07:44:02 am
That's the actual boss.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: TheBear on January 09, 2009, 10:14:40 pm
Wow, that dragon looks awesome. Really impressive stuff. Interested to see how that looks in game and animating. If my project is done before yours I'll be sure to give a hand anyway I can (writing, programming, mapping). It seems like the other coders floating around the forums are doing the type of coding you need as opposed to what I'm doing. Hopefully they'll have some time to lend you a hand.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Edwards on January 10, 2009, 12:07:16 am
Final Version of my Dragon Boss is complete. All seperate pieces complete. Head, each of the wings, each of the hands hands, tail, and body. Refer to first message of this thread,... it's at the bottom.
...Wow.  On the one hand, that looks really, really awesome.  On the other hand, I don't particularly want to meet it in-game- it looks angry. :o

Feel free to contact me if you need any help with scripting-related stuff.

- Edwards
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on January 10, 2009, 02:34:49 am
Holy cow.  :o
That thing looks bloody awesome.... please don't kill me.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on January 10, 2009, 03:01:48 am
Well look at that... :) The three people that I would love to get help from in any way shape or form. Currently, any scripting would help... as well as any inputs what-so-ever. I'd love to make this a colaberated mod. Consider the First thread just the ideas that I would like to aim towards... but I've let myself be heard on the other aspects that you guys have already worked on that I would love to incorporate into the mod. I suppose I could package it all together and release a beta in kind of a svn form so that it can be updated by you guys as well and that way we can all keep track on the latest updates via a version number. What do you guys think? I'm specifically talking to you three: TheBear, Edwards, and Hiro... but anyone else wanting to contribute work should definitely let me know what you can help with. I have some nice easter egg ideas, some of which graphic sprites area ready to go. I'm sure you guys already know where I need help as I've already left messages in other threads that you guys have participated in discussion with. I'm also open to ideas and suggestions. Like I said I'd rather this be a colaberated piece of work. Completed already: are the Intro new game, continue, exit screen, a lot of the beginning level design, but still have things that I've wanted to add.... ie, schools of fish, interactive creatures. Nothing is complete as far as scripting goes... but a lot of the graphics I already have created for the scripted ideas. I definitely need help with creating the intro story scene and get the plot stuff going. If you guys are interested in helping then I'll explain more to you guys in detail what I was thinking about the direction for the mod. Of course, suggestion are always welcome, and we could all work on it together to decide what we like for the mod and not. Let me know what you guys think. Silverglagon, if you ever come up with some concept art for some of the forms I had mention... I definitely could use the inspiration. I'd like to get Ubik on board for music, I have already made my own stuff, but it is nowhere near as good in quality as the Emerge Mix that he created and posted in the Fan-Art thread.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Chibi on January 10, 2009, 03:43:48 am
Sounds like it will be epic.  :D This is getting better and better.  :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on January 10, 2009, 10:43:04 am
Um DM, just btw, that Emerge song was by Ubik, Radio Ratio only quoted Ubik's post to say that it was good. xD
I should have a more useful reply tomorrow xD bit tired now.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on January 10, 2009, 07:17:32 pm
Um DM, just btw, that Emerge song was by Ubik, Radio Ratio only quoted Ubik's post to say that it was good. xD
I should have a more useful reply tomorrow xD bit tired now.

That's what I had originally, thought and had posted, then modified the post later to the incorrect information. I changed it back. Thanks. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on January 12, 2009, 04:15:45 am

Well, as for helping modding I for one should really get on to the studying I should have been doing all holidays. I've been putting it off way too much but school starts up in only a few weeks and theres an external CISCO exam I have to sit before then or things'll get messy. Its gonna be a really tough exam since its a real industry certification that not many get. As such I shouldn't be commiting myself to other things for a while.
After that, theres my drivers licence test and then school so we'll see. xD Although I still don't think I have much to input other than processing map designs.  ::)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on January 12, 2009, 09:09:01 am
Meh, Yeah, we can get CISCO certifications here, so I know what you are going through. Good Luck! :)
Level Design when and dynamics would be fine. I'm sure quite a bit of help with some of the ideas are going to need someone with more experience in lua; which is definitely nice to see people here becoming more experienced with.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Ubik on January 13, 2009, 07:08:36 am
I'd like to get Ubik on board for music, I have already made my own stuff, but it is nowhere near as good in quality as the Emerge Mix that he created and posted in the Fan-Art thread.

My ears are burning! ;) Since we've been discussing the use of "Emerge" in Lost Treasures, I figured I'd take a look for the mod in the forums. If you need other music, I'd be happy to contribute - but I tend not to be that prolific these days, so I'd have to get an idea of your time expectations before promising more soundtrack material. I'll do what I can, though! :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on January 13, 2009, 04:33:45 pm
Awesome, we can discuss more through pm's or email, that way as not to give out too much information before any releases. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: TinaFishOfDoom on January 20, 2009, 12:32:09 pm
cant wait to see what it turns out like! pretty awesome so far and also will u be havin sum pets? P.S could the pets evolve into bigger creatures the more they kill  :D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on January 24, 2009, 07:06:57 am
yes, and yes. There will be a large involvement in the game with a pet that does just that, and also plays a role in the plot and story development. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Chibi on January 24, 2009, 09:13:58 am
Great - can't wait until I can get my fins on the mod.  :) Sounds better and better with every update ...
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on January 24, 2009, 09:40:58 am
Great - can't wait until I can get my talons on the mod.  :)  Sounds better and better with every update ...
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: twilightinspiration on February 01, 2009, 01:50:05 am
Great - can't wait until I can get my paws on the mod.  :)  Sounds better and better with every update...
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Chibi on February 01, 2009, 03:01:50 am
What the hell ... -_-  :D

[EDIT]: I know it's a joke.  :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Alphasoldier on February 01, 2009, 08:17:54 am
They bees mocking you, better ignore it. ^^

But yes, I too can't wait to get my hands/fins/talons/paws/hooves/claws on this mod. ^^
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on February 01, 2009, 10:09:01 am
But yes, I too can't wait to get my hands/fins/talons/paws/hooves/claws on this mod. ^^

Sheesh, talk about multi-talented.  :o  ::)  :P
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: twilightinspiration on February 01, 2009, 05:17:58 pm
 :P It had to keep going, I'm sorry.

They bees mocking you, better ignore it. ^^

But yes, I too can't wait to get my hands/fins/talons/paws/hooves/claws on this mod. ^^

So how many arms do you have...?
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Alphasoldier on February 01, 2009, 06:02:18 pm
That's for me to know and for you to find out.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Xiagan on February 01, 2009, 07:19:59 pm
That's for me to know and for you to find out.

Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: twilightinspiration on February 02, 2009, 04:42:59 am
( Indeed.

(If you don't mind me using your smiley. :P)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Alphasoldier on February 02, 2009, 12:19:02 pm
Excuse me, but when did people start acting like they care things went offtopic?

Either way, yes, I'm done.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Xiagan on February 02, 2009, 05:11:11 pm
( Indeed.

(If you don't mind me using your smiley. :P)

It's not mine, it's Derek's, so I guess it is okay. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Zoko on February 14, 2009, 07:38:28 am
Wow, this looks great! I really hope you end up finishing this, since there aren't any actual mods out there right now. (I don't really count the tutorials and/or energy form battle as true mods. More of an add-on than a mod)

But yes, I too can't wait to get my hands/fins/talons/paws/hooves/claws on this mod. ^^

You forgot tentacles.  ;)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: delve on February 14, 2009, 03:04:36 pm
Ack! Don't start that again. ;)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: TinaFishOfDoom on February 25, 2009, 07:39:01 am
But yes, I too can't wait to get my hands/fins/talons/paws/hooves/claws on this mod. ^^

you forgot flippers  ;D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Zoko on February 25, 2009, 08:07:22 am
Sounds like this thread is turning into a topic about what appendages you could place on a mod of a computer game.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Chibi on February 25, 2009, 08:39:38 am
... and I started it all! Muahaha!  ;)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Zoko on February 27, 2009, 04:24:33 pm
... and I started it all! Muahaha!  ;)

... by having no part in it whatsoever!  ;D

EDIT: Disregard the above line of text. I really have to stop going on forums during java class.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Chibi on February 28, 2009, 12:14:06 am
Great - can't wait until I can get my fins on the mod.  :) Sounds better and better with every update ...

You, sir, have been royally schooled.  ;)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Zeke on February 28, 2009, 12:46:44 am
I think this is the tone you were going for, Chibi:

Although, I've noticed a tendency of people to post in popular threads well after the subject at hand has already been exhausted, perhaps in the hopes of spurring new discourse, or to maintain the hierarchical position of the thread until the author returns with new material.

I have yet to decide whether this is a bad thing or not.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Chibi on February 28, 2009, 03:47:41 am
That's not quite what I meant ...  :o  :). By "has already been exhausted" do you mean grave digging?
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Zoko on February 28, 2009, 06:12:58 am
You, sir, have been royally schooled.  ;)

That I have.  :P

Although, I've noticed a tendency of people to post in popular threads well after the subject at hand has already been exhausted, perhaps in the hopes of spurring new discourse, or to maintain the hierarchical position of the thread until the author returns with new material.

I have yet to decide whether this is a bad thing or not.

Hopefully if the topic is updated frequently enough the author will have a bit more initiative for completing thier work.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Zeke on February 28, 2009, 06:13:23 am
Not grave-diggin, Chibi.  I mean that a lot of the last page or two have been people talking about how people are talking about how much they really want the mod to be done and try it out.  This is great and all, but we could do other things.  Speculation!

For instance, someone else mentioned in Aquaria - Sacrifice that they really liked the look of the mechanic in place for interacting with the transport turtles, since it is basically turning them from the teleporters in the Silph Co building from Pokemon Red into the wonderful duck-summoning flute of A Link to the Past.  Is this mechanic fully developed?  Is it possible to apply this section of the overall mod to Aquaria proper, so one needn't cycle through Open Waters every time on the way to Home Waters?  If so, could it be released small-ly and separately with this purpose in mind????  Inquiring minds want to know!

Something like that, except relevant to this mod.  And, I don't think it's a matter of "Oh well we need to keep the thread going while they work or they'll never finish," per se.  More of a "You beat Aquaria again, huh?  Yeah, me too.  Yyyyup.  Sure is a good game.  Doin' some speed trials, that kinda thing.  Mm hmm.   Just kinda.... waitin'... for really cool mods that look awesome and that excellent people have put a whole lot of effort into but just haven't quite finished.  Innnnndeedy"

Either that, or I'm feeling tired and snarky. : D
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Zoko on February 28, 2009, 06:24:18 am
Speculation is always good. But sooner or later that gets old too. I for one, would opt to wait for confirmations from the authors than to speculate about inconclusive details. But that's just my opinion. I would most likely join in on any speculative discussions as fast as I would to any non-speculative discussions just because they're there. Get someone to get the boat going and everyone will jump in.

Not grave-diggin, Chibi.  I mean that a lot of the last page or two have been people talking about how people are talking about how much they really want the mod to be done and try it out.  This is great and all, but we could do other things.  Speculation!

...And now you're talking about people talking about how people are talking about how much they want the mod.

...And now I"m talking about how you're talking about people talking about how people are talking about how much they want the mod.

And so on and so forth.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on February 28, 2009, 06:58:07 am

I'm not sure what to say to all this stuff in my thread, *shrug* lol Glad you are all anxious to see this mod. But alas it's not going to be released soon. Sufice to say, moving a family of 4 to Kauai here in 2½ months with my wife being pregnant is taking a lot of time. Not all of it though, but a lot of my time is trying to familiarize myself with lua, as that is the toughest part of this project for me. Graphically speaking I still have a few bosses to complete, then their animations to complete and then their scripted actions to complete as well. It's definitely a very large project, and leads me to be even more amazed at the time and work the Alec and Derek put into the game.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Zoko on February 28, 2009, 07:34:09 pm
Well, I can see how that would take up a lot of your time. It's just that some people will give up on their mod when they see the thread way down below all the recent ones. I guess they think that no one cares about it anymore so they stop working on it. And doing a big project like this takes a lot of dedication. Not everyone can do it. The reason that people are excited about your mod is because no one else has made anything like this yet. (There is that mod TheBear is working on... working on) I hope you can finish this mod before all the big time-consuming events start kicking in, because you never know how long they're going to last.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Chibi on February 28, 2009, 09:39:00 pm
@ Zeke - I see what you mean - I suppose the best thing to do now would be to let the thread die quietly and let Danger Mouse revive it when he complete the mod.  :)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Zeke on February 28, 2009, 10:28:35 pm
@ Zeke - I see what you mean - I suppose the best thing to do now would be to let the thread die quietly and let Danger Mouse revive it when he complete the mod.  :)
What?  No no no.  If there's anything I'm good at, it's beating a dead horse with my +3 Stick of Hypocrisy.   :D

It's not that I think the idle discussion is a bad thing; it just gets my hopes up every time I see new posts in the thread, only to have them dashed upon the jaggedy rocks of I-Should-Probably-Do-Something-Other-Than-Check-The-Forums-Obsessively.

In summary, I love you all.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Alphasoldier on March 01, 2009, 12:35:37 am
Pssst, not to be a jackass, but I think he's drunk. =o

I also dun know if I should be offended by that speed trial comment by Zeke. >.>

Either way, if the mod is going so slow, why not ask help? If you want that, DM.
I already told multiple times on several topics that, when I can, I'd love to help.
But then again, you'd need time too to say what one could do to help you.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on May 07, 2009, 12:43:16 am
Project on temporary hold, while I get ready for a move to Kauai, HI. Thanks for your patience. Sorry for the let down on this message, but i'll get back to this project once I move.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Chibi on May 29, 2009, 03:07:27 am
No worries, DM. Like I said before, we're not pining that much for the mod.  ^-^
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on May 29, 2009, 06:32:07 am
Haha. Well we're (I'm) certainly looking forward to it a whole bunch though. :D
But good luck for your move too. Hope it goes reeeeeal smoothly for ya. ;) Makes life a whole lot easier when things go to plan.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: sadron on July 09, 2009, 06:45:16 am
The spirit of good design shall see this mod to remain known. The screens looked great. There's no reason for us to give up hope.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on July 06, 2010, 11:10:58 am
Thanks for keeping the spirits up, I haven't be able to work on this mod for quite some time, nor make posts... as I can see this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days. I'm not trolling, but I'm just saying the project is still alive and progress will come. However I have currently decided to work my way back into things, and by that I mean I am first going to help with the release of Magic of Aquaria mod.

So, I've come back.. looked around and started seeing some amazing things. First of all, I have to say thank you to Alec for releasing the source code so that people could continue on his wonderful work, not discrediting Derek Yu of his awesome artwork.. as it will forever live on as the eye popping graphic style that is an amazing part of Aquaria. Second, I'm amazed to see some awesome projects... the editor has definitely need some MAJOR attention, and I'll be keeping an eye on that project with fingers crossed that something spectacular is released. Third, the discovery that a PSP version is in the works! Saweet Gebus! I can only hope that it will work on the original Phat PSP that has even more limiting memory capabilities, if only I could rip one open and insert a 16GB mini-micro sd card for the system memory and just have it work. Looking forward to the possibility of taking modding on the road, or at least be able to play mods along with the original Aquaria. Fourth, the progress that has been made on Magic Of Aquaria,.. a walking on land Naija, and flying Naija?! Cool! Certainly opens up a whole avenue of exploration and puzzle creation ideas, not to mention creatures and bosses. :)

Anywho, I'll be seeing you folks around that are still interested in my work. I've already started back up on the "grill" as far as artwork goes,... just need to get back into the editor stuff.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Alphasoldier on July 06, 2010, 02:49:00 pm
Great to hear you're picking the mod back up Danger Moue, I'll be looking forward to it!
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Inyssius on July 06, 2010, 09:54:29 pm
Whoa! Eeet leeeeeeves! Oarsome.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Lady-Succubus on July 06, 2010, 10:19:50 pm
I never got a chance to meet you, but I guess now we can meet and be friends! Yay! ^^
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on July 07, 2010, 04:46:35 am
Yes, nice to meet you, I "guess".  :P  ;D

"Eeet leeeeeeves! Oarsome." <- I'm so confused by that,... I can see how Oarsome is like Awesome but... Eeet leeeeeves? lol
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Inyssius on July 07, 2010, 04:51:42 am
... Eeet leeeeeves? lol

It's a phonetic transcription of a ridiculous accent! Say it out loud!  :P
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on July 07, 2010, 05:17:21 am
Eat Leaves? I still don't get it. :P
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Inyssius on July 07, 2010, 10:25:49 am
Eat Leaves? I still don't get it. :P

It's a vowel shift! i > e!

... never mind. Let's just call it an expression of excited approval and liiiiiiiiive iiit at that, hm?  ^-^

Man, these forums are just booming lately! Old mods suddenly resurrected! Long-in-progress mods suddenly nearing release! New mods suddenly announced! Great big new mods suddenly released! Artists and programmers suddenly coming out of the woodwork! It's rather alarming, really--in a super rad kind of way, of course.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Lady-Succubus on July 07, 2010, 10:40:39 am
I blame the Humble Indie Bundle.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on July 09, 2010, 12:17:32 pm
New content Updated: Tons of created tiles and entities that I have not yet posted. Need to keep a lot of stuff unseen, until release. But there's plenty more nice graphic teasers on the Original Post to this Thread. ;D Enjoy!
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Hiro on July 12, 2010, 04:07:13 am
Ooo win! :D
Have you played TB's mod DB? It's pretty huge haha maybe he could help you out with some lua problems if you have any. ;)
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: prestart on July 26, 2010, 06:30:36 am
Those dragons look pretty cool! Really nice designs!
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: asdfasdf on February 27, 2013, 09:41:26 am
is this still a thing? looks awsome if yes
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Danger Mouse on June 24, 2013, 09:26:21 am
Still a thing yes,...
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: FrancesF on June 24, 2013, 03:20:19 pm
Oh, good!  I'm so glad to hear this.  This mod always looked so promising.
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: FrancesF on June 24, 2013, 03:48:30 pm
By the way, there's lots of modding activity on the irc channel right now.  Check us out!
Title: Re: Aquaria: Lost Treasures Mod
Post by: Trevenant on May 31, 2015, 04:14:24 pm
sadly dead i take it?  was there ever a partial release or something?