Thanks for keeping the spirits up, I haven't be able to work on this mod for quite some time, nor make posts... as I can see this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days. I'm not trolling, but I'm just saying the project is still alive and progress will come. However I have currently decided to work my way back into things, and by that I mean I am first going to help with the release of Magic of Aquaria mod.
So, I've come back.. looked around and started seeing some amazing things. First of all, I have to say thank you to Alec for releasing the source code so that people could continue on his wonderful work, not discrediting Derek Yu of his awesome artwork.. as it will forever live on as the eye popping graphic style that is an amazing part of Aquaria. Second, I'm amazed to see some awesome projects... the editor has definitely need some MAJOR attention, and I'll be keeping an eye on that project with fingers crossed that something spectacular is released. Third, the discovery that a PSP version is in the works! Saweet Gebus! I can only hope that it will work on the original Phat PSP that has even more limiting memory capabilities, if only I could rip one open and insert a 16GB mini-micro sd card for the system memory and just have it work. Looking forward to the possibility of taking modding on the road, or at least be able to play mods along with the original Aquaria. Fourth, the progress that has been made on Magic Of Aquaria,.. a walking on land Naija, and flying Naija?! Cool! Certainly opens up a whole avenue of exploration and puzzle creation ideas, not to mention creatures and bosses.

Anywho, I'll be seeing you folks around that are still interested in my work. I've already started back up on the "grill" as far as artwork goes,... just need to get back into the editor stuff.