There are still a lot of things to do Hiro, it takes a lot of time to put all this together in the way that I would like. In fact there are still things that I'm hoping to be fixed with in the next version so that this can be a better release. For instance the lack of the map editing feature. But still, there's a lot of things still needing to go into this project. :/ I'll get there, I'm not giving up on it. I spent all day yesterday finishing 3 other areas and putting some nice touches on them. But just so you know as far as progress goes it's a ways to go. I'd actually say that I'm only coming up on 10 % complete at this point. I don't mean to dissapoint, but I'm just letting you know this isn't something that's going to be completed really soon. And I'm not going to rush it out the door either and make something that I'm not happy with.
If there are people that want this to come out sooner and feel that they can help with things such as level design, lua scripting, music production, art work.. I'd be happy to have them help with the project.
I hope that Alec has more time to devote to the mod support as well, seems like he's been pretty busy of late, I'm sure once the mac release is complete he'll have more time to focus on the next release and what can help out with mod support.
I definitely can see how it took 2 years to make this game. It's amazing how much code is really involved in all the functions that currently exist. With this much dedication to this project I'm sure that Alec will definitely help out the community supporting his project.
But anyways, thank you for your continued interest in my project.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I am working on it as much as possible. Don't forget that I'm also currently active full duty and deployed with the US navy, so there's only so much time that I can get to work on it. Even still, I've managed to put a LOT of time into this so far. And I continually find more things to inspire me for design.
Hence, I'm definitely looking into having the a theme involving changing the water level with a certain amount of time to get to certain place and for certain accomplishments in one themed area. It's only on paper right now, but I'm going for something like Zelda had. Should be fun.