you know what guys... you convinced me!
I'll give it another try.
I guess that uninstalling it was a bit of an overreaction, too much stress lately, too much work, though that doesn't mean I have changed my mind on the things I had to complain about in the beginning.
I still think it's worth discussing about it (discussing, not accusing).
In the end, I'm dreaming of it by night... and that certainly means that the good things in it still overweight the bad ones... and probably by far...

There is one thing that made me think, in all this discussion. Actually, the fact that a lot of us had to consult this forum to get some clues on how to solve a problem, or kill a boss, created really some kind of second level of experience in the game... something I hadn't considered earlier... One one hand probably a game shouldn't rely too much on a support forum, on the other hand, the fact that this whole thing started, more or less, on a spontaneous basis, makes it very sympathetic to me.
And to end this mess, one thing has to be said. It's always easy to express one self in a stupid and wrong way and it's always easy to get misunderstood. Of course a title like "Why I like this game but de-installed it" is prone to be taken as "very negative". But believe me, I never wanted to say that Aquaria is a bad game. In fact I think, and I always thought, that it was a great game... maybe a bit difficult to understand (to understand not to play), maybe a bit difficult for me in this period of my life (but that's my problem), but still a great game. I just wanted to discuss some matters I found being an issue in the game, and apparently I wasn't the only one.