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Messages - elZorro

Pages: [1] 2
Gameplay / Re: The Eleventh Face
« on: July 19, 2010, 03:24:42 am »
It could also be the "dad" boss in the Sunken City. Look at the bulges in its forehead.

Keep in mind that Aquaria is quite nonlinear, and that you won't always be able to interact with everything as you encounter it.
Continue down the open passage, but just remember that place for when you do eventually get nature form. Use the map markers.


According to Sacrifice, Vedha is another name for Mia. That would explain why Vedha is referred to in Naija's house, as it was probably where she stayed when Naija and Mia lived together.
I think Aleph looks kind of like the Sunken City before it sank.

Modding / Re: How Install Mods
« on: October 22, 2009, 09:51:19 pm »
You're welcome

Modding / Re: How Install Mods
« on: October 20, 2009, 09:54:32 pm »
I think that you are looking in Aquaria's package contents instead of your Application Support folder
The right _mods folder is in:
/Users/YOURNAMEHERE/Library/Application Support/Aquaria/_mods
After unstuffing the mod, open the folder, and there should be another folder and a .xml file inside. Put those both directly into the above _mods folder.

Gameplay / Re: Does Li's song do anything? (spilers)
« on: September 13, 2009, 01:42:41 am »
Its normal that putting his helmet back on makes him stay in that location, so he can't be summoned with the Li song like he usually can. Try interacting with his helmet rather than his body. If that doesn't work it may be a bug.

Gameplay / Re: Game Help please?
« on: August 29, 2009, 04:36:52 am »
To get past both of those you need a power you get later in the game. It's very non-linear so you will have to re-explore places as you get new abilities.
Good luck and welcome to the forums.

Gameplay / Re: "Deeper than the Abyss"? "The source of the light"?
« on: August 28, 2009, 11:47:52 pm »
There are quite a few other areas, although you need different forms to access them.
Have you been to Mithalas City? That's a start for getting you "the source of the light."

Modding / Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« on: August 26, 2009, 11:11:29 pm »
Patch 1.03 Beta
This beta does not include any of the dialogue changes coming in 1.03. I've been working on code so that Elena is dismounted from her seahorse upon starting a dialogue tree. I was getting an odd situation where a series of numbers is being flashed to the left side of the screen when the functions are called. It's not crashing on me but I just want to make sure that the MAC version doesn't have any issues with it. The Seahorse code is only in maps where there are seahorses and dialogue trees  (rpg_Mithalas01, rpg_OpenWater01, rpg_Veil02). If someone could test this out for me it would be much appreciated.
My mac had no problems with teleporting off the seahorses, but I found that it allows you to get past the squid guarding the veil.
Also, all the treasures were in Naija's room, even though I had started a new game.

General / Re: Got lost.
« on: August 24, 2009, 02:18:46 am »
Early on in the game there are markers on the world map showing where you need to go next, but after that you just need to explore.

Modding / Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« on: August 24, 2009, 12:11:36 am »
You might just want to try again as I can't see any reason for your crash. Could have just been a fluke. The next entry or two from your debug.log should be things with the priestBrain that are from Vanilla Aquaria. The very next entry is setting another flag. There is more than one 706 flag in entityinclude.lua but there are a lot of duplicates so it must check name as well. Sorry if that's a bit over your head.  I'll keep looking and testing though. If you do try it again let me know what happens.
I've tried it ten more times, but it keeps freezing just as the last priestess explodes. I've tried it with different forms and different pets, but it doesn't seem to want to work.

Did you guys enjoy the dialogue or did you find yourselves skipping through panels?
I enjoyed the dialogue quite a lot, especially Old Fred, of course.

Modding / Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« on: August 23, 2009, 01:32:15 am »

Code: [Select]
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Entity Invalid Pointer
Entity Invalid Pointer
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
entity: priest tried to set state to: 1 when in/entering dead
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
removing target from shot
removing target from shot
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
removing target from shot
removing target from shot
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
UNLOADING TEXTURE: priest/lowerarm
UNLOADING TEXTURE: priest/upperarm
setting flag [120] to 1

Modding / Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« on: August 23, 2009, 12:30:50 am »
Baron and Align: Mac or PC? Edwards, and others if intersted, try this (unzip to scripts folder as usual) http://studentpages.scad.edu/~doconn21/aquaria/test.rar A couple changes to the Food Vendor and Walker crash. Let me know what happens.

I'm running Mac OS 10.5.8.  The Food vendor crash seems to be fixed with the 1.02 update, but I just crashed again immediately after killing the last Priestess in Mithalas Cathedral.

Modding / Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« on: August 21, 2009, 02:00:49 am »
I just got out of the energy temple. Looks great so far.
The dialog boxes are a great addition.
Only bug I've ran into is the crash after exiting the food vendor.

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« on: January 30, 2009, 10:21:03 pm »
I found a way to beat the Creator Pt. 1 instantly. all you have to do is shoot a nature form spike behind his head

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