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Author Topic: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.12  (Read 476627 times)

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Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #225 on: August 23, 2009, 12:54:13 am »
Can you give me the last 10-20 lines in your debug.log after the crash happens? (found in the aquaria root folder) This goes for anyone who finds a crash to desktop as things seem to be relatively stable now that at least 2 people have made it through the mod.

As a side note, I'm interested in knowing the average playthrough time of the mod from people who have finished Sacrifice (with or without optional content). I will consume any and all feedback but I'd particularly like to hear about the story/writing aspect. I really want to improve my story/writing craft.

Offline elZorro

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #226 on: August 23, 2009, 01:32:15 am »

Code: [Select]
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Entity Invalid Pointer
Entity Invalid Pointer
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
entity: priest tried to set state to: 1 when in/entering dead
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
removing target from shot
removing target from shot
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
priest: damage function failed
priest: damage function failed
removing target from shot
removing target from shot
Pet_Nautilus: entity died
UNLOADING TEXTURE: priest/lowerarm
UNLOADING TEXTURE: priest/upperarm
setting flag [120] to 1

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #227 on: August 23, 2009, 02:27:48 am »
You might just want to try again as I can't see any reason for your crash. Could have just been a fluke. The next entry or two from your debug.log should be things with the priestBrain that are from Vanilla Aquaria. The very next entry is setting another flag. There is more than one 706 flag in entityinclude.lua but there are a lot of duplicates so it must check name as well. Sorry if that's a bit over your head.  I'll keep looking and testing though. If you do try it again let me know what happens.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 02:29:59 am by TheBear »

Offline Edwards

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #228 on: August 23, 2009, 11:59:16 am »
As a side note, I'm interested in knowing the average playthrough time of the mod from people who have finished Sacrifice (with or without optional content). I will consume any and all feedback but I'd particularly like to hear about the story/writing aspect. I really want to improve my story/writing craft.
A few, not particularly organized notes from playing through the mod.  As is inevitable in this sort of post, ***SPOILERS FOLLOW***

Play time: 3:19 + about ten minutes for the final level, getting 15 treasures (with 6 costumes, including the Mithalan Princess costume) (all but one, I think?).  I was trying to collect everything, and I almost succeeded.

Regarding the dialog trees, you didn't really make enough of a difference in the responses to the player's decision about what to say.  I don't have any examples right off-hand, but in my second play-through, choosing the blood-thirstiest, craziest options available, the responses sometimes seemed like they were completely ignoring what I said.  Also, occasionally the normal response leads to a comment by the NPC that is clearly responding partially to a crazier option- I remember this specifically with regards to one of Old Fred's statements (about nightmares), but I'm willing to accept it in his case- he seems like the sort of character who is reading the dialogs along with the player.

On the other hand, the player end of the conversation trees provided enough choice (for me, at least) to build up a good, consistent character for Elena, while being variable across replays.  In my first play-through, Elena was a nice, polite, somewhat naïve character, getting more and more bewildered at how her world was falling apart- right up until Drask died, and she snapped and started killing EVERYTHING.  In my second, speed-runny playthrough (not yet complete- I was working on it while waiting for the Drask-Statue patch), she was a spoiled brat who got completely drunk on power as soon as she got the energy form.  Good job on that part!

I really liked the feeling of watching the entire world get destroyed.  You  kept the light-to-dark progression of the original game, even to the extent of mostly putting the map areas in the same order, but you managed to do it in a completely different fashion.  Where Naija simply discovers darker and darker secrets about Aquaria's history, Elena actually watches (and participates in) the destruction of three races, and is in the immediate aftermath of the destruction of a fourth.  It was great.

On a map-design note, I would have preferred it if there were a few more messages in Aquarian scattered throughout the map, although the existing amount was enough to show me just how much one can still read if one only knows about 5-10 glyphs of an alternate alphabet.

I like how one can permanently miss useful-but-not-critical things like the Shield Song if one doesn't explore and talk to everyone.  It's fun trying to go through, say, the Energy Temple without the ability to shield- and not take any damage (I got hit three times, mostly while going for the Big Crystal).  Nearly as much fun as going through without using the Energy Form for anything but opening doors (and yes, I'm including fighting the Blaster Boss as part of that anything).

- Edwards
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline Dolphin's Cry

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #229 on: August 23, 2009, 02:27:03 pm »

Play time: 4:30 + 15 minutes for the final level, I also took my time with the original game. ;) Pets: nautilus, blaster, and piranha. 11 treasures, 5 of them costumes.

I agree with Edwards that more variety in the responses of the NPCs would be nice.  Something that hindered my progress at the beginning was that I missed the exit to the kelp forest and kept swimming around in Mithalas and the crystal cave. I almost went insane, until I took a break from the mod. Being able to view the map could have helped, but there's not much that you can do about that.

The first time I attempted the final level, I got stuck in the first part of the nightmare. I successfully reproduced this now, so here is how I did it: Right click Drask to make the spawn holes appear. Sit on the throne. Wait until the enemies have stopped spawning. Left click to stop sitting on the throne (or wherever the enemies might have pushed you. Now your glorious killing spree will not be interrupted by something as trivial as the intended progression of the story. >:D

Edit: fixed typos.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 06:45:09 pm by Dolphin's Cry »
Can you hear the dolphin's cry?

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #230 on: August 23, 2009, 06:32:48 pm »
From here on out spoilers are going to start to flourish in most posts so just deal with it.

Thanks for the detailed responses. I particularly enjoyed how you developed Elena's character different each time. The lack of varied responses was something I noticed over the last month or so. It's partly related to trying to keep the navigation code from getting to confusing (I don't how big companies like Bioware handle this) but that's not a very good excuse. You both pointed this out right away so I'm going to make adding different responses and maybe even complete conversation direction changes the first substantial addition to Sacrifice. I'll start looking through this today. TBH I had forgotten about the Aquarian runes until I pressed the "F" key by accident recently and discovered how to put them in game. During my play tests before release I thought the extras (short conversations), books, and the Aquarian Runes did a great job of creating atmosphere (meaning I would add more). I've been thinking of adding nodes to make the runes clickable with a popup showing what is said. It could easily go either way though on whether Elena can or cannot read them.

Removing the "throne" sit nodes would solve that problem. I could certainly force you to kill every Mermanthin before continuing but I didn't think people would find that to enjoyable. On the treasure side of things I really liked the idea of Elena decorating Naija's room from a character perspective. However, after the corruption happens I'm not overly enthused about the situation as Naija is no longer there. It still provides a somewhat interesting situation where Elena is "improving" Naija's room in a wishful but hopeless sort of way. I may expand Elena's home to be able to house the treasure and have Naija living there upon your return (explore their relationship a bit more).

Did you guys enjoy the dialogue or did you find yourselves skipping through panels?
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 12:15:57 am by TheBear »

Offline elZorro

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #231 on: August 24, 2009, 12:11:36 am »
You might just want to try again as I can't see any reason for your crash. Could have just been a fluke. The next entry or two from your debug.log should be things with the priestBrain that are from Vanilla Aquaria. The very next entry is setting another flag. There is more than one 706 flag in entityinclude.lua but there are a lot of duplicates so it must check name as well. Sorry if that's a bit over your head.  I'll keep looking and testing though. If you do try it again let me know what happens.
I've tried it ten more times, but it keeps freezing just as the last priestess explodes. I've tried it with different forms and different pets, but it doesn't seem to want to work.

Did you guys enjoy the dialogue or did you find yourselves skipping through panels?
I enjoyed the dialogue quite a lot, especially Old Fred, of course.

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #232 on: August 24, 2009, 02:17:07 am »
Send me your save file and maybe to Edwards as well if he's willing to look at it. We can see if either of us crash. My email is available via my profile if you want to email it as an attachment. I'm going to send you a pm shortly that will contain a script that will flag the encounter as being done so you can hopefully move forward.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 02:19:44 am by TheBear »

Offline Dolphin's Cry

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #233 on: August 24, 2009, 11:45:05 pm »
I liked the dialogue and didn't skip any part when I encountered it for the first time. If the dialogues are too long or too boring, I am generally more likely to stop playing a game than to skip dialogues.
Can you hear the dolphin's cry?

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #234 on: August 25, 2009, 05:37:24 am »
I just realized that a debug node snuck into Sacrifice_v1.02 all ninja like. Usually I do a good job of cleaning these up after testing things but I guess it was bound to happen eventually. The node will appear as a next icon in the Mithalas Cathedral and if clicked will jump the main story line from the first to second act. Don't click it and you will be fine. A new file with the removal of said node is waiting approval on ModDB but the FTP is up as usual.

Patch 1.03 will be coming out just before or during the coming weekend. This patch will largely be a dialogue update. I've added 25 or so panels to provide appropriate responses to all player input. The majority of these panels are very short exchanges that improve the flow of conversation (more logical and natural). The dialogue trees shouldn't be any longer than they are now. Also, a new conversation with Naija will be available upon your return to Mithalas at the start of Act 3.

Offline prestart

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #235 on: August 26, 2009, 06:43:43 am »
What a great piece of work! I've got say...A MASTERPIECE! :)
e-mail to me ??    rawcliff@sina.com

Offline Vinikm

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #236 on: August 26, 2009, 02:33:44 pm »
Hey there. I have a doubt about the mod.
First of all, i'd like to congratulate the creator for the beautiful mod. Hope to see more mods as good as this in the future. (By the way, the mod convinced me to buy the game once and for all, since i only played the game on my friend's computer and LOVED it)

Ok, so...on to the question...
Might contain a few spoilers.

I went through the "point of no return" and started to wander until the part where there's a pearl at the top of the map. I took the pearl to the statue and shot energy to open the stone gates. It didn't open and I don't know what else to do...
Is that a bug?

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #237 on: August 26, 2009, 03:17:25 pm »
What a great piece of work! I've got say...A MASTERPIECE! :)
Thanks! I'm really happy you liked it so much!
I went through the "point of no return" and started to wander until the part where there's a pearl at the top of the map. I took the pearl to the statue and shot energy to open the stone gates. It didn't open and I don't know what else to do...
Is that a bug?
Yes, it is a bug. It was fixed in the most recent patch. http://studentpages.scad.edu/~doconn21/aquaria/Sacrifice_v1.02.rar

Patch 1.03 Beta
This beta does not include any of the dialogue changes coming in 1.03. I've been working on code so that Elena is dismounted from her seahorse upon starting a dialogue tree. I was getting an odd situation where a series of numbers is being flashed to the left side of the screen when the functions are called. It's not crashing on me but I just want to make sure that the MAC version doesn't have any issues with it. The Seahorse code is only in maps where there are seahorses and dialogue trees  (rpg_Mithalas01, rpg_OpenWater01, rpg_Veil02). If someone could test this out for me it would be much appreciated.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2009, 05:00:51 pm by TheBear »

Offline Edwards

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #238 on: August 26, 2009, 09:05:11 pm »
Patch 1.03 Beta
This beta does not include any of the dialogue changes coming in 1.03. I've been working on code so that Elena is dismounted from her seahorse upon starting a dialogue tree. I was getting an odd situation where a series of numbers is being flashed to the left side of the screen when the functions are called. It's not crashing on me but I just want to make sure that the MAC version doesn't have any issues with it. The Seahorse code is only in maps where there are seahorses and dialogue trees  (rpg_Mithalas01, rpg_OpenWater01, rpg_Veil02). If someone could test this out for me it would be much appreciated.
A quick check of talking to people in Mithalas, both with and without being mounted, shows that Naija properly teleports off of the seahorse when she talks to people.  There is no sign of any numbers flashing on screen.  I had an incident where the screen stopped updating after I talked to one of the people in Mithalas, but I can't replicate it, and it may have been because I was using a game that had progressed beyond that map.

Also, when you fixed to current preventing the player from leaving Elena's room, did you intend for it to no longer vanish once the player is allowed to leave (and for that matter, how did you make it vanish in the first place)?

- Edwards
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline elZorro

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #239 on: August 26, 2009, 11:11:29 pm »
Patch 1.03 Beta
This beta does not include any of the dialogue changes coming in 1.03. I've been working on code so that Elena is dismounted from her seahorse upon starting a dialogue tree. I was getting an odd situation where a series of numbers is being flashed to the left side of the screen when the functions are called. It's not crashing on me but I just want to make sure that the MAC version doesn't have any issues with it. The Seahorse code is only in maps where there are seahorses and dialogue trees  (rpg_Mithalas01, rpg_OpenWater01, rpg_Veil02). If someone could test this out for me it would be much appreciated.
My mac had no problems with teleporting off the seahorses, but I found that it allows you to get past the squid guarding the veil.
Also, all the treasures were in Naija's room, even though I had started a new game.