Edwards, download and extract this into the Scripts folder: http://studentpages.scad.edu/~doconn21/aquaria/FoodVendor.rar It's just going to make a ton of calls to the debugLog so we can hopefully see exactly where the Food Vendor is crashing. I didn't do the best job commenting my code and although the dialogue code actually isn't all that complicated it might be a little difficult to figure what's going on right away as there's a ton of it (just a lot of repeated code for every panel).
The script apparently has a syntax error in it, as I can't click on the vendor after replacing the scripts.
[EDIT] Found the error: it was a missing quotation mark in one of the debug statements. Here's the debug.log:
setting flag [131] to 1
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/vendorm_menu_tab2
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [vendorm_menu_tab2] ref: 1 idx: 794
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab2 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab2 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/button_tab1-down
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [button_tab1-down] ref: 1 idx: 795
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-down : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/button_tab2-up
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [button_tab2-up] ref: 1 idx: 796
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-up : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/numbers/vendornum_0
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [numbers/vendornum_0] ref: 1 idx: 797
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
set control hint: (There are two tabs of purchaseable items. Obtain more small crystals from crates, urns and song flowers., 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/crawlvirus/head
***Could not find texture: /Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/crawlvirus/head
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [crawlvirus/head] ref: 1 idx: 798
pos [-1], file :gfx/crawlvirus/head
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [crawlvirus/head] ref: 1 idx: 798
setting flag [130] to 1
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-down : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-down : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-up : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-up : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
setting flag [123] to 1
setting flag [133] to 2
setting flag [123] to 0
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/vendorm_menu_tab1
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [vendorm_menu_tab1] ref: 1 idx: 799
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab1 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/button_tab1-up
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [button_tab1-up] ref: 1 idx: 800
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-up : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/button_tab2-down
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [button_tab2-down] ref: 1 idx: 801
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-down : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab1 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab1 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-up : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-up : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-down : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-down : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
UNLOADING TEXTURE: button_tab1-down
UNLOADING TEXTURE: button_tab2-up
UNLOADING TEXTURE: vendorm_menu_tab2
setting flag [123] to 1
setting flag [133] to 1
setting flag [123] to 0
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/vendorm_menu_tab2
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [vendorm_menu_tab2] ref: 1 idx: 799
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab2 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/button_tab1-down
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [button_tab1-down] ref: 1 idx: 800
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-down : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/button_tab2-up
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [button_tab2-up] ref: 1 idx: 801
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-up : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab2 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab2 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-down : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-down : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-up : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-up : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
UNLOADING TEXTURE: button_tab1-up
UNLOADING TEXTURE: button_tab2-down
setting flag [123] to 1
setting flag [133] to 2
setting flag [123] to 0
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab1 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/button_tab1-up
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [button_tab1-up] ref: 1 idx: 800
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-up : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/button_tab2-down
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [button_tab2-down] ref: 1 idx: 801
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-down : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab1 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendorm_menu_tab1 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-up : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab1-up : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-down : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendor_button_tab2-down : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: vendornum_0 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
UNLOADING TEXTURE: button_tab1-down
UNLOADING TEXTURE: button_tab2-up
UNLOADING TEXTURE: vendorm_menu_tab2
FOOD VENDOR: vendorM_food_exit button clicked
setting flag [132] to 1
FOOD VENDOR: vendorM_food start exit
FOOD VENDOR: vendorWrapup() called
FOOD VENDOR: item buttons being deactivated
FOOD VENDOR: deleting currency and total nums
FOOD VENDOR: deleting visuals
Oh, and the "no exit" current by the Transport Turtle in Elena's home is too weak, and allows a determined player to get out prior to talking to Drask.
Hmm, nice find. First thing to be fixed in the very first patch.
Hey, I always test currents to see if I can manage a sequence break. I'd figured that might have been intentional, until the current vanished after I was allowed to leave the palace. (Although, now that I've tested it a bit more, it's a bit more obvious that it's an error. It's impossible to get back into the palace via the front door, due to the "you must speak to Drask" node- you can't even use the people standing nearby to teleport past, as they're out of view.)
This might not be a bug, I'm not sure that you can setup descriptive names for save files in mods yet...
I don't think it is... at least I don't know how to.
Look into what you have for file names, metadata, etc. for the map in which you start- it's listed as "Mithalas Cathedral" in the save screen, with spaces and no "RPG_" tag. The same goes for at least one of the maps of the Kelp Forest.
[EDIT] Although, having grepped the mod's files for any mention of "Mithalas", I can't say that I can see any way that the game could know the name of the map, even if it's just basing it off of the tileset or something odd like that.
I crashed after talking to the Walker, just after he speaks of Drask and his father
Did you crash when Exiting the Food Vendor? Because another LUA table is being set to nil(deleted) to kill the Krotites that were spawned for that panel. If it crashes again there tell me the first couple words of that panel so I can be sure that is the cause. I thought "Large Crystal" at the beginning would make things clear but I can do like "Large Crystal Currency = 2 | Total Large Crystals Collected = 2"
I'm getting the same crash, although it isn't quite at the point where the Krotites vanish from the screen. Here's the sequence of panels that led to the crash for me, twice so far. Starting
after the Krotites fade out:
[Click on: "Drask never told me about this"]
[long panel of text from the Walker]
[click next]
[shorter panel of text ending with: "...This was the first of many times Drask sought council from me."]
[Click "next", game immediately crashes to desktop.]
Here's the end of debug.log, starting in the middle of the conversation (the forum won't let me post a longer section):
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_3e1] ref: 1 idx: 718
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_3e1 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
setting flag [208] to 1
setting flag [203] to 0
setting flag [76] to 4
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/erulian/body
***Could not find texture: /Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/erulian/body
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [erulian/body] ref: 1 idx: 719
pos [-1], file :gfx/erulian/body
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [erulian/body] ref: 1 idx: 719
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/erulian/leg
***Could not find texture: /Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/erulian/leg
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [erulian/leg] ref: 1 idx: 720
pos [-1], file :gfx/erulian/leg
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [erulian/leg] ref: 1 idx: 720
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/erulian/arm
***Could not find texture: /Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/erulian/arm
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [erulian/arm] ref: 1 idx: 721
pos [-1], file :gfx/erulian/arm
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [erulian/arm] ref: 1 idx: 721
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/erulian/head
***Could not find texture: /Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/erulian/head
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [erulian/head] ref: 1 idx: 722
pos [-1], file :gfx/erulian/head
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [erulian/head] ref: 1 idx: 722
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/erulian/ear
***Could not find texture: /Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/erulian/ear
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [erulian/ear] ref: 1 idx: 723
pos [-1], file :gfx/erulian/ear
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [erulian/ear] ref: 1 idx: 723
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/rock0001
***Could not find texture: /Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/rock0001
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [rock0001] ref: 1 idx: 724
pos [-1], file :gfx/rock0001
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [rock0001] ref: 1 idx: 724
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_3e1 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_3e1 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
UNLOADING TEXTURE: panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_3
setting flag [208] to 0
setting flag [212] to 1
setting flag [351] to 0
setting flag [313] to 1
setting flag [203] to 1
setting flag [212] to 0
setting flag [76] to 5
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_4
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_4] ref: 1 idx: 724
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_4 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
setting flag [205] to 1
setting flag [206] to 1
setting flag [203] to 0
setting flag [76] to 6
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_4 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_4 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
UNLOADING TEXTURE: panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_3e1
setting flag [205] to 0
setting flag [206] to 0
setting flag [207] to 0
setting flag [210] to 1
setting flag [313] to 0
setting flag [317] to 1
setting flag [203] to 1
setting flag [209] to 0
setting flag [210] to 0
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_5
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_5] ref: 1 idx: 702
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_5 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
setting flag [208] to 1
setting flag [203] to 0
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_5 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_5 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
UNLOADING TEXTURE: panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_4
setting flag [208] to 0
setting flag [212] to 1
setting flag [317] to 0
setting flag [381] to 1
setting flag [203] to 1
setting flag [212] to 0
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_5e1
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_5e1] ref: 1 idx: 702
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_5e1 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
setting flag [208] to 1
setting flag [203] to 0
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_5e1 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_5e1 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
UNLOADING TEXTURE: panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_5
setting flag [208] to 0
setting flag [212] to 1
setting flag [381] to 0
setting flag [321] to 1
setting flag [203] to 1
setting flag [212] to 0
setting flag [76] to 5
pos [-1], file :/Users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_6
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [panels/walker/panelwalker_v2_6] ref: 1 idx: 702
luaScriptError: panelwalker_v2_6 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
setting flag [205] to 1
setting flag [207] to 1
setting flag [203] to 0
setting flag [76] to 6
Maybe the Mac version is out of date with the PC version... I'm not sure what version Ambrosia is at right now.
Or maybe their version of LUA is different? 
I'm not sure about the version of LUA (and I'm not sure how to check that), but the latest Mac version of Aquaria is 1.1.0, as of when I downloaded a fresh copy for testing a few days ago, so it's one point-release behind the Windows version.
- Edwards