I felt like the child ghost and the creator were two different incarnations of the same spirit... with the child ghost being the spirit of his childhood and humanity and the creator being what that person became. I feel like the ghost child likes Naija and wants to help her while the creator is incredibly possessive and wants her to love him - it's like two halves of the same person, one who can love others and one who can only love his- or her- self. I just did the Sunken City and a chunk of the Body (freed Li) so the image of the ghost child is really fresh in my memory. Perhaps Li is in a bubble because the ghost is protecting it from the rest of the Body, although unable to do more than that?
I was wondering why the mother and father ghosts became monsters in the Sunken City.... some kind of reflection of the creator's anger at them for leaving him? Anger at the dead is supposed to be one of the reactions of people in mourning. The whole Sunken City ending also kinda reflects what happens in the bigger scheme of things.
Also, why the Erulian, Krotite Warrior, Prince of Mithalas, and Nature Spirit at the end as the spirits Naija must find to free Li? Are these the ones whom she shares the most attributes? Maybe these are the creator's favorites... although they didn't live up to Mia/Naija. Who's Naija's father? He's a Mithalan, right? The Prince even. So that would explain him. The Fish Form didn't have a god, it seemed to be an actual gift from the verse itself, and the Spirit Form was a reward for killing spirits in Mithalas Cathedral... Dual Form doesn't have a god either, so that just leaves the Sun Form in terms of other peoples that could have been used for the spirits. Of course, the choice of these spirits could also reflect the relative power of them. I love the Erulians.... Dual Form reminds me of them a lot in some ways. Were they the first civilization?
Sorry for all the rambling, those are just my thoughts on a few of the posts I read here.... hope they aren't repeats. Happy playing

Edit: I just re-read the entire thread, and I see some of this post is repetitive, but I"ll leave it. Other thoughts: I like the idea of the Mithalan princess marrying Naija and Li's son. I've got a soft spot for the Mithalans, although I think Mithala the god is my favorite even above them. And I agree about Mia running around and hiding while trying to raise Naija... I still wonder about the father of Naija or if Mia just asexualy reproduced. Some plants and animals do that, so maybe that's part of Mia's abilities... and maybe even Naija's. Also, someone mentioned the blue crystals and Naija's memories in them - there's only one problem with that. If Naija is there in the crystal herself, wouldn't using the blue crystal free her spirit like it did with the others? Which would negate the boy/man at the end having to go save Naija.... So, perhaps Naija saved her memories in the red crystals, but when she was taken by Mia, they turned blue? Or maybe the blue crystals contain her memories, because whenever she used the Spirit form, they saved her memories at the time and the red crystals are not important to the retrieval of her memories by her son. Like the blue crystals would be copies of her spirit itself? Seeing as how the other times Naija interacts with a blue crystal (besides Spirit Form that is) there are spirits held in the crystal, that could be a possibility. I dunno, it'd be interesting to see. Also, in the sequel, there's always the possibility that Naija is dead... and that it was her body/spirit in the crystal. If Naija didn't do as Mia wanted, Mia could have destroyed her just as the creator destroyed his creations. I certainly hope that's not the case, but it is possible. Naija's son could be going to get revenge.... or he could be a part of Mia's plan as well - she could have taken Naija, "modified" her, and then freed her to do her bidding all unknowing... again. And this modification could have been part of why she had her son. Or, she could have escaped Mia and then had the son, and been recaptured. It's been long enough since I beat Aquaria that I don't remember if she had the son before Mia caught her in the end or not.... so if she had the son first, then most of what I just said is not possible... XD.
Anyway, happy playing