Alpha, it sounds as if you are looking for Pandora-type floating islands or rocks sort of thing. Actually, Yogoda already made a map with clouds and floating rocks where Naija can fly; the only glitch is that she has a tendency to do a tuck-and-roll unexpectedly, and she can smack her head into a rock right now... maybe we need something more like floating mountains. Also talked about putting some kind of dragons in there, maybe have Naija fly on a dragon (both of us want to have a banshee to fly, in spite of what the neighbors would say, and I wonder if we all have flying dreams because we have some racial memory of remembering that we once knew how to fly, as in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. I wanted to do a dragon boss before I heard that DangerMouse was doing one. This would be with the dragon in the air and Naija on the ground. We haven't drawn it yet, though. We want Naija to climb up the trees and especially the higher trees in the Secret Garden (Pandora type) map, to find a little creature like a pet only a small fairy-like entity of light, like the sacred seeds in Avatar only a little person. I would love to have flying dragon-type, banshee-type creatures in there, different enough to not get sued by James Cameron. Our game will not be as spiritual as Avatar in some ways, and there will be plenty of action. We don't want to do a platform game like Super Mario Brothers though. Done to death. We have more ideas than time to work on them....can't promise anything right now; need to finish what we have first. If Yogoda would just quit his software engineer job and move here we would have the time, but for some reason (duh) he wants to stay in Geneva and make a great salary and look for a job making indie games. I hope we finish this mod before he finds one!