I'm not sure if we can layer the sounds; we need to perhaps choose. We like the sounds with crickets and a few birds best, and there is an owl in one in the distance. Does anyone know how to loop the sounds? And/or layer the sounds? We have Audacity. We are just too lazy to hunt for the answers in this moment. I wanted to do a flying squirrel, but don't know if they make noises other than a faint "whoosh". And lemurs in the Secret Garden with the monkey script, and an exotic bird with the parrot script... and after our trip to the San Juans to see the orcas yesterday, we will add an orca or two in with the whale in the Sunset map; apparently orcas range widely, even into Mexico and other areas with palm trees... and of course we are talking about another planet anyway... a Harry Potter type snowy owl would be great in the forest...