There are some fun currents in the Sunset map, and a mini-Abyss area we will pack with monsters. And the urchin cave is pretty packed with monsters...and the snake cave. Lots of tricksy evil spiders...
The problem with making more monsters is scripting the fights, and since our bosses are a bit more complex, I think, than most of the Aquaria bosses they are a pain in the butt to script, Yogoda tells me... we are just too perfectionistic and picky, I guess, which is why this mod may take us another six months to finish... sometimes I just can't believe that Alec and Derek made all of Aquaria in two years, just the two of them (plus the third guy for a little while), and here we are doing just a little mod and it takes us soooooo long to make stuff and script stuff. Especially since we are doing so many of our own graphics. The learning curve seems more like a corkscrew than a curve sometimes.....

Here are the new tree trunks Yogoda worked on (hey, Alpha, no white edges!!!) and Sindhi made new greenery for four kinds of trees and did a tree with stretching tiles to make branches, so the forest maps will look better all around.This is in the middle of the first forest map.