Ok guys, it's hint time. I'm missing one treasure, but I don't want to be told right out where it is. Just sort of... the general area in which it will be found. It's the one between the seed bag and the Mithala doll.
Also, is there any way to kill the following:
-Predatory Turnicates (glowy blue translucent thingies in the Abyss that eat you).
-Those stupid spiky things in the Kelp Forest that sit there and follow you around when you sing different notes.
-The big fish-eel things in the Kelp Forest that lunge out of caves and eat you and spit you out, and usually have dark caverns behind them (containing healing leeches, black pearl, et cetera).
And is there anything to the ruined shipwreck area in the Kelp Forest near a maul on one side and behind some Fish Form passages on the other? There's a bunch of Li insignia boxes lying around, but I can't remember if anything important happened there.