Forget Briar Jumping, just build your own rockets, Aquaria Style.

In order to build your own Aquaria Rocket (TM) you will need:
- A rock.
- Nature Form.
- The Bind Song.
- A good ledge to launch from.
- Fairly good knowledge of the shortcut keys.
First, find your rock and drop in on the ground close to where you want to launch from. I used the spot right above the Li's Cave in Veil. Switch to nature form (4)and put a briar on the rock in the direction in which you wish your rocket to travel. Next is the trick bit (and why you need shortcut keys) switch back to normal form (1) and bind the rock (0), then back to nature form (4) before the briar you just planted stabs you to death. Since the distance your rocket can travel is limited by the lifespan of the briar you must quickly move to the surface of the water and jump in a matter than will make Najia cling to the briar (not the rock). The higher and further from the rock itself you can place her, the faster your rocket will travel.
One last point, you can place as many Briars as you want on the rock trying to get your aim right, only the one you cling on to will set the trajectory at which the rocket fires, it should also give you and idea of how long you have until the time expires on your rocket as each on dissipates mid flight. As of yet I can't find a way to latch another Brair in mid flight and keep everything in the air forever since you can't do it on an object that is bound. It's pretty tricky to set if you aren't underwater, let alone flying through the sky and a silly speed.
Yes, I know it's a physics bug (bind doesn't account for the Briar when calculating the force with which it pulls towards you, and thus gets stuck always moving toward you but never reaching), but it's a great deal of fun messing with. I spent about 20 minutes aiming one of these things to try and jump the rock between East and West veil. When I succeeded bad things happened i.e. I fell down the side of the map and couldn't get back again. I don't have a screeny of the map but I do have a picture of my deliciously phallic rocket . I love the way the bind effect looks kind of like and rocket flame trailing behind it.