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Offline Zeke

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**kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« on: December 30, 2008, 11:53:39 am »
Some questions for all your esteemed selves:

1.  Are there only the three locations where rukh eggs can be found; the one highest on the far right of the veil, one just below that one on a different ledge, and one in the bubble cave on the right?

2.  How on earth do you get to that second one? I can get to the far right top one no problem, I can get the bubble cave one with soup and so on, but the means to reach that last bird without flying are not clear to me.  It seems like the angle of attack is all wrong for soup-jumping it, on top of it being too far away.

3.  Can you get otters in the ice veil to give you what they're holding? I've tried singing to them, binding them, and shooting them but they won't give it up.

4.  Does plain ice cream do anything other than make her go "Mmm!"?  I know it's an ingredient in the dumbo something-or-other ice cream, but I mean aside from that.

5.  Getting Naija's final memory (in location ???, about the crib) seemed pretty anticlimactic.  Is there more to it that I missed, or does it just change later facets of the game without it being obvious that it does so?

6.  When Naija has found all of the verse egg health upgrade thingies, is the minimap completely encircled by her health, or is there a small gap?  I don't need to know how many there are or if there's just one left or where they are, only whether I need to look more or not.

I can rephrase these tomorrow if they're not clear, I'm kinda tired...
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 11:57:18 am by Zeke »

Offline Fenizrael

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008, 02:57:10 pm »
1. I guess so - I was only aware of two
2. No idea
3. I think they're just a fun animal. Also aren't they bears? :)
4. It's just a precursor to another food.
5. Get all the memories and get a fancy reward when you finish the game.
6. Completely encircled yes.

Offline RobertWalker

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2008, 04:49:28 pm »
3. Yes. Swim up to an otter and boost just before you collide with it. Do this twice and the otter will drop what it's holding. For obvious reasons, this doesn't work in Beast Form.

Offline silverflagon

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2008, 06:10:35 pm »
Hi Zeke :D
Quote from: Zeke
Some questions for all your esteemed selves:

1.  Are there only the three locations where rukh eggs can be found; the one highest on the far right of the veil, one just below that one on a different ledge, and one in the bubble cave on the right?

2.  How on earth do you get to that second one? I can get to the far right top one no problem, I can get the bubble cave one with soup and so on, but the means to reach that last bird without flying are not clear to me.  It seems like the angle of attack is all wrong for soup-jumping it, on top of it being too far away.

As far as I know no one has ever reached those two bird so they might just be background but please don't quote me on that?

3.  Can you get otters in the ice veil to give you what they're holding? I've tried singing to them, binding them, and shooting them but they won't give it up.
Robert's already answered this one and he's right, Don't use beast form unless you have already collected the item and I don't know if eating one of them increases your health because I haven't tried it yet?

4.  Does plain ice cream do anything other than make her go "Mmm!"?  I know it's an ingredient in the dumbo something-or-other ice cream, but I mean aside from that.[/quote] Nope nothing just like many of the basic foods they are just ingredients.

5.  Getting Naija's final memory (in location ???, about the crib) seemed pretty anticlimactic.  Is there more to it that I missed, or does it just change later facets of the game without it being obvious that it does so?

Let's just say that if you don't get all of them you will soon want to try finishing the game with all of them ;D

6.  When Naija has found all of the verse egg health upgrade thingies, is the minimap completely encircled by her health, or is there a small gap?  I don't need to know how many there are or if there's just one left or where they are, only whether I need to look more or not.

I can rephrase these tomorrow if they're not clear, I'm kinda tired...
No it's phrased quite clearly and yes the ring will be fully charged without a gap when she has all her health :)

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2008, 07:00:27 pm »
where did you find out about the 2nd ledge egg? I've managed to briar rocket to different areas of the map but never to that ledge, it's often bothered me. plus the waterfall just below it dosn't quite get you there...  Is there a video or a save game floating out there of the game *without* all the memories? I realized yesterday that I havn't seen that ending!  I *just* got my last memory in the session I'm playing now, so I could in theory dial that back and leave getting the memory for very last, but... I'd have to do the gauntlet and final boss twice and that's not so appetizing  :o
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Offline Zeke

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2008, 04:08:18 am »
When you're on your way up to the higher of the two birds, you can see the lower one sitting in its nest on the other side of the left wall of the chimney.

Thank you all for your help and tips (especially about the otters)!  I'll bump this if I find a way to get to that tricksy rukh, or if there's other stuff I think of to ask about. 

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2008, 04:15:13 am »
Do you mean to say that there's another bird above the other up the chimney? I plead ignorance.  :) I'll probably spend an hour trying to reach it (probably unsuccessfully).  ::)

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Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2008, 04:20:34 am »
I didn't realize there were two there either, I'll have to go back and check it out when I'm at home. Currently at work on duty; have to be here for 24 hours. :/

Offline Zeke

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2008, 05:53:52 am »
Do you mean to say that there's another bird above the other up the chimney? I plead ignorance.  :) I'll probably spend an hour trying to reach it (probably unsuccessfully).  ::)

I would say rather, there's another bird below the top one in the chimney. Just to be thorough:

In the far right section of The Veil, opposite the entrance to the Sun Temple, is the darkened, current-ridden entrance to the chimney.  The chimney has three levels: 

The lowest level has a verse-note plant, and a waterfall spilling over the left edge down into the water; sometimes you can sort of flip yourself up over this edge from within the waterfall, but it's tricky and not worth it to do. 

The middle level has a rukh bird on it, and I can't get to it.  There's no entrance to this middle level from the chimney, but the edge is shorter than either the top or bottom edges, meaning you could conceivably jump to it from the lowest level, but not at all from the top level without rappelling or something.  On the way up to the top level of the chimney, the walls widen a bit, and clinging to the left wall at this widening is where the bird can be seen. 

On the topmost level is a second rukh, this being the easiest one to get to and farm eggs from. 

I'll try briar-jumping, which hadn't occurred to me, and report back.

Offline Fenizrael

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2008, 06:38:13 am »
Zeke tells the truth. I found them today in my exploring. I said to myself "oho, a tiny grey area of the map in what looks like a small nook!" and yes, it seems almost quite impossible to jump to there from any angle - whether it be above, below or from the left. Doesn't look like there's a hidden tunnel on the way up the chimney either.

Offline Zeke

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2008, 07:04:58 am »
If you save up a scream in dual form and jump up there as pink (since you can't spin while clinging to change forms), when it zooms out to do it you can see that there are actually two rukhs there.  You can also see that a parrot flies right into the nook from way over to the left near the Sun Temple exit.  However, you cannot cling to parrots.  You can't bind parrots and get pulled along by them.  You can't like, springboard off of parrots so far as I can tell.  It's definitely too far to soup-jump from the left, as was mentioned.

Briar-boosting (planting one of those spiky phallic things directly below yourself, which then launches you away from the point of planting) doesn't work for getting there from below, as there aren't any flat places to do it; they all face outward.  If you could jump at acute angles in plant form off of briar rods, instead of only normal to their surface, it could be done by putting a rod sticking down and to the left from the middle ledge, and putting another rod perpendicular to it lower down on the lower ledge, and jumping up on those.  But for some reason nature form got the short straw for jumping capability.

As an aside, I completely forgot the fourth, highest level that caps off the chimney and ends on the right at the edge of the sky.  I can get tantalizingly close to getting on there by briar-boosting off of the one flat part of the highest chimney level, between the two nests.  Anyone had any luck getting up there?

(Is the ruined submarine at the entrance to this part of the veil anything more than scenery?)

It looks like there's a fish form passage just above the bottom level in the chimney, on the upper left corner of that T intersection for the bottom level.  But that wouldn't make any (useful) sense, so it probably isn't.

Update:  You can briar-boost from the top (third) level of the chimney to the left side of the Sun Temple exit; it follows that you should be able to do the same in the other direction, and thus reach the middle (second) chimney level.  Applying this theory has proved difficult.  More results to follow.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 08:35:18 am by Zeke »

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2008, 07:32:19 am »
Very thorough post Zeke - thanks for the guidance! I'll refer to your post when I'm done struggling in vain for a few hours.  ::)  :D

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Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2008, 04:45:02 pm »
You should record your attempts and put them up on youtube. :) I'd like to see it accomplished with that briar jump you mentioned if it's possible. :)

Offline silverflagon

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2008, 11:44:58 pm »
I spent agaes trying to briar jump up to those two birds and then did the jump across to the temple, but so far I have found it impossible to do the return jump because the temple is a bit lower than the ledges :(

I got to the nest above the turtle caves by very carefully angling my jump after the usual soup but I can't be bothered trying it again, I just wanted to try it just that once :)

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Offline Chibi

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Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2009, 04:36:21 am »
You should record your attempts and put them up on youtube. :) I'd like to see it accomplished with that briar jump you mentioned if it's possible. :)

I'll post a Youtube video if I'm successful, but that in turn will depend on whether or not I can do it twice (making the jump then wondering how on earth I managed to do it.)  :)

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