Along with the patch I'd also like to use this post to recruit anyone interested in testing the content patch. This would involve playing through the new content at a couple of milestones and then critiquing content, reporting bugs, etc. It is worth noting that the new content should be much more difficult, in terms of combat, than what is currently in Sacrifice. If you're interested reply to this thread, drop me a private message, or send me an email.
As promised, here is a small patch that should address a lot of issues brought to light from feedback. I haven't made Sacrifice all that much harder but hopefully the enemy density is a little more satisfactory for the average player.
- patch v1.05 also includes fixes from v1.04
- files will now be in ZIP format
PATCH NOTES FOR SACRIFICE V1.051 - JANUARY 04, 2010 extract to aquaria/_mods/
- enemy density increased in hostile areas
- Crawlvirus now has a 40% chance to drop a small crystal
- Transit Turtle Menu: clicking the destination for an undiscovered turtle will now give appropriate feedback
- Corrupted Cathedral: worm hole transit graphic replaced by a vortex effect
- Mithalas Nightmare: A save crystal has been added with a vortex allowing transit to and from the Abyss.
- The Kelp Forest: after undertaking Energy Temple quest The Walker will no longer block Elena from leaving (vines or transit turtle)
- 2 hints have been added in case the player misses an important plot point
- Rajah_v3 now flagged by Drask_v3 instead of Walker_v3 (possible bug if player skipped Walker's last conversation)
- Merman/Merwoman no longer move if hit by a bound rock
- Mithalas Nightmare: EnergyDoor and OrbHolder can no longer be destroyed by AbyssOctopus laser beam passing over them.