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Author Topic: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.12  (Read 476671 times)

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Offline Edwards

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #195 on: August 21, 2009, 02:57:44 am »
Baron and Align: Mac or PC? Edwards, and others if intersted, try this (unzip to scripts folder as usual) http://studentpages.scad.edu/~doconn21/aquaria/test.rar A couple changes to the Food Vendor and Walker crash. Let me know what happens.
I don't have enough time right now to test the Walker crash, but the Food Vendor no longer crashes when I close the dialog.  Thanks!

- Edwards
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Offline Halo364

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #196 on: August 21, 2009, 03:18:24 am »
WoahI'mBack!!! And this looks incredible. Can't wait to play it!
To ensure you hit the target, shoot first, then call whatever you hit 'the target'.

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #197 on: August 21, 2009, 03:53:49 am »
I've decided to go ahead and patch Sacrifice.

Sacrifice v1.01 (24.56mb)
-- extract to aquaria/_mods

Sacrifice v1.0 to v1.01 Patch(16kb)
-- extract to aquaria/_mods

Current in Elena's home is now faster to prevent the player from entering Mithalas earlier than intended
Food Vendor no longer crashes game on exit
Walker will no longer crash after returning from the EnergyTemple (needs verification)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 05:00:55 pm by TheBear »

Offline Halo364

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #198 on: August 21, 2009, 04:28:57 am »
Cool. by the way, is it intentional that I can't view the world map by double clicking on the minimap (I have been playing about 20 minutes)?
To ensure you hit the target, shoot first, then call whatever you hit 'the target'.

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #199 on: August 21, 2009, 04:41:15 am »
Cool. by the way, is it intentional that I can't view the world map by double clicking on the minimap (I have been playing about 20 minutes)?
At the moment it isn't possible to create or view a minimap in a mod.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #200 on: August 21, 2009, 04:59:05 am »
Just wanted to offer a gigantic congrats, TheBear.  I'm really excited to finally get to play through this in the final form, and I really think you've done something special.  I hope I managed to add a little something to it as well... it was great to have the chance to work on it with you, and maybe even continue to work on it with you if you add more stuff.   ;)

Will spread the word around about the release.  I know several folks who will be glad to know it's finally out!

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Offline puetzk

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #201 on: August 21, 2009, 06:30:46 am »
I've decided to go ahead and patch Sacrifice. The new ModDB file has to go through an approval process so if it is not available please download from my FTP.


Current in Elena's home is now faster to prevent the player from entering Mithalas earlier than intended
Food Vendor no longer crashes game on exit
Walker will no longer crash after returning from the EnergyTemple (needs verification)

If these are the same as what you had in http://studentpages.scad.edu/~doconn21/aquaria/test.rar, I've played as far as the Veil on Mac 1.1.0, and neither the food vendor nor first two walker visits caused any trouble.

Offline Hiro

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #202 on: August 21, 2009, 06:46:05 am »
I'm going to play the heck out of this this weekend.  :-* :-* :-* :-*
My site is: http://www.therathole.co.nr/
Where I put pictures and blog posts and stuff..

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #203 on: August 21, 2009, 06:55:45 am »
If these are the same as what you had in http://studentpages.scad.edu/~doconn21/aquaria/test.rar, I've played as far as the Veil on Mac 1.1.0, and neither the food vendor nor first two walker visits caused any trouble.
That's what I like to hear! I've removed the two RARs I posted for Edwards but the same changes are in the patch. I hope you enjoy it Hiro as I really appreciate your constant support since the very beginning.

Offline Edwards

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #204 on: August 21, 2009, 09:55:58 am »
Walker will no longer crash after returning from the EnergyTemple (needs verification)
I'll add a second confirmation that no more Walker conversations crash.


First off, Old Fred is awesome.

Second, is it just me, or are all the creatures in the Mithalas Cathedral section really, really, really weak?  It only takes a couple of hits to take out a merman, and the laser-eye things die practically before they finish revealing their weak points.  Am I mis-remembering the original game, or did you change the power/hitpoint balance?

Third, a bug.  During Drask's battle with the priestesses, about a second after he first stabs one of them, the game interface locked up.  The music kept playing, but nothing changed on-screen.  Eventually I managed to hit a key (enter) that snapped me back to Elena, but I'm not sure if it was the enter key or the amount of time since the lock-up, or both.  Furthermore, after my own battle with said priestesses, I noticed that Drask showed up only as a single white pixel that wanted to say something, and when I tried to talk to him, the interface locked up again.  I eventually got the dialog box to show up, but at that point I gave up and quit the game.

I suspect that partway into the battle, you change his sprite and/or entity to something you made yourself, and for some reason it doesn't work.  This messes up the game engine when it tries to call animations for that entity.

(NOTE: It will be difficult for me to test any fixes you make to the cut-scene, as I idiotically overwrote my previous save file afterwards.  However, I should be able to test changes to conversation with Drask afterwards.)

- Edwards
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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #205 on: August 21, 2009, 04:58:30 pm »
I could write Old Fred dialogue all day. Bah! I was having a lot of problems near release trying to get the Rotcores to drop a Large Crystal once both were killed (hopefully they did). There are 2 copies of the entity in the scripts folder and I updated the health for the wrong one. Currently their health is at 5 and it should be at like 30. I haven't messed with the health of anything besides bosses or the Rotcores. I'll take a look at the Vanilla Cathedral maps and check out the enemy density. All of the Drask problems are being caused because it doesn't know the new entity I'm creating, or so it would seem. The entity is Drask-Statue and it was a new entity included in the most recent patch. Go to aquaria/gfx/drask/ and see if there are drask-statue graphics there. I can add the entity on the mod side to fix that problem but I figured everyone would have it.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 09:06:00 pm by TheBear »

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #206 on: August 21, 2009, 05:04:25 pm »
Good to hear you've finally released it, TheBear! Congrtats!  :D
Sorry again for not being able to help you - I still can't run Aquaria in anything faster than Super SloMo. My hopes were that it'd work with VirtualBox and WinXP, but it did not and I wasn't able to find out why it stopped working with Wine.

I wonder if my gf is pissed if I install Aquaria on her computer to try this mod? :3
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Offline Edwards

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #207 on: August 21, 2009, 09:56:11 pm »
Bah! I was having a lot of problems near release trying to get the Rotcores to drop a Large Crystal once both were killed (hopefully they did).
Yes, that part worked correctly.  As another minor note on the difficulty, it seemed like the second wave of the Crystal Cave Defense challenge was disconcertingly weaker than the other three, but that might just be me.

All of the Drask problems are being caused because it doesn't know the new entity I'm creating, or so it would seem. The entity is Drask-Statue and it was a new entity included in the most recent patch. Go to aquaria/gfx/drask/ and see if there are drask-statue graphics there. I can add the entity on the mod side to fix that problem but I figured everyone would have it.
That entity does not seem to exist in the current Mac version of Aquaria.  The gfx/Drask folder only contains images for the normal Prince Drask- there's nothing in there with "drask-statue" in the name.

- Edwards
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Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #208 on: August 21, 2009, 10:46:50 pm »
v1.02 Beta for Edwards
Fixed Rotcore health and Drask issue in Cathedral. Does the MAC version have Li's sub? (li-sub is located in aquaria/gfx/)
As another minor note on the difficulty, it seemed like the second wave of the Crystal Cave Defense challenge was disconcertingly weaker than the other three, but that might just be me.
Ok, I'll take a look at that. I might also adjust the code so that the event can be repeated but will not give any rewards... or maybe just 1 Small Crystal for repeats.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 10:48:37 pm by TheBear »

Offline Edwards

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #209 on: August 21, 2009, 11:53:43 pm »
v1.02 Beta for Edwards
Fixed Rotcore health and Drask issue in Cathedral. Does the MAC version have Li's sub? (li-sub is located in aquaria/gfx/)
That archive does not contain the drask-statue animation file, and Aquaria now just crashes outright when I try to load my saved game.  Regarding the sub, the Mac version has the files li-sub-back.png, li-sub-front.png, and li-sub-flipper.png.

- Edwards
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1