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Author Topic: Aquaria: Sacrifice v1.12  (Read 476640 times)

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Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #210 on: August 21, 2009, 11:59:17 pm »
Hmm, alright. There is no drask-statue animation file; it's simply a reskin of the drasktrident animation file. I just realized I needed to include the skin xml file as well. Try it again. Hopefully Aquaria looks in the mods skins folder. If not, I included 2 drask-statue files in the root directory which does the entity just as an animation file. Move the .lua into scripts and the .xml into animations. /fingers crossed

v1.02 Beta for Edwards
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 12:30:11 am by TheBear »

Offline Edwards

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #211 on: August 22, 2009, 01:12:42 am »
Hmm, alright. There is no drask-statue animation file; it's simply a reskin of the drasktrident animation file. I just realized I needed to include the skin xml file as well. Try it again. Hopefully Aquaria looks in the mods skins folder. If not, I included 2 drask-statue files in the root directory which does the entity just as an animation file. Move the .lua into scripts and the .xml into animations. /fingers crossed
On the plus side, the game did load properly, I didn't need to use the two files from the root directory, and I managed to finish the conversation without any more semi-crashes.  On the minus side: Warning: Spoiler Image.

On an unrelated note, while doing a quick run-through to get a savefile just before the Cathedral, I ran into another potential sequence-break: It is possible to reach the Open Waters with nothing more than the Seahorse costume and the nearby seahorse.  I have not yet explored far enough to know if this is a problem, though, as it looks like you need four large crystals to get anywhere ([EDIT] Or not...  I'm still exploring this area right now. ([EDIT2] Ah.  I'd missed the passage by that modified rock-chucker last time.  The jury is still out on whether this is actually a serious issue.  ([EDIT3] The jury is now in: it's not a serious issue, as you can't progress further (at least, not effectively) until you've gone through the cathedral.))).

And on the subject of things being too easy, I swear that the King Jellyfish was an actual battle last time.  Are you certain you didn't slip one of the Energy Form power-boosts in somewhere?

- Edwards
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 01:40:49 am by Edwards »
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #212 on: August 22, 2009, 01:38:20 am »
I'm about to look at the drask code and Ill edit this once I figure it out. I nerfed the KingJelly fight as I was never able to beat in Aquaria. To be honest I nerfed it to much looking at the code. I'll do some more testing to try to reach a better middleground. Getting to Open Waters early isn't really a big problem as progression past that map is blocked by the main storyline. I could make the map accessible right away but I didn't want the amount of content initially available to be overwhelming.

[edit] This is the one time I wish I had a MAC to fix this as everything looks fine on my end. My best guest atm is that drasktrident.xml was updated with a new animation when the new entity was added which you don't have. Drask uses "sit" and Drask-statue uses "sitstill." You can check drasktrident.xml to see if it's there and/or overwrite with the two files I gave you. Also, load this level: "vanilla_mithalas02" and let me know if both entities are bugged.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 02:07:47 am by TheBear »

Offline Edwards

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #213 on: August 22, 2009, 02:33:40 am »
I'm about to look at the drask code and Ill edit this once I figure it out. I nerfed the KingJelly fight as I was never able to beat in Aquaria. To be honest I nerfed it to much looking at the code. I'll do some more testing to try to reach a better middleground.
I agree that the original version is way out of line with the difficulty level of this mod, but you did over-do the correction- this is an optional boss, after all, and it's pretty obvious what's coming as soon as you enter the room, if you've run into the boss in the original game, so it's possible to run.

Getting to Open Waters early isn't really a big problem as progression past that map is blocked by the main storyline. I could make the map accessible right away but I didn't want the amount of content initially available to be overwhelming.
Yeah, now that I've played through to (nearly) the end of the mod, that's obvious.  There are at least two blocking points that require that you have gone through the rest of the story.

[edit] This is the one time I wish I had a Mac [capitalization fixed] to fix this as everything looks fine on my end. My best guest atm is that drasktrident.xml was updated with a new animation when the new entity was added which you don't have. Drask uses "sit" and Drask-statue uses "sitstill." You can check drasktrident.xml to see if it's there and/or overwrite with the two files I gave you. Also, load this level: "vanilla_mithalas02" and let me know if both entities are bugged.
Good call.  Drasktrident does not contain a sitstill animation.  The conversation, at least, works properly with no visual issues with those two extra files added to the mod's folder.  I haven't yet reached the right point in my second play-through to check the battle itself.

Meanwhile, a handful of new bugs, and one typo.  As usual, ***SPOILERS BELOW***
1) In the discussion in the second vision, one of the panels (sorry, I don't know which number) has an extraneous "the": "...swung me on his back with the his jaw.".
2) For some reason, I can't purchase the Four Small Crystals at the vendor crystal.  I have all six Large Crystals, and I've purchased everything else with no problems, but the FOur Small Crystals aren't even showing up as clickable.
3) This one is game-stopping, and really, really obnoxious: In the final confrontation, the game crashes to the desktop right after Mithala is banished.  Here's the debug.log:
Code: [Select]
UNLOADING TEXTURE: panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_6
setting flag [208] to 0
setting flag [212] to 1
setting flag [325] to 0
setting flag [329] to 1
setting flag [203] to 1
setting flag [212] to 0
luaScriptError: rpg_elena : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
pos [-1], file :/users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_8
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_8] ref: 1 idx: 734
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_8 : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
setting flag [205] to 1
setting flag [206] to 1
setting flag [203] to 0
luaScriptError: rpg_elena : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_8 : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_8 : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
UNLOADING TEXTURE: panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_7
rpg_elena : attempt to call a nil value animationKey
setting flag [205] to 0
setting flag [206] to 0
setting flag [207] to 0
setting flag [209] to 1
setting flag [329] to 0
setting flag [334] to 1
setting flag [203] to 1
setting flag [209] to 0
pos [-1], file :/users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_9a
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_9a] ref: 1 idx: 734
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_9a : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
setting flag [208] to 1
setting flag [203] to 0
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_9a : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_9a : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
UNLOADING TEXTURE: panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_8
setting flag [208] to 0
setting flag [212] to 1
setting flag [334] to 0
setting flag [337] to 1
setting flag [203] to 1
setting flag [212] to 0
luaScriptError: rpg_mithalangod : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
pos [-1], file :/users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_10a
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_10a] ref: 1 idx: 734
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_10a : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
setting flag [208] to 1
setting flag [203] to 0
luaScriptError: rpg_mithalangod : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_10a : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_10a : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
UNLOADING TEXTURE: panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_9a
rpg_mithalangod : attempt to call a nil value animationKey
setting flag [208] to 0
setting flag [212] to 1
setting flag [337] to 0
setting flag [385] to 1
setting flag [203] to 1
setting flag [212] to 0
pos [-1], file :/users/ed/library/application support/aquaria/_mods/rpg_prequelcampaign/graphics/panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_11a
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_11a] ref: 1 idx: 734
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_11a : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
setting flag [208] to 1
setting flag [203] to 0
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_11a : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panelfinalconfrontation_11a : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
UNLOADING TEXTURE: panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_10a
setting flag [208] to 0
setting flag [212] to 1
setting flag [59] to 1
setting flag [201] to 1
setting flag [385] to 0
setting flag [212] to 0
setting flag [209] to 0
setting flag [210] to 0
setting flag [211] to 0
setting flag [212] to 0
setting flag [205] to 0
setting flag [206] to 0
setting flag [207] to 0
setting flag [208] to 0
setting flag [301] to 0
setting flag [305] to 0
setting flag [309] to 0
setting flag [313] to 0
setting flag [317] to 0
setting flag [321] to 0
setting flag [325] to 0
setting flag [329] to 0
setting flag [334] to 0
setting flag [335] to 0
setting flag [338] to 0
setting flag [339] to 0
setting flag [385] to 0
setting flag [386] to 0
setting flag [367] to 0
setting flag [368] to 0
setting flag [343] to 0
setting flag [344] to 0
setting flag [345] to 0
setting flag [396] to 0
setting flag [216] to 0
setting flag [204] to 0
setting flag [201] to 0
setting flag [59] to 2
setting flag [216] to 1
setting flag [204] to 1
luaScriptError: panel_bg : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panel_next : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panel_exit : postInit : attempt to call a nil value
setting flag [367] to 1
setting flag [203] to 1
UNLOADING TEXTURE: panels/events/finalconfrontation/panelfinalconfrontation_11a
luaScriptError: panel_bg : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panel_bg : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panel_next : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panel_next : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panel_exit : exitState : attempt to call a nil value
luaScriptError: panel_exit : enterState : attempt to call a nil value
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 02:47:02 am by Edwards »
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #214 on: August 22, 2009, 03:08:08 am »
Alright so the reoccuring problem here is entity_delete() being called on something it can't delete on the MAC side but only in certain situations. I'm not entirely sure what the conditions are as there are plenty of times I'm deleting an entity that is nil.

Patch v1.02 Beta
Contains fixes for all 3 bugs...hopefully.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 03:20:29 am by TheBear »

Offline Edwards

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #215 on: August 22, 2009, 05:00:37 am »
Patch v1.02 Beta
Contains fixes for all 3 bugs...hopefully.
The crash in the confrontation no longer occurs, and I can now purchase the set of four small crystals.  However, just to keep you on your toes, here are a couple more:

1) Another typo, and a minor bug:  In the third conversation with the Walker, if you choose not to tell the truth about Mithala's fate, Walker's response appears twice- that is, when you click "next", the same message is repeated.  Also, the last word in the panel is spelled "liar".
2) In the cathedral after the confrontation, I managed to find a key-orb-thingy and place it in the holder next to the first door, but I couldn't get it to unlock the door- it didn't do anything, regardless of how much I shot at it.

- Edwards
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 05:04:20 am by Edwards »
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #216 on: August 22, 2009, 05:32:53 am »
Patch v1.02 Beta
Updated your 2 finds. I'm going to wait until you've finally finished the mod (since you're close) to finalize the patch. Going to update the KingJelly encounter and look for some other MAC entity_delete() issues.

Offline ryos

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #217 on: August 22, 2009, 05:45:20 am »
Hooray for letting Edwards find all the Mac-specific glitches before I play.  ;D

Offline Edwards

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #218 on: August 22, 2009, 06:27:41 am »
Patch v1.02 Beta
Updated your 2 finds. I'm going to wait until you've finally finished the mod (since you're close) to finalize the patch.
The fix seems to be working, mostly.  I think that I almost finished the mod, except that my pet blaster vanished right at the end (just before I tried to talk to Mia), and attempting to turn it off crashed the game.  Also, I'm getting a weird bug where sometimes, after I go pick up the key-orb, I come back to the door only to find that the key-holder is now missing.  I'm not sure what's causing this.

[EDIT] Wow.  I really was right at the end.  Nice plot twist, there- it answered a few questions I'd had about apparent contradictions with explanations of the universe from Alec.  Anyway, I found the cause of the pet crash- when you have Mia destroy all the remaining entities, see if you can make an exception for any pet the player has out.  Also, regarding the vanilla_mithalas02 map, in the version I have, it apparently doesn't contain any statue entities (assuming you were directing me to the credits screen).

One more minor bug: The "Death is Certain" text in the final Cathedral appears in a higher layer than the enemies and the player.

Hooray for letting Edwards find all the Mac-specific glitches before I play.  ;D
Glad to be of service. ;)

- Edwards
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 07:02:11 am by Edwards »
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #219 on: August 22, 2009, 06:45:19 am »
Is drask-statue working now? There is a node near Mia that deletes every entity in the map as sort of a cleanup tool to ensure there aren't enemies swarming around when you start the last conversation. That would be the cause of both of those problems. I thought I added an SFX of Mia screaming for that but I didn't. I'll write some code that looks through a table of entities that it's supposed to delete. Just move Elena around that node in the editor if you want to finish the mod. The patch will have to wait until the morning but I really appreciate all the testing Edwards.

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #220 on: August 22, 2009, 07:01:41 am »
Is drask-statue working now?
Yes, although, as mentioned above (I think I edited my post while you were posting- see below), the map you directed me to to check on the statues contains no statues.
[EDIT] Wow.  I really was right at the end.  Nice plot twist, there- it answered a few questions I'd had about apparent contradictions with explanations of the universe from Alec.  Anyway, I found the cause of the pet crash- when you have Mia destroy all the remaining entities, see if you can make an exception for any pet the player has out.  Also, regarding the vanilla_mithalas02 map, in the version I have, it apparently doesn't contain any statue entities (assuming you were directing me to the credits screen).

The patch will have to wait until the morning but I really appreciate all the testing Edwards.
No problem.  It's a great mod, and playing through sections several times gave me the chance to see most of the dialog tree branches.  Admittedly, playing through the Mia/Creator confrontation and the first half of the final map half a dozen times got a bit old, but it was worth it.

- Edwards
You should only need one canister shell to bag your deer using your howitzer, but assemble more than one if  you have a mind to.1

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #221 on: August 22, 2009, 03:33:27 pm »
the map you directed me to to check on the statues contains no statues.
I'm not sure how that is possible as it is the same entity used in the cathedral. Both statues should also be at the beginning of the last map where you were having troubles. ETA on patch is 3 hours.

Offline Dolphin's Cry

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #222 on: August 22, 2009, 05:49:20 pm »
Woohoo, excellent mod! I just finished it, although I haven't found all the collectibles. :)

Some issues I haven't seen mentioned before:
  • The dialog panel will not be positioned correctly if you start a conversation while riding a seahorse.
  • There is a typo in a node name on map rpg_Mithalas01_C. The node is called "setent cystal_small 2" (at around 4035, 28645). I got two ugly popup windows because of that. :P
Can you hear the dolphin's cry?

Offline TheBear

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #223 on: August 22, 2009, 05:56:18 pm »
Sacrifice v1.02 Patch(550kb)
-- extract to aquaria/_mods/ and overwrite files

Sacrifice v1.021 (24.6mb)
-- extract to aquaria/_mods/

Patch Notes for Sacrifice v1.02 - August 22, 2009
- 2 important entities from Vanilla Aquaria were added that are missing from the MAC version
- Rotcore health has been increased to its intended amount
- Wave 2 is now stronger in Crystal Cave Defend Mission
- Crystal Cave Defend Mission now grants 1 Small Crystal instead of 2 but can be repeated
- 4 Small Crystals can now be bought from Collectible Vendor
- FinalConfrontation and other various Dialogue Trees updated for MAC issues
- Energy Door and an entity cleanup function now work properly in Cathedral Nightmare
- KingJelly boss encounter has been tweaked to be more difficult although not as difficult as Vanilla Aquaria
- Various typos and other minor changes
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 05:24:00 pm by TheBear »

Offline elZorro

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Re: Aquaria: Sacrifice (released)
« Reply #224 on: August 23, 2009, 12:30:50 am »
Baron and Align: Mac or PC? Edwards, and others if intersted, try this (unzip to scripts folder as usual) http://studentpages.scad.edu/~doconn21/aquaria/test.rar A couple changes to the Food Vendor and Walker crash. Let me know what happens.

I'm running Mac OS 10.5.8.  The Food vendor crash seems to be fixed with the 1.02 update, but I just crashed again immediately after killing the last Priestess in Mithalas Cathedral.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 12:32:25 am by Baron »