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Messages - Upthorn

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: How to Download the Latest Version: 1.1.1
« on: January 05, 2010, 05:12:46 pm »
Hey, I lost my Aquaria install with a defective HDD, its it possible to download it again somewhere? I still have my receipt and key code.
I'm in the same boat, and additionally never got 1.1.1. I've emailed both Alec and Plimus, but plimus is saying the same old line:

Plimus is a third party under contract with the vendor/manufacturer of this
product to process orders and collect payments only. We do not have specific
information about the product or have the authority to make decisions about
discounts, refunds or any other product related issues.

Should I try admin@bit-blot.com as well, or should I just wait for Alec to respond?

Edit: Alec got it already. Thanks Alec, that was awesome.

Gameplay / Re: Not Buying and Here's Why
« on: January 05, 2008, 02:35:00 pm »
I was in no way criticising Alec. What I was referring to was, to summarize.

Sea Cucumber: I don't like you're game, its dumb and takes too long.
Alec: Okay. Bye bye then.

See, Alec had been perfectly accepting of the fact that Sea Cucumber didn't like the game, but sea cucumber refused to see that, and continued to lecture Alec about how he would have to accept that not everyone likes this type of game, far beyond the point where Alec had already demonstrated that he does accept it.

Gameplay / Re: Kid-friendly? *SPOILERS*
« on: January 05, 2008, 02:29:08 pm »
Considering some of the things revealed in the ending sequence, 12 or 13 might be a better minimum age than 8...

Gameplay / Re: Miniboss help...? (some spoilers)
« on: January 03, 2008, 08:47:33 pm »
It fails you if you're too slow, even if you got all the notes right. This made it very frustrating for me, as singing with a joypad is inaccurate, and singing with a mouse is slow

Gameplay / Re: Not Buying and Here's Why
« on: January 02, 2008, 05:58:18 pm »
The other problem with the thread is that for some reason, the original poster did not take Alec saying "okay, bye bye" to mean that Alec was, in fact, perfectly accepting whatever sales may be lost due to not considering that particular opinion.

Gameplay / Re: Not Buying and Here's Why
« on: December 30, 2007, 04:12:56 am »
There is a valid complaint in here, which is that, even with sea turtles, it can take quite a bit of time just to get from point A to point B. I know I had some frustrating when I had to cross 3 maps just to get from the kelp forest sea turtle to the save point in my preferred seadragon hunting grounds.
I've given a lot of thought to how the quick-travel was handled in aquaria, and come to the conclusion that there are two methods I can see that might have really helped cut down on boring travel time.
A) Some sort of hub map with those warp flowers
B) A song you could sing which would bring up the world map and let you warp to any save crystal that you've got on it.

Aside from that, the original poster here is totally off base with the nature of the game, unless he would say the same of Super metroid.

General / Re: Hmm, First Negative Review?
« on: December 29, 2007, 02:08:18 am »
My favorite part was "you shoot energy out of one hand, zomg metroid ripoff"


And while you are at it, what about Megaman as well? 
Pfft. Megaman is such a kirby ripoff.

If bioshock is an underdog, why has everyone I know but me played it?

Gameplay / Re: Can't reach the top of the sun temple.
« on: December 28, 2007, 01:17:48 am »
you can also "cheat" by using nature form to plant cactus-things, which you can stick to, on the walls, so you can jump-plant-land your way to the top. This does require a bit of timing, though.

Gameplay / Re: Reversion to Normal from Beast Form...an issue
« on: December 28, 2007, 01:03:29 am »
Yeah, beast form's right click action seems to be handled differently than the others. It's also the only one that happens when right-clicking over a shiny.
When right-clicking an ancient turtle, for instance, Naija's sing menu won't come up, energy form won't shoot a spark, nature form won't plant a seed. But beast form, the only form whose shot depletes,  will fire a shot. This isn't really an issue if you use keyboard commands, because you can just hit the key you have bound to 'revert' and beast-form won't shoot. But if you're playing with mouse only it can be a  huge pain.

Gameplay / Re: Can't reach the top of the sun temple.
« on: December 27, 2007, 04:40:53 am »
Wait, where are you in the sun temple? Have you gone through the dark area, yet?

Gameplay / Re: Next time make it easier...
« on: December 27, 2007, 04:39:14 am »
Great game and all... for the most part. But maybe for a sequel or expansion... could you perhaps make parts of the game a little easier for the non precision jumping master players?
There's quite a few spots in the game (specifically all the wall jumping) that I simply can't do. I don't have the skill and reflexes for it. Which honestly, after 100 attempts to do the same damn thing over and over... gets incredibly frustrating.

I'm basically stuck in the Sun Temple right now, because I can't do all the wall and gear jumping required to get out the top of the temple.
I'm going to have to wait until the weekend, when my friend (who's great at platform games) can come over and beat it for me.

I've been loving the rest of the game. Even though I've found it extremely hard all around. I tend to go through 20-30 healing items per boss fight (at least).
Including a few deaths.

The story and setting and presentation are all amazing.
This is simply just not a game for people who aren't pros at this type of thing.
Well, using a game pad might make it easier, but also, you might want to make sure that the complex platforming bit with jumping from gear to gear is actually mandatory before you complain about being stuck because of it.

Gameplay / Re: Can't reach the top of the sun temple.
« on: December 27, 2007, 03:54:23 am »
You can wall jump when out of water.

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« on: December 26, 2007, 12:34:51 pm »
Regarding the boss names:
Main: Krotite god, Mithalas, Great Wyrm, Mother Nature, The Golem(?), The Creator
Mini: Nautilus Prime, Blaster Peg Prime(?), Octopus Prime(?), Toad King(?),  Mithalas Priests, King Crab(?), King Jelly, Robot Crab(?)
Regarding Krotite God: You can actually get the pearl with him at his initial position, just sing the song once he's fully onscreen, and take it back to the statue thing.
Regarding Mother Nature: It helps significantly to put a shield up before parroting her song note. Also, if you do mithalas first, beast form helps significantly in the bouncy urchin bit of the attack cycle.
Regarding King Jelly: a pierogi, hot soup, and veggie soup turned him from the hardest boss I'd faced till then to "gone in 60 seconds".
Regarding The Golem: You can grab a shot before the boss starts by eating the little swimming thingies by one of the rocks that's needed for the statue. This speeds things up significantly, and increases your chances of survival greatly.

Gameplay / Re: Why I like this game but de-installed it (**spoilers**)
« on: December 26, 2007, 12:17:04 pm »
I guess what I'm saying is making the game into step by step "explain everything" bullshit like every mainstream game that comes out, would drive me even further towards suicide.

i.e. Bioshock's PRESS F TO HEAL message that appears constantly. Why not just auto heal at that point? Why not just give me infinite health? Why not just make it a movie and I can just sit on my ass and watch it?

So ' what you are saying' is that it's bullshit to go through things step-by-step? Some points of interest here:
Well, I think "step-by-step bullshit" is sort of the wrong term to use for what Alec is describing. I would call it "hold-the-player's-hand-and-feed-him-gameplay-with-the-spoon-so-he-never-has-to-think-for-himself bullshit"
And yes, that is bullshit. Aquaria has a walkthrough for the very introductory area, just so that players can get used to the mode of thought and puzzle solving that it takes to get through the game. And, for what it's worth, it does nudge you in the right direction when a goal comes round. Like right at the beginning, it tells you that Naija feels a strong urge to explore -- which is your prime directive throughout the game. Don't know what to do? Explore and you'll find the answer.
And when you find something important, it lets you know what to do with it, or how to work it. Almost a return to the days when all games had in the way of telling people how to play were instruction manuals. You read the manual to see what buttons did what things, and then you played the game to figure out what things to do at what times. Aquaria is kind of like that. And while it isn't totally perfect in every way ever concieved by man in which a video game could be perfect, the way it handles telling you what to do would be the absolute bottom on my check list of things to improve.

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