I guess what I'm saying is making the game into step by step "explain everything" bullshit like every mainstream game that comes out, would drive me even further towards suicide.
i.e. Bioshock's PRESS F TO HEAL message that appears constantly. Why not just auto heal at that point? Why not just give me infinite health? Why not just make it a movie and I can just sit on my ass and watch it?
So ' what you are saying' is that it's bullshit to go through things step-by-step? Some points of interest here:
Well, I think "step-by-step bullshit" is sort of the wrong term to use for what Alec is describing. I would call it "hold-the-player's-hand-and-feed-him-gameplay-with-the-spoon-so-he-never-has-to-think-for-himself bullshit"
And yes, that is bullshit. Aquaria has a walkthrough for the very introductory area, just so that players can get used to the mode of thought and puzzle solving that it takes to get through the game. And, for what it's worth, it does nudge you in the right direction when a goal comes round. Like right at the beginning, it tells you that Naija feels a strong urge to explore -- which is your prime directive throughout the game. Don't know what to do? Explore and you'll find the answer.
And when you find something important, it lets you know what to do with it, or how to work it. Almost a return to the days when all games had in the way of telling people how to play were instruction manuals. You read the manual to see what buttons did what things, and then you played the game to figure out what things to do at what times. Aquaria is kind of like that. And while it isn't totally perfect in every way ever concieved by man in which a video game could be perfect, the way it handles telling you what to do would be the absolute bottom on my check list of things to improve.