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Messages - Rusted

Pages: [1] 2
Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 25, 2007, 07:27:19 am »
I've gone from my first phase of 7 dwarves plus the joy of new immigrants to 7 dwarves plus or minus take a few  of a narrow tunnel to funnel immigrants in -> elaborate traps at end of funnel -> death of immigrants -> the minor labor needed to clean up said mess.

And there we go :)  Still 7 dwarves, no more extra mouths to feed, and no extra work besides taking care of the 7 lovely dwarves!
I haven't yet gotten to the third phase, which I'm guessing from others is the hermit phase.

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 23, 2007, 01:50:39 pm »
I'm terrified at the very idea of starting a fortress, but I love adventurer mode. Wandering around being sneaky, throwing halberds and butterflies at people. At least, until I ran directly into a giant cave spider and got murderized.

Yeah, I remember when I first started playing the game.  I started out with Dwarf Fortress, but it confused the hell outta me, so I went to play the more fun and quick goodness of adventurer mode.  I eventually stumbled on that one long-running story of a Dwarf Fortress and Elephants and got inspired to try the Fortress mode again.

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 21, 2007, 10:22:44 pm »
you pretty much gotta fool around with the init if you want to use character sets (custom graphics), and it's always nice to tweak stuff to your liking (like max dwarf pop you want or performance)

Pretty easy to read through and change things if you haven't tried it before.

Are you new to Dwarf Fortress?

Okay, for all of that information, I think it's only right if you give me that *points at elf* in a onion ring to go.

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 21, 2007, 06:50:50 pm »
With or without the deep-fried beard?
And would you like Elf Fries with that?

Oh, I'm famishing.  I'd like everything on, including the crunchy elephant tusks!
Do the Elf come in onion rings? 

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 20, 2007, 10:38:44 pm »
And quality burgers take time, because we all know how slow lava moves :p
And pieces of obsidian stuck in the meat, deee-licious!

One dwarf burger please!

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 20, 2007, 09:49:10 pm »
They should've run then :P lava was pouring in. The hippos had decided to swim into my underground water reserve, and were chomping away at my dwarfies. I was doomed DOOMED. so I opened my 'flood gate' of sorts, and cooked the place :P

Mmmmm HippoBurgers.

Awww, DwarfPatties.

Ever think of opening a restaurant?  Maybe a chain if things get popular   ^-^

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 18, 2007, 01:26:41 pm »
Excellent! the Diggan Gaem addicts are emerging!
Anyone have any idea what kinda challenges or goals they would like to complete/reach?

I was thinking maybe we'd just create stories of our own for entertainment.   Stories that just may hinder us could possibly happen.. on purpose.

Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: December 18, 2007, 03:54:24 am »
I'm up for this too :)  I'm Rusted, and I've been a dwarf addict on and off for one year.  The hardest part was for me to quit playing until the new version came out, and now I'm happily addicted once again.  Hello everyone.

General / Re: Map notes
« on: December 12, 2007, 01:12:14 am »
So far I love Aquaria.  Its one of the better games i've played in a while.  But it desperatley needs a map note feature.  I'm kind of stuck right now and its rather annoying swimming all the way to an unexplored area to be remineded that I cant access this area because I dont have the correct power.  The option to put a note on the map like "wall of steam" would help save me a lot of useless backtracking.

I agree.  I usually don't use map notes in games, but this game really needs one to keep note of all those places that aren't specially marked by the game.

geez, when do you sleep?  :p

Gameplay / Re: Stuck behind a boulder in demo
« on: December 10, 2007, 03:03:47 am »
In the cave where you get the move object-song there is a small hole (with an eggshaped jewel thing) blocked by a boulder. If you move the boulder and swim into the hole without dropping the boulder it gets stuck in the opening and I can't find a way to get out. Is it a bug or is there some way to get out of there?  :-\

I had the same problem, and I felt like an idiot ;p
I tried pushing my way through multiple times, but I'd always hit the rock.  But after some twenty tries going through, usually pushing through the cracks, I went right through the rock in the middle.  Remember to have that spell on when trying to go through the middle of the rock.  Good luck!

General / Suggestion for the game
« on: December 09, 2007, 11:41:29 pm »
I was in the editor just playing around moving around Naija when I realized how fun it was to move around gracefully with her acrobatic move she does at the end of her rush movement.  What do you think about adding more of those acrobatic moves in the game?  It would make those long journies pleasant instead of the "move->rush->move->rush" routine.

Support / Re: Media kit & official dock icons?
« on: December 09, 2007, 08:00:29 pm »
Just thought I'd tell you that the media kit links are broken.

Also, any chance you guys might have the default icon in higher resolution to be used as a dock icon, like 128x128 pixel and up? I could  take a screenshot of the ESC screen of course and crop the icon from there, but I'd much rather have something official.

I have a feeling that it was done on purpose to save bandwidth.  I heard the wallpapers weren't working either.

General / Re: My finger huuuurttss
« on: December 09, 2007, 08:31:55 am »
You should train by playing Diablo II!  :P Talk about finger pain, your finger will actually get SORE from firing so much, and this is coming from a person who has strong fingers from way too many English class assignments.

I loved Diablo II :D  I could see how you'd have to click a lot, but you could also just hold the button down, which would auto attack the enemy.  Never got painful.

General / Re: I was just thinking that! *little spoiler*
« on: December 09, 2007, 08:03:30 am »
Well, you get recipes when you find items... but you can learn them by making items (which counts as finding them/picking them up).

Experimentation is fine for two-item recipes, but three-item recipes are a little tougher, given that a few ingredients are tough to get.

Oh, I think I'm horrible at experimentation.  My first experimentation that worked was two leaves, so then I put all these other two same things together, and there went a lot of ingredients.  Then, after failing that, I started to put odd things together, like a berry and eye.  Or I'd make a face using the three slots.  yep~

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