Bit Blot Forum
Aquaria => Support => Topic started by: Alec on December 17, 2008, 02:44:25 pm
If you own Aquaria, you can upgrade to the newest version quite easily!
The best way to do this is to contact Plimus support via and make sure to mention that you want them to "reactivate my download". You'll need your order reference number from your original order receipt. In fact, its best to include your entire order receipt in the email to expedite the process. // Derek: Actually, hold off for the time being until things are cleared up with them.
The receipt should look something like:
Payment Details:
Yourawesome Name Order Reference Number: 12345678
Account Number: 12345678
123 Your Street Order Date: 07 Dec 2007
Yourtown, NC 12345
United States
NOTE: 1.1.2 is going to be out soon, so you might want to hold off updating until then!
It includes a couple fixes for Vista and ATI users.
why do i have to download hundreds of megs again, instead of there just being a small patch?
plimus are incredibly slow, even after supplying every single bit of information necessary days ago they still havent replied.
why fob off the responsiblity to them to supply a multi-megabyte file and not just offer a simple patch?
is this how you do every patch/update for the game - make people download the entire thing again, forcing a complete reinstall??
(if its not a complete version of the game then why arent you listing a link for a simple patch thats probably only a few meg (just like 1.03 was))
Becuase the new version of the game is DRM-free. :)
Also I've handled about 400 reactivation requests in the last week. Its time for Plimus to do some work too.
Becuase the new version of the game is DRM-free. :)
thats nice to hear. kudos for that.
but it doesnt explain why a simple patch couldnt just as easily have removed the drm aswell.
i mean youve got to change the main game executable to implement some of the changes, and the game executable has to be the primary source of the drm??
unless this is some sort of draconian anti-piracy/piracy checking measure?
- make everyone contact plimus or yourself with reference details so you can count how many have bought the game etc.
Also I've handled about 400 reactivation requests in the last week. Its time for Plimus to do some work too.
fair enough but it means legitimate purchasers have to wait until plimus actually do something. (like i said. 3 days.. nothing!)
to me its also strange that you would require plimus to handle that... its almost like asking paypal to handle the game version and patching. they're just a payment place surely?
The new version of the game is DRM-free, so I can't release the EXE publicly. I imagine that you're clever enough to figure out why. There's nothing "draconian" about it, its so that we can verify that the customer in question owns the game.
Also the new version of the game has all the content exposed so that the owner of the game can peruse it, edit it, change it, etc. The new EXE will not work with the old data patch.
I agree that we don't have a nice auto-update system in place, which would make things easier, but quite frankly this is the best option we have. If you can see another option that makes sense, given all the points I've laid out here, I'd love to here it. But I'd also like to hear it presented in a respectful way.
fair enough but it means legitimate purchasers have to wait until plimus actually do something. (like i said. 3 days.. nothing!)
to me its also strange that you would require plimus to handle that... its almost like asking paypal to handle the game version and patching. they're just a payment place surely?
Plimus is not like PayPal. Plimus takes 10% of our revenue, because they are a download service provider as well as a payment processor. They provide a certain measure of customer support, so that we don't have to. Download reactivations are one of the services that they provide.
well then the other thread title is completely wrong and misleading and should have been altered and not allowed to continue.
if theres no possibility of patch because of data structures having fundamentally altered, and the fear of another world of goo fiasco, then it shouldnt be allowed to be posted on the official support forums.
also, i see nothing disrespectful in what ive typed. maybe direct or terse, but im certainly not going to suck up because im conversing with the coder of the game i purchased, im a customer with a valid concern - that concern being that plimus are incredibly slow.
when can customers expect to hear from plimus? (ive been waiting just under 3 days)
- is the lack of response because they are waiting to get the latest update?
- if there are any updates in the future will they require customers juming through these hoops again??
also, i see nothing disrespectful in what ive typed. maybe direct or terse, but im certainly not going to suck up because im conversing with the coder of the game i purchased, im a customer with a valid concern - that concern being that plimus are incredibly slow.
when can customers expect to hear from plimus? (ive been waiting just under 3 days)
- is the lack of response because they are waiting to get the latest update?
I can't speak for Plimus... I know if you give them incomplete or innaccurate information, they may not respond.
You said that you already emailed me for a reactivation and didn't get a response. If you want to let me know what your email address is, I can attend to it personally right now. But if you have Vista or an ATI card you may want to wait until 1.1.2 is up. (soon)
also, i see nothing disrespectful in what ive typed. maybe direct or terse, but im certainly not going to suck up because im conversing with the coder of the game i purchased, im a customer with a valid concern - that concern being that plimus are incredibly slow.
when can customers expect to hear from plimus? (ive been waiting just under 3 days)
- is the lack of response because they are waiting to get the latest update?
I can't speak for Plimus... I know if you give them incomplete or innaccurate information, they may not respond.
You said that you already emailed me for a reactivation and didn't get a response. If you want to let me know what your email address is, I can attend to it personally right now. But if you have Vista or an ATI card you may want to wait until 1.1.2 is up. (soon)
unfortunately i do have both of those systems (vista and ati) so ill probably wait until this new update is out.
i will send you a private message with the email address that i sent though - even if its just so you can see im not some sort of ranting pirate whos annoyed because he cant update his stolen game lol
and kudos for putting up with a disgruntled customer ;)
we suck dont we?! :P
No worries man, I've been a frustrated customer before. ^-^
Hey Alec - could you notify us when the auto update is in place? I'll hold off on updating my old version (for my little sister) until then. :)
Hey Alec - could you notify us when the auto update is in place? I'll hold off on updating my old version (for my little sister) until then. :)
There is no plan for auto updating in the Windows version.
You sure plimus are doing anything their end Alec?
This is what i just received from them....
We have received the following inquiry in regards to reference number
We are forwarding it to the Vendor and copying the Customer on this email so
that this matter can be taken care of.
We ask that the customer please allow up to 2 business days for the Vendor to
If the customer does not hear back from the vendor, we ask that you forward
this email back to us so that we may assist you.
Thank you for your patience in this matter.
that email was sent back to me after my initial email was closed. i then resent the same email, with all details from the plimus order, back to them asking why it was just closed and not answered.
seems to me like they are passing the buck.
Yeah, they did this a couple times today, which is not what they're supposed to be doing.
I think I'm going to have a little chat with them. :)
thanks for looking into things for me, and for others im sure who are in the same boat but maybe dont
whine post about it like me. ;)
Yes, please hold off from emailing Plimus for now. I just got an email from them and their customer support has no idea what's going on, so they're sending the emails back to us.
maybe my bitching and turning half the boards populace against me has paid off in some regard then? lol
i knew something funny was going on when a big company like plimus doesnt respond at all, or passes responsibility back to the developers.
the conspiracy theorist in me was starting to think they were lashing out at the developers for going over to steam and its payment options. ;)
hopefully everything will be smoothed over.
I haven't got a mail from them either (after 6 days, but I only put my name and registration code in it). Luckily there was another (legal) way to get the new version. :-X
I was wondering something...
Could you contact Valve to use their CD-key system for Aquaria?
So we could use our product key and donwload the game on Steam.
The main reason why I ask this is because I have lost my old order e-mail, with all the informations I need... Plus, Steam is just great :p
after 6 days
i admire your patience. its greater than mine.
although i will say that i included everything (order reference numbers, name and address, phone number, etc. etc.) and they didnt respond either only to close the support ticket, so dont feel bad for only including limited info.
I was wondering something...
Could you contact Valve to use their CD-key system for Aquaria?
So we could use our product key and donwload the game on Steam.
The main reason why I ask this is because I have lost my old order e-mail, with all the informations I need... Plus, Steam is just great :p
i too would like to see some way of us using our authentication keys that we got with the old versions of the game with the new steam version.
its a good centralised platform i feel.
however i dont expect it will. only old valve games seem to be able to be registered that way.
I attempted to go through Plimus support earlier in the week, and they've just replied today with the following:
Thank you for contacting us this is an automated response.
Most support issues can be resolved online using our self-serve support at:
NOTE: This support ticket is now closed.
Your feedback is important to us and if you have failed to obtain the required information from the link above, please reply to this email and we shall get back to you within one business day.
The Plimus Team
They page they reference doesn't think my order reference is valid, probably because I originally ordered almost a year ago. I use Steam, and I'd love to have it on there, or heck, even on my Mac, but please, just not in some way that makes me interact with Plimus any further. The fact that I had to wait three days to get an automated response is unacceptable.
Derek and I are talking to Plimus, I'm not sure why they're behaving this way. Its very simple for them to handle reactivations, and its part of the services that they're supposed to provide.
In the meantime, shoot me an email at and I'll see what I can do. :)
Whoops - I emailed Plimus this morning, then came here and read this. I'm sorry Alec - you'll probably get another mail from Plimus about my account (david.marian@...) and how I'm whinging.
I'll sit back and wait until 1.1.2 is out.
Gah, just now the new version is out Plimus decides to be confused. :(
I've been waiting on widescreen support for ages because my laptop is widescreen (although I wish it wasn't). It's no fun to know there is trouble.
So if I want to update to 1.1.1, how should I go about it? I have no clue what to do... :-[
Besides downloading Steam off Valve's website and buying Aquaria there (for a discount of 5 dollars), there really aren't any other options. :-\ I'm just relieved that I emailed early.
Well, damn. :'(
I don't really plan on buying Aquaria AGAIN if it's just for an update. I guess I'll have to wait until things are solved.
Well, damn. :'(
I don't really plan on buying Aquaria AGAIN if it's just for an update. I guess I'll have to wait until things are solved.
if you want to email me directly with your order info I can try to help you.
if you want to email me directly with your order info I can try to help you.
Hey Alec, I've emailed you a couple of times now and had no reply. What gives? :)
You need only email him once and wait - emailing more than once will just clog up his email account.
It's a bummer that I can't even get the original version of Aquaria that I bought. All this hubub about 1.1.1 has made me want to play again, but I reformatted my hard drive P_P.
I sent an email to Alec but he is clearly swamped.
I sent an email to Alec but he is clearly swamped.
Not to mention it's Christmas.
I'm a little confused on what to do. I'd like to purchase the game, but from what I can gather:
1) There is a patch coming soon with some fixes for ATI cards (I have one, so I'll probably want that patch).
2) Getting a new version requires downloading the entire game.
3) There's some sort of issue with Plimus authorizing additional downloads.
Have I got that right? If so, it sounds like buying it now would get me a download for 1.1.1, and so I should hold off on purchasing Aquaria until 1.1.2 is released and available on Plimus, so that I can just download it once and be done with it. Would that be the best thing to do?
Unrelated question: after I buy the game, can I burn it to a CD or DVD and reinstall it at a later date?
Unrelated question: after I buy the game, can I burn it to a CD or DVD and reinstall it at a later date?
cant answer the other stuff, save to say that ive got an ati card and ive really had no graphical problems. i think the ati issue is only to do with the vertical sync setting not working correctly.
as far as burning. absolutely fine. the game installer file is just over 200meg, easily fitting onto a cd.
theres no activation process or anything like that in the new variant of the game.
as far as plimus is concerned. i think they are terrible and their customer support is even worse.
if it were not for the fact that i already bought the game months ago i would have got the steam version instantly which doesnt require uninstalling and reinstalling the entire game again for new updates.
Just a note for those who dislike having to redownload the entire game -- creating an auto-patching system isn't a trivial thing (a friend of mine once spent two months on it), and especially for an independent developer that's a lot of time. Considering how fast download speeds are nowadays, re-downloading 200mb takes like 5 minutes on broadband, which is a lot better than like two months of work for an auto-patcher. Those things make sense when you have millions of people downloading it, because all the 5 minutes in sum are greater than the time it'd take to code an auto-patching system, but for indie games they can be excessive.
As for Plimus not responding, I personally wouldn't trust customer support to those e-commerce service providers (I use BMT-Micro, but they're largely the same). Personally I think handling responses manually is probably a better idea, especially because they tend not to reply if the information is incomplete (which can annoy people who can't figure out what they need to send and don't know what they did wrong), although you have to handle more requests than I did so it's a bigger problem (I only had to handle about 200-300 when I released v1.1 of my game).
Not to mention that the new version is DRM free and that's one of the main reasons for the need to download it again.
Of course you can burn it on CD and stuff. :)
Hey everyone,
I purchased Aquaria when it was first released back in '07 and I am still using 1.0.0. I love this game more than words can I was wondering, if there are so many problems with Plimus then why not just give bit-blot (Alec) some more money and purchase the Steam version, this game is well worth it??? I personally am not going to waste my time with Plimus, it is unfortunate that so many customers are already logged in Plimus' database though.
If getting the newest version requires me to re-purchase the game from Steam, if only to avoid the issues with Plimus, then I will. Then for any future patch I will have no issues.
How this is going? I wrote an email to you Alec some days ago, giving you my registration key, etc, but I have no answer yet.
I really want to download the new version! :)
I've also send an email including all order details to Plimus support. Here's the answer I've received from them about 2 weeks ago:
Plimus is under contract with the manufacturer of this product to process
orders and collect payments only, unfortunately this means that we cannot
provide support for it.
Please contact the manufacturer directly for comments
regarding the product you have purchased or to request technical support.
Jackie-Plimus Support
That's not even funny.
I have no doubt that Alec won't miss your comments and will help you out. Did you send him a message directly here on the forums?
I hate Plimus.
I hate Plimus.
That worse? ???
Wow. That can't be good for business on Plimus's part!
Man, I just find this whole situation really frustrating. I emailed Alec back when the update went live, but never received a reply. I understand how busy he is, and don't really hold it against anyone (although after reading this thread I have to admit that Plimus has quickly fallen onto my list of least fav entities). In any case, I can't wait to get my link so I can play this awesome game a second time. Here's to hoping I make it all the way through this time. ;D
Good Luck! Hope Alec can help you soon!
Is the current Plimus version 1.1.1 or 1.1.2? Is there / will there be a patch from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2?
(I have the ugly pseudo-tearing problem)
Hi was just wondering.
Will the first post be edited when the Plimus problem has been resolved, and/or there is an alternative method to get the patch 1.1.1 or 1.1.2.
Or will it just be posted as a new post?
Thanks in advanced and this is one of the top five games I ever played. Love the work you are doing.
I believe Alec and/or Derek will edit the first post as new information comes in - Derek edited Alec's post with the Plimus problem began. [ There is an alternative way to get patch 1.1.2 (or is it 1.1.3 now?): Steam. Unfortunately, if you haven't already bought the Steam version, then you either have to wait for Plimus to get its act together (this conundrum is the subject of another thread) or support Bit-Blot with another 20 dollar investment. :) ] - This last section only applies if you are buying a new game, but if you are, you also have the option of buying it off Steam (with the advantage of automatic updates and achievements).
[EDIT] Great - didn't expect the upgrade to work.
Hi was just wondering.
Will the first post be edited when the Plimus problem has been resolved, and/or there is an alternative method to get the patch 1.1.1 or 1.1.2.
Or will it just be posted as a new post?
Thanks in advanced and this is one of the top five games I ever played. Love the work you are doing.
For now you can email me to get the new version:
You should also be able to contact plimus if you specifically ask them to "reactivate" your download. (don't ask for a "new version", it confuses them)
Okey, thanks for the help. Will try with Plimus once again.
If I could, I would buy this game again, over steam.
But as I am out of money and no job for the moment I will have to reactivate with Plimus or email Alec
Can't wait to play this game again =D
Just a rock-dumb question, but is there any reason to bother with the upgrade if I'm on XP and not experiencing any video problems? Is there a changelog available somewhere that I can review?
Do you mean the upgrade to 1.1.1 (first widescreen PC version) or version 1.1.2/1.1.3 (the video upgrade)? If you already have 1.1.1 and are not experiencing any problems, don't bother. But if you haven't downloaded 1.1.1 yet, do so, because you are missing out on the hundreds of improvements (not to mention hidden features) "cough" "gfx folder" "cough" :)
Sorry, yes. I meant the upgrade from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2. I played the version prior to 1.1.1 (a longish time ago now) and I must say it's come a good way since then.
And it worked Plimus is alive =D
Asked for a reactivation and sent my payment details. Got a ticket waited for a couple of day and there it is.
It's a dream come true <3
Glad to hear that the issues have been resolved. :)
where are you getting you're 1.1.3 info from Chibi? is 1.1.2 even publically available? not want... need!
Haha! Alec is your dealer. ;) I believe he mentioned something about Aquaria being up to 1.1.3 now on Steam in another thread. 1.1.2 definitely is available on Steam.
Okay, I'm a little late to the conversation but I didn't see an answer to the question yet... is version 1.1.2 available through Plimus yet (by "reactivating" our download?) or is it just the steam version that's been updated so far?
If this has been answered already then please just consider me blind as a bat, but I didn't see it in the thread (not a concrete answer).
I've got version 1.1.1 and I did get a "beta" patch directly from Alec to fix the tearing problem, but I'd like to get complete install of version 1.1.2 with the fixes just so I have a backup of the latest install version.
Anyway, thanks Alec (I'm sorry if you've already answered this a thousand times already, I honestly didn't see the official answer though). Either way I'm in no rush, but if you do get version 1.1.2 available through plimus please start a thread to let us know.
Thanks again guys!
He'll definitely start a thread once the patch is released - he did so for versions 1.0.3 and 1.1.1.
I emailed Alec to get the update three days ago, as per his last post in this thread. I've yet to get a response, and now that Plimus support is confirmed to be working, should I send off to them for a reactivation? Or could that potentially cause confusion?
I don't know how the order reference numbers are verified, and my concern is whether any problems could arise from Alec eventually getting around to sending me a download link after Plimus has already done the same.
I'd do both. It won't make anyone (anymore) confused and your chances are higher to get it soon. :)
Cool, I sent a mail to Plimus, very specifically asking for a reactivated download link. Let's see if I've said the right magic words for these addle-pated paper-pushers to follow through.
Apparently "Please reactivate my download for Aquaria. My reference # is *****. Thanks." are not the magic words. :-\
Let's see if I've said the right magic words for these addle-pated paper-pushers to follow through.
I doubt somehow that the office stiffs reading the emails care. :)
Apparently "Please reactivate my download for Aquaria. My reference # is *****. Thanks." are not the magic words. :-\
Don't expect an immediate response, but I did get my download link today. Make sure you put your full receipt in there. My email looked like this:
Subject: Aquaria download reactivation
Hi, I'd like to get a reactivated download link for Aquaria. Here's my receipt:
Yourawesome Name Order Reference Number: 12345678
Account Number: 12345678
123 Your Street Order Date: 07 Dec 2007
Yourtown, NC 12345
United States
Example details taken from the OP.
Well that just sucks.. Since I bought the game a good while ago, I've gotten a new computer.. I saved what I needed to activate the game, but I no longer have the email I got when I purchased it... I didn't know I'd need anything more than the registration name and key (and quite frankly, never thought I'd need to submit registration information to obtain a patch.)
:-[ :'(
That might be a problem... still, email Alec about it - he's very understanding about these things. Is there absolutely no question of salvaging the account?
I got the 1.1.1 version.
Here is how my mail looked like:
Topic:: Reacvtivation
Hi, I would like to reactivate my download.
Here is my payment details:
Payment Details:
Christer Johansson Order Reference Number: XXXXXXXX
Account Number: XXXXXXXX
Adress XXXXXX Order Date: 11 Mar 2008
Phone nr
Best regards Christer Johansson.
I'm very impressed with Aquaria, having beat it ages ago-- I've been waiting for this new release so I can finally play through the game again (running Gentoo Linux)... hopefully this exe is more compatible with Wine. :P
Thanks for your hard work team Bit Blot! I can't wait for future games from you that I can buy around Christmas as a present to my siblings/self. :P
... hopefully this exe is more compatible with Wine. :P
It is. :)
I'd really like to see some improvement in delivering updated versions to the users that purchased the game.
I've been trying for the last week to get an updated version of the game with emails to both Alec and Plimus. With other software I can visit their website and download a patch. I don't understand why it's necessary for this email-and-wait-for-a link solution on delivering game updates.
Version 1.1.1 is on torrent sites now. I have legitimate license and yet it's harder for me to download a (legal) update than the (pirated) version of the game. Seriously - that's screwed up.
As stated previously in this thread:
The new version of the game is DRM-free, so I can't release the EXE publicly. I imagine that you're clever enough to figure out why. There's nothing "draconian" about it, its so that we can verify that the customer in question owns the game.
Also the new version of the game has all the content exposed so that the owner of the game can peruse it, edit it, change it, etc. The new EXE will not work with the old data patch.
I agree that we don't have a nice auto-update system in place, which would make things easier, but quite frankly this is the best option we have. If you can see another option that makes sense, given all the points I've laid out here, I'd love to here it. But I'd also like to hear it presented in a respectful way.
Plimus has removed themselves from the responsibility of download re-activations, even though their FAQ says that this is something their support team offers. This basically leaves all re-activations up to Alec. I know the system is not the best, but I urge you to have some patience. On top of his generally insane work schedule, he had some hard drive problems this week as well... I'm sure he will get to your email as soon as he can :)
I'll note that when I emailed Alec a week or two ago I had a reactivated download within 36 hours. On a weekend if I recall correctly, too.
I'd really like to see some improvement in delivering updated versions to the users that purchased the game.
I've been trying for the last week to get an updated version of the game with emails to both Alec and Plimus. With other software I can visit their website and download a patch. I don't understand why it's necessary for this email-and-wait-for-a link solution on delivering game updates.
Version 1.1.1 is on torrent sites now. I have legitimate license and yet it's harder for me to download a (legal) update than the (pirated) version of the game. Seriously - that's screwed up.
I must say I concur with the general notion in this post. A mate of mine recently bought Aquaria, and I thought I'd give it another shot. However, I'd naturally want to update it first - at which point I hit the snag of not having direct and easy access to the game. With all due respect, this is exactly what shouldn't happen with buying stuff as digital downloads.
As for a solution, well, might I suggest you talk with Valve and make it possible for people to activate their copy there? As it doesn't doesn't have the same limitations as Plimus has with regarding to actually letting the customer getting his/her game.
I doubt you could port copies bought from here over to Steam, as I'm going to assume Valve takes a larger cut of the games bought over that (which is why I always by direct from the developer when I can; see also, World of Goo).
I can see there are lots of issues going on with getting new links, but seeing as my new computer has ATI cards, should I just be waiting for the new version? I guess everyone who bought it will just get a new link when that happens? And is there some kind of weird DRM that is the reason why the installer I copied off my old drive doesn't work too (could be a ton of other things too though I spose').
If you experience trouble, upgrading to the next patch is extremely easy (Alec usually posts a link to a .rar download that you drag to the Aquaria folder). If the game works perfectly, I wouldn't bother (unless there's new content in the patch - e.g. artwork, features, etc.) As for the DRM - there is no DRM in the latest version. To move earlier versions from one computer to another, you need to use the message you received when you bought the game to refresh the download link. Good luck, and welcome to the forums!
BTW, admirable policy for buying games - though the Steam version is marginally more convenient, you're right about Valve's cut (though the sheer exposure Aquaria receives alone is worth it).
Oh yeah, I know the exposure you get over Steam is totally worth it. And I don't actually have a working copy of the game right now, my old installer does not work on this system, though I'm not sure why. So that's why I was wondering how the 1.1.2 release will be distributed. I e-mailed the Plimus thing about a new link, but I don't think I did it right, so I'm not sure if I should try that again or just be waiting for the next release?
Try emailing Alec - he's amazing at solving such issues. Also, make sure you saved the first two emails you received from Plimus - you'll need the codes inside as well as your name and original email address.
Hmmm, well I've tried e-mailing the address in the receipts and Alec and haven't had any luck getting a new installer. Guess I'll just wait til the new version is out.
There's no reason to wait for the patch: if you have a problem with the current version, the next patch won't solve it. A problem unique to one computer often needs a unique solution, so Alec is your best hope.
I got buried in work, what's the email that you sent your request from please?
Thanks. :)
It's the same e-mail this account was registered from.
The hard drive I copied the installer from was going sort of screwy, so it could have been messed up. The error message the installer gives me actually says to get a new copy of the installer anyways, since it fails the integrity check or something.
Hi Alec!
Can you please check for my mail in your inbox as well?
I sent you a mail yesterday.
The mail adress is the same as this account is registert with. christer_w.....
I think I got 'em!
Fresh installer works great =D
Glad to hear it - I admire your work ethic, Alec. :)
Got the download link now.
Thanks Alec! Now i know how my weekend will be spent ;)
Have a good weekend everyone! :)
Hi Alec!
Can you please do the same for me ? I sent you a mail last week.
As Zerpent and Wedge, it's the same address used to registered this account.
Hiya! I'd like to ask the same as XilasZ, Zerpent, and Wedge before me, hehe. And like them, my email for this account is the one I sent you the email from (it'd have been sent back 1/27 or so).
So, it safe to try and get this update now? It still says on the first post to wait until thing are cleared up. But that was two months ago, and I'd really like to play Aquaria again.
Just try both methods, I did.
Mail Alec AND Plimus, one of them must come through.
i bought the game 3 hours ago, but i find a bug that prevents me from going on...
...could you elaborate a little?
(excuse but my English it is really bad.... )
I don't succeed in killing the first boss the giant dog; I attract it toward the "laser" but it doesn't draw near anymore all of a sudden...
this is the error: and i have 1.1.1 version... what can i do?
this is the error: and i have 1.1.1 version... what can i do?
for the last laser hit ( when he stop moving ON the laser and stop just before it ) , you need to come close to the dog , for for him until he try to hit you with his claw , then dodge back , hit the white bubble to call the lzer for the last time , and hopefully the laser will hit his claw and he's dead.
Yeah - it's not a glitch. Remember, Aquaria is a game that makes you think, and almost nothing is done for you. :)
tanks :) :) :)
Hi, just bought the game. I was planning on getting it on Steam (for 13.99), but when I saw the promise of no DRM here, I chose to buy it directly from bit-blot (via Plimus) as my way of saying "thanks for no DRM".
I'm still downloading the game, but reading this thread got me confused. Is 1.1.1 DRM-free, or that's only the case for 1.1.2? When is 1.1.2 coming out? Can I install the game on both my Home PC and my notebook (I'll be the only one to play on either)?
Thanks and all the best!
All I know is that so far only Steam has 1.1.2, and I suppose that it's also DRM free, but I'm not sure about that.
Every non-Steam version above 1.0.3 is DRM-free, but I'm not sure about the Steam versions.
Technically nothing on Steam is DRM-free, since Steam is a form of DRM.
However, all the files are open and unencrypted, if that's what the question was regarding.
There was a version before the Steam version, you know. ;) You make me feel old. ^-^
I know this is sort of unrelated, but I can't install Steam on 2 different computers and then just play any game I own on whatever PC I feel like?
Actually, one of the major selling points of Steam as a platform is that you can install it on as many computers as you like and play your games anywhere.
You just can't play them if you're not logged in to your account.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I didn't know for sure myself , but would've guessed it would be like that, or not a lot of people would get Steam at all, eh?
Downloading Steam would be fairly pointless without the ability to move things around - think about it: if your account is hijacked, your games are off access, you can't play offline games without an internet connection, and the GUI is aging. By the way, the first two reasons come from personal experience. Even with all these caveats, Steam is a great program. :)
You can play offline games in Steam without a Internet connection, you just have to load up the games you wish to play offline while you're still connected, before enabling offline mode. Then, when you're actually offline, the games will load up fine and will not throw you an error message.
Stupid and roundabout, I know. I think Steam needs to download something to the effect of a validation key or some such, which is retained for games that have been loaded during the current instance of the program and stored when offline mode is enabled, so it can still verify the game data. Why Valve don't have Steam do this while it signs in, I don't know. It'd make offline mode less of a PITA.
Pita bread... mmmm. ;) That would be a very good solution.
Chibi, not only was this thread going offtopic (thanks to me), you just made it derail twice, good job. 8D (((keeeding)))
Let's just leave this topic be until someone has another question about the latest version(s).
Okay then, my turn to show my ignorance when it comes to technical problems... :-[ Now I have to bombard all my questions to you at once, please stand it. I also feel like commenting, like in every topic what ever it might concern.
Front page still advices to wait until things are clear and also for the next version 1.1.2 :), though I quess it's a bit old info now. My version is 1.0.3, and I bought it from the Aquarias homepage March-April -o8. So, I PM Alec (if he's not in a hurry with his IA), and it will still work that way? I have seen some screenshots of the new versions, and those features are really what I need to "complete" my gaming experience.
I still play Aquaria at least couple times a week, mostly just listening and travelling from place to place gathering food and stuff. How relaxing game, beautiful music. Even if I still haven't seen the alternative ending; somehow I want to keep something hanging there, waiting for a good moment. I guess I would became sad when the final ending comes, as I noticed how "emotionally difficult" it was to research Icy Waters. Never seen and experienced a game like this.
So this (kinda) leads to my question; is newer version compatible with older saves. If wont, I try to "finish" this version and happily start a new game, as it has been a year since I played this first time.
I tried to find the answer, but maybe I was too tired and didn't notice that part. Sorry for that.
So, update and a soundtrack is what I want right now, although it has been long since I heard about the latter one :-\
Okay, to the first question, do the saves work with the newer versions?
I think they do, they load, but I did find it awkward after redownloading my older version's 2 hour speedrun ( that it was put at a certain spot that I didn't remember saving on, I might've just picked the wrong save game file back when I was compiling it however.
Soundtracks self are open source as .OGG files in the Aquaria directory in the newer versions.
Oh and if you wish to speed things up a bit (even if it probably bothers Alec a slight bit) I'd send also a mail with your purchase information to Alec AND Plimus, just to be sure.
Derek: Actually, hold off for the time being until things are cleared up with them.
So, I have an original, original copy of Aquaria, downloaded the day it came out. I never bothered updating it, because when I finally got around to it, I saw this message from Derek. I've dug around the forum, but I can't find any definitive answer as to how to update my copy. Do I e-mail Plimus?
I can't find any definitive answer as to how to update my copy. Do I e-mail Plimus?
Plimus is not really handling this stuff in any efficient way. I recommend emailing Alec with your name and original download reference number, but please note that he goes away tomorrow for two weeks for business, so he may not get the chance to respond promptly...
NOTE: 1.1.2 is going to be out soon, so you might want to hold off updating until then!
Any news about when this update is happening... I don't want to bother updating until this one, since I figure it should be happening soon enough..?
I'm not sure, but I think that's only for the Steam users. I have no clue if it's the same for the version that plimus gives out.
Is the latest available update worth getting? I didn't encounter any bugs when I played through the first time... I would like to play through the game again in widescreen this time though, and I think I read that better WS support was added. Anyone know how the latest right now is? (I'm running XP + NV, so the note about Vista + ATI doesn't pertain to me at all..)
By coming here today, i saw that the 1.1.1 version is dwlable, but i didn't find a note log or something. So maybe can help me.
What are the big changes (i use 1.0.x version) with the new stuff? Do saves still work?
thanks for sharing the infos.
Hi guys!
I haven't seen a change log of the patch 1.1.1 but there is a promising description in one of the news entries
on the front page: (
"This weekend we’ll release the new Windows version of Aquaria, 1.1.1. This version includes widescreen, graphics and audio enhancements, improved puzzles, a new/awesome map system and more. It even improves on the recently released Mac version - and it will be released at a new price."
If you are planning to play again, I think it is definately worth it, though I'm still at the beginning discovering all the new stuff.
Wide Screen support works very well for me, I'm playing in 1920x1200 (XP + Ati).
Btw., I asked for the reactivation of my download at plimus and got a positive answer with a link only 5 minutes later :o ( )
Good Luck!
I missed that on the official site, i came directly here. Thx but i still dunno about the saves.
I missed that on the official site, i came directly here. Thx but i still dunno about the saves.
I've just tried to play with my old savegames from the version before 1.1.1 and they work.
So go ahead and have a try :)
I contacted plimus and bit Blot about reactivating my download link almost a week ago, still no answer from either... not hopeful over here...
Can you forum message me your email and reference#? Thanks. ^-^
Actually, I think I just handled your request today. You should get an email about at the account that you ordered the game with.
Whoa, just got that email actually! Thanks! This time I'll backup the darn .exe!
Whoa, just got that email actually! Thanks! This time I'll backup the darn .exe!
Glad you finally got it. ^-^
NOTE: 1.1.2 is going to be out soon, so you might want to hold off updating until then!
It includes a couple fixes for Vista and ATI users.
So actually when? :-/ Or 1.1.2 is only available on Steam and will be not on non-Steam in the visible future?
I just requested a download reactivation last night, and their automated email came back this morning telling me the request was forwarded on to the Vendor.
Good to know they're doing their job passing along the work to you after taking your money!
Edit: Would it help you guys at all if I asked them / nagged them about why they are passing the buck rather than handling this request themselves? Or is it a lost cause already?
Hello, I requested a re-activation via email to 4 weeks ago, but hasn't received any reply yet. Any idea when these request are processed?
pm me your email address, I'll see what's up.
Wonderful, the email just arrived! Thank you Alec for a swift response.. and for such a marvelous game ;D
I requested a reactivation from Plimus over three weeks ago, and never heard anything from them. Then after reading this thread, I PMed Alec 10 days ago. I still haven't received a single response from anyone. This is getting frustrating!
What is the best way to proceed? I just want to get the game up and running again.
Try again at both I'd say.
Alec can and is busy at times (almost nonstop) and Plimus... well, that's Plimus.
I don't want to bother Alec by resending him messages, so I'm just gonna wait it out. :P
Whoops, if I missed you please send me another pm/email. I've been travelling and working on different things for the last while...
Thanks Alec! I got the email yesterday, been playing through the game again... I swear it's even better the third time around.. always new surprises-- and it's especially being way better at playing the game... the last boss really teaches you how to play! lol
Hey, it looks like the OP was last edited last year. Are things "cleared up" now? Is 1.1.2 out?
While I wait for my download reactivation, I just wanted to say to the creators: out of all the games I've purchased in the last couple years, Aquaria is still the one that I love the most.
If you own Aquaria, you can upgrade to the newest version quite easily!
The best way to do this is to contact Plimus support via and make sure to mention that you want them to "reactivate my download". You'll need your order reference number from your original order receipt. In fact, its best to include your entire order receipt in the email to expedite the process. // Derek: Actually, hold off for the time being until things are cleared up with them.
The receipt should look something like:
Payment Details:
Yourawesome Name Order Reference Number: 12345678
Account Number: 12345678
123 Your Street Order Date: 07 Dec 2007
Yourtown, NC 12345
United States
NOTE: 1.1.2 is going to be out soon, so you might want to hold off updating until then!
It includes a couple fixes for Vista and ATI users.
Hey, I lost my Aquaria install with a defective HDD, its it possible to download it again somewhere? I still have my receipt and key code.
Methinks you need to email Alec (zaphire(at) with your full name, key code, and any other number you received as a result of the purchase. (Sorry for the vagueness).
Sadly, neither Alec nor plimus has responded to me, and it's been weeks. Wish I'd waited for the Steam release now. :(
Sadly, neither Alec nor plimus has responded to me, and it's been weeks. Wish I'd waited for the Steam release now. :(
There's a good chance I just missed your email. What's your addy?
(you can PM it to me if you don't want to post it here)
Hey, I lost my Aquaria install with a defective HDD, its it possible to download it again somewhere? I still have my receipt and key code.
I'm in the same boat, and additionally never got 1.1.1. I've emailed both Alec and Plimus, but plimus is saying the same old line:
Plimus is a third party under contract with the vendor/manufacturer of this
product to process orders and collect payments only. We do not have specific
information about the product or have the authority to make decisions about
discounts, refunds or any other product related issues.
Should I try as well, or should I just wait for Alec to respond?
Edit: Alec got it already. Thanks Alec, that was awesome.
I see the new version is available on steem. Any chance to see the 1.1.2 changelog?
I wonder if there is already a patch or a special DL link for paying customers.
I am in the same situation as Inhert : lost my files with the crash of my motherboard and the lost of my hard disks raid 0 (the new motherboard don't have the same raid controler, so I can't restore it)
I've email Alec, but no response yet. my mail is mbenoist on gmail. Possibly missed email ?
I am in the same situation as Inhert : lost my files with the crash of my motherboard and the lost of my hard disks raid 0 (the new motherboard don't have the same raid controler, so I can't restore it)
I've email Alec, but no response yet. my mail is mbenoist on gmail. Possibly missed email ?
Whoops, missed it. You should hear from Plimus soon. 8)
In this topic: Everybody whines to Alec to get their version of Aquaria updated! :D
Nah, just kidding. I know you're super busy, Alec. I did send you an email, sir, but I didn't include any information. What do I need to provide to get it reactivated? :)
Alternatively, is there a way to transfer from Plimus to Steam? >_> I'm not particularly familiar with Steam, so blah.
I did send you an email, sir, but I didn't include any information. What do I need to provide to get it reactivated? :)
All the codes you received (please tell me you saved the email), last four digits of credit card (I think), name used to purchase, and (possibly) email used to purchase if you're emailing Alec from a different account. If you're missing a piece of information, don't worry - just send what you have.
Alternatively, is there a way to transfer from Plimus to Steam? >_> I'm not particularly familiar with Steam, so blah.
No way to transfer it, unfortunately, though I'm sure Alec and Derek won't mind if you pay another 20 bucks. :P The problem about transferring the Plimus/Ambrosia versions to Steam is that Steam provides services, new features and distribution at a cost of revenue - the transfer would remove this cost.
Ah, thank you Chibi! :) I don't know which method to send why not both? Sorry in advance for the spam, Alec...
Hi! I've needed to re-download this game for a while now. I've contacted Alec, both through email and through a PM, as well as sending an email to, and no one has gotten in touch with me. Can Alec or Derek please help me re-download the game?
Hi! I've needed to re-download this game for a while now. I've contacted Alec, both through email and through a PM, as well as sending an email to, and no one has gotten in touch with me. Can Alec or Derek please help me re-download the game?
I'm in the same boat here. Never got to try 1.11 and I've emailed Alec a couple times with no luck. I have the urge to play this again so bad. :(
I PM'd Alec. I hope I can geet my download link soon. There are mods I wanna try!
*gasps* You uninstalled Aquaria? D:
You blasphemer!
Nope XD Got a new comp with Windows 7. Besides, I never got the patch.
E-mailed you guys a couple of times, but no reply . . . sent from
AT gmail DOT com.
It's been about 10 days or so since I purchased Aquaria and reported that my download didn't work, but I haven't received any reply from or I purchased it through the link on this site and everything went through fine. After following the link from Plimus, I received a 403 (access forbidden) error... all subsequent attempts display some nifty HTML telling me that I'm out of luck on the matter.
Alec, or whoever has the authority, please respond to my email from...
cody (underscore) kostiuk (at) yahoo (dot) ca
...thank you! ;-)
He said (somewhere) that was full of spam and he doesn't check it, I think.
AFAIK a PM would work, but he's super busy I think.
He said (somewhere) that was full of spam and he doesn't check it, I think.
AFAIK a PM would work, but he's super busy I think.
Well, you know... whenever he gets a moment, I guess. ;-)
I don't use any instant messenger stuff so hopefully he checks these forums in the next while.
Edit: I thought you were referring to IM. I sent a PM as well now. Thanks for the suggestion. PS - Anybody got his phone number? ;-)
Honestly from the consumer side I'd suggest purchasing through Steam.
Honestly from the consumer side I'd suggest purchasing through Steam.
Yeah... I thought about that, but I figured the developers would get more money through the link on their site. I'm now sending out psychic signals for the administrators to answer my email. If this doesn't work, I'm going to build a time machine and warn my past self of the situation. ;-)
It's getting close to 3 weeks now without any response. I sure would love to play this game. Yes, I would. ;-)
Hello guys.
Thanks to WinXP reinstall need latest version of Aquaria to install again, I tried using plimus but said that needed to contact manufacturer.
Tried sending Alec an email but so far no response.
Are there any particular instructions to request a re-download?
Thanks in advance.
Plimus re-activated my download link and everything is peachy.
When I first encountered the problem, all the information Plimus gave lead me to believe that my only course of action was to contact Bit Blot. Of course, I now know that this is not true. I just received an email reminder of my purchase from Plimus and that if I had any problems, to follow a link...
... I selected an option for "Non-responsive Vendor" on the linked page and gave a brief description of the problem. Within a day I had my download link re-activated and now I'm swimming away in the murky depths of bliss. Oddly enough, there was a stipulation in the email saying that if after 2 days the vendor does not respond, then fill out the support form and submit it to Plimus. 2 days? How nice of them to tell me this after 21 days of passively telling me to go bother Bit Blot.
Hopefully, this helps others who are looking to download Aquaria again. Just request a download from Bit Blot, wait 2 days and visit Plimus' support page. Of course, you should have your order number handy and, I'd imagine, use the same email address as you did with your original order and there should be no issues with the request.
I'd just like to say that I would have appreciated a clearly posted locked sticky thread with a link to Plimus' support page detailing how to re-download an order. It would have saved me some time, you know? ;-)
Plimus re-activated my download link and everything is peachy.
When I first encountered the problem, all the information Plimus gave lead me to believe that my only course of action was to contact Bit Blot. Of course, I now know that this is not true. I just received an email reminder of my purchase from Plimus and that if I had any problems, to follow a link...
... I selected an option for "Non-responsive Vendor" on the linked page and gave a brief description of the problem. Within a day I had my download link re-activated and now I'm swimming away in the murky depths of bliss. Oddly enough, there was a stipulation in the email saying that if after 2 days the vendor does not respond, then fill out the support form and submit it to Plimus. 2 days? How nice of them to tell me this after 21 days of passively telling me to go bother Bit Blot.
Hopefully, this helps others who are looking to download Aquaria again. Just request a download from Bit Blot, wait 2 days and visit Plimus' support page. Of course, you should have your order number handy and, I'd imagine, use the same email address as you did with your original order and there should be no issues with the request.
I'd just like to say that I would have appreciated a clearly posted locked sticky thread with a link to Plimus' support page detailing how to re-download an order. It would have saved me some time, you know? ;-)
I am trying that right now to hopefully get a re-download.
EDIT: I just got the link from plimus after 1 hour of sending them the "vendor non responsive" option. that is a good thing.
The bad thing is, seems to be version 1.1.1 :( well, at least its a download. :)
Plimus re-activated my download link and everything is peachy.
When I first encountered the problem, all the information Plimus gave lead me to believe that my only course of action was to contact Bit Blot. Of course, I now know that this is not true. I just received an email reminder of my purchase from Plimus and that if I had any problems, to follow a link...
... I selected an option for "Non-responsive Vendor" on the linked page and gave a brief description of the problem. Within a day I had my download link re-activated and now I'm swimming away in the murky depths of bliss. Oddly enough, there was a stipulation in the email saying that if after 2 days the vendor does not respond, then fill out the support form and submit it to Plimus. 2 days? How nice of them to tell me this after 21 days of passively telling me to go bother Bit Blot.
Hopefully, this helps others who are looking to download Aquaria again. Just request a download from Bit Blot, wait 2 days and visit Plimus' support page. Of course, you should have your order number handy and, I'd imagine, use the same email address as you did with your original order and there should be no issues with the request.
I'd just like to say that I would have appreciated a clearly posted locked sticky thread with a link to Plimus' support page detailing how to re-download an order. It would have saved me some time, you know? ;-)
Ok, seriously, this needs to be added to the OP
I just got the link from plimus after 1 hour of sending them the "vendor non responsive" option. that is a good thing.
The bad thing is, seems to be version 1.1.1 :( well, at least its a download. :)
I thought 1.1.1 was the latest version. Oh well... ;-)
When the administrators get back from their vacation, hopefully they correct this problem and make sure Plimus has the most recent version of the game. So what improvements are in the newer one? Should I hold off playing the game or is it just improved stability?
I think it is.
Plimus re-activated my download link and everything is peachy.
When I first encountered the problem, all the information Plimus gave lead me to believe that my only course of action was to contact Bit Blot. Of course, I now know that this is not true. I just received an email reminder of my purchase from Plimus and that if I had any problems, to follow a link...
... I selected an option for "Non-responsive Vendor" on the linked page and gave a brief description of the problem. Within a day I had my download link re-activated and now I'm swimming away in the murky depths of bliss. Oddly enough, there was a stipulation in the email saying that if after 2 days the vendor does not respond, then fill out the support form and submit it to Plimus. 2 days? How nice of them to tell me this after 21 days of passively telling me to go bother Bit Blot.
Hopefully, this helps others who are looking to download Aquaria again. Just request a download from Bit Blot, wait 2 days and visit Plimus' support page. Of course, you should have your order number handy and, I'd imagine, use the same email address as you did with your original order and there should be no issues with the request.
I'd just like to say that I would have appreciated a clearly posted locked sticky thread with a link to Plimus' support page detailing how to re-download an order. It would have saved me some time, you know? ;-)
Ok, seriously, this needs to be added to the OP
So we're going to keep quoting it. XD
Also, V1.1.1 is latest off Plimus, it's V1.1.2 on Steam... or V1.2, I'm not sure.
Plimus re-activated my download link and everything is peachy.
When I first encountered the problem, all the information Plimus gave lead me to believe that my only course of action was to contact Bit Blot. Of course, I now know that this is not true. I just received an email reminder of my purchase from Plimus and that if I had any problems, to follow a link...
... I selected an option for "Non-responsive Vendor" on the linked page and gave a brief description of the problem. Within a day I had my download link re-activated and now I'm swimming away in the murky depths of bliss. Oddly enough, there was a stipulation in the email saying that if after 2 days the vendor does not respond, then fill out the support form and submit it to Plimus. 2 days? How nice of them to tell me this after 21 days of passively telling me to go bother Bit Blot.
Hopefully, this helps others who are looking to download Aquaria again. Just request a download from Bit Blot, wait 2 days and visit Plimus' support page. Of course, you should have your order number handy and, I'd imagine, use the same email address as you did with your original order and there should be no issues with the request.
I'd just like to say that I would have appreciated a clearly posted locked sticky thread with a link to Plimus' support page detailing how to re-download an order. It would have saved me some time, you know? ;-)
I just tried that to get the 1.1.1 version (still only have the 1.0.3), but since my order dates back from 2 years ago and I didnt purchase their "download warranty", Plimus are telling me that they can't reactivate my download and that if I want it, I have to buy it again >:(
So I guess I'll try e-mailing Alec and hope he can do something about it, otherwise it looks like I'll have to stick with 1.0.3 and forget about playing Aquaria in widescreen :'(
I just tried that to get the 1.1.1 version (still only have the 1.0.3), but since my order dates back from 2 years ago and I didnt purchase their "download warranty", Plimus are telling me that they can't reactivate my download and that if I want it, I have to buy it again >:(
So I guess I'll try e-mailing Alec and hope he can do something about it, otherwise it looks like I'll have to stick with 1.0.3 and forget about playing Aquaria in widescreen :'(
Alec has been gone for a while... so don't hold your breath.
That's strange about the download warranty thing. The link from this site goes right to a Plimus order page... (
Out of curiosity, I filled out some dummy information and went through to the part where you submit your credit card information with the price of the order clearly listed and there is no optional download warranty. So... I think they used to offer one, but no longer. This raises the question of how long any recent customers (like myself) can download the product again without consequence. Myself (after 3 weeks) and another customer were able to re-download the order without any problems. Hmmm.
If I were you, I'd question this whole warranty thing with them. It sounds like an old policy they used to have, but doesn't apply anymore for Aquaria purchases. Otherwise, how would a new customer buy a warranty today? I don't see how, unless it's worked into the price and is not mentioned at all? I don't recall anything that said I had a limited time for subsequent downloads. Something is fishy here... and it ain't the game.
I slay me. ;-)
Thanks for the info Echolocating. I've done some digging on the Plimus site for info about their download warranty, but what I've found is very vague. ( : a page explaining what they call "high-margin add-ons" with a few details about the download warranty ( : a tutorial on setting up contracts giving some more details about it.
I also found a contract which has some download warranty options available to the buyer ( ( I have NO idea what Videora is, I just found the page by searching "Plimus download warranty" in google)
Taking all of this into consideration, I have to assume that either nobody who bought Aquaria has the download warranty, or every one of us has it. Either way, if others can get their download reactivated, I should be able to get mine reactivated as well. I'll give Alec another week to answer my e-mail and then try to clear things up with Plimus. If they won't budge, I guess my only choice will be to ask the pirates for help :(
Alec is pretty busy and probably buried in unanswered emails...
Email me at chrissy at infiniteammo dot ca with your name, the email address you purchased the game with, and your reference number from the purchase. I will make sure it gets done :)
Alec is pretty busy and probably buried in unanswered emails...
Email me at chrissy at infiniteammo dot ca with your name, the email address you purchased the game with, and your reference number from the purchase. I will make sure it gets done :)
My download got reactivated yesterday, thanks to you and Alec. I'm grateful for you help.
Problem is, the link Plimus sent me isn't working :'(. When I tried to click on the download link this morning, I got this message :
"Cannot download
This product is no longer available for download, this may be due to the maximum number of allowed attempts exceeded or the allotted time.
Please contact the manufacturer of the product for support."
I received the email containing the link to the download at around 5:00 PM yesterday and I clicked on it for the first time this morning at 7:00 AM, so 14 hours after receiving the link. According to Plimus support, the link expires 24 hours after being activated, or after 3 download attemps, so this doesn't make any sense.
Of course the first thing I did when I saw that it wasn't working was contact plimus support and select "Download issue" from their support page, but it seems that all they did was forward the email to Alec (admin at bitblot dot com, of all places) and then tell me that I should give him 2 days to respond :-\
Seems Plimus can't take care of anything themselves :P ... guess I'll wait and try the "Non-responsive vendor" option again next week, maybe now that my download has been reactivated they'll be able to help. No point in trying it during the weekend since I'm stuck with an unstable dial up connection at home.
Nava got my download reactivated, and I was finally able to download the 1.1.1 version ^-^
So thank you again Nava for being far more helpful than Plimus ;D
And now I'm off to play Aquaria!
Just send an email hoping you could do the same for me. Here's hoping that someday we can import our Plimus copies into Steam (and that the Mac version will show up there too).
So what am I supposed to do now if I want to get the newest version, but I don't have the receipt anymore?
Sorry, I'm a bit confused.
So what am I supposed to do now if I want to get the newest version, but I don't have the receipt anymore?
Sorry, I'm a bit confused.
Email me at chrissy at infiniteammo dot ca with your name, the email address you bought the game with, and any other information you can provide from your original order (mailing address? phone number?). We'd prefer to have the reference number from your order but if you don't have that anymore, then providing enough other information should suffice. :)
I know it's been over a year since the last response to this thread but i have version 1.0.0 and would like to update.. is this still possible?
Hey there guys.
I'm not sure if anyone remembers me anymore, but I used to be one of more active users on these forums in the past. Lately I felt a little bit nostalgic and decided to dust up Aquaria and give it another go. I also remembered there was a new version out, but by the time I finished the game it wasn't available yet. It would be an awesome thing to try it out now, although I'm not sure whether anything is still available after so much time had passed.
Fortunately, I still have the original receipt of payment and it seems even the Plimus site still has it in it's DB.... though from what I skimmed through the topic, it seems there are some problems with getting a possibility to download the game again.
If anyone reads this - is there any chance I would still be able to get the latest update for Aquaria?
Thanks in advance.
Plimus site is down for a few weeks already, not sure if they still offer the download. I heard they might cancel the contract with plimus and switch to the humble store, but there hasn't been any news in regards to that that I'm aware of.
Which version do you have right now? If you still have the installer or game data you're pretty much set up -- just use an unofficial update (see my sig) and that's it. 1.1.1 is the newest official update for windows but personally I wouldn't want to use it anymore after all the improvements that have been made to the open source version.
(I'll make a new update this evening, the current one has one particular annoying bug so you might want to wait until it's out.)
Btw: cool to see old dawgs back around here ^-^
Glad to see someone's still around here.
Hm... I haven't thought about it. If the game really went open source and the community is already supporting the game's further development, it shouldn't be a problem to update it from 1.0, as long as I have the original installer, right? :)
If that's the case, I'll wait for the next release :)
Ah, man. I'm so happy to know, I will be able to play Aquaria once again.
Hm... I haven't thought about it. If the game really went open source and the community is already supporting the game's further development, it shouldn't be a problem to update it from 1.0, as long as I have the original installer, right? :)
Well, 1.0 is a problem, because all datafiles are moleboxed (i.e. packed into a container file, encrypted, and locked away). Version 1.1 and up can't deal with this and expect the plain files on disk. I found code for an unpacker on the net and it works, but you'd miss the improvements Alec did in the one year he worked on the 1.1 update if you just used the unpacked files (most importantly widescreen optimized maps and related graphics Derek made).
So if you still have 1.0, hop on IRC and I'll try to help you out. :P
(Side note: I'd be really interested to get my hands on an original 1.0 installation -- curious to see the changes that were made, and the old map system that everyone complained about)
EDIT: Hehe, there's a way to create an update that can even work with version 1.0. Hacking on it.... stay tuned :P
(But I'd need an 1.0 installation to test if it works when it's done)
EDIT2: Wrote a little tool that can perform the 1.0 -> 1.1.1 conversion. Now all I need is a 1.0 installer 8)
EDIT3: Anyway, here it is: -- Unpack it somewhere, run the exe, tell it which directories to use, and push the button.
No guarantees that it'll work, it was hacked together in a hurry and I have no idea what I've been doing.
I tested it on the demo version, and it was able to create a working game from it (with some textures missing that the demo doesn't have, but still. It started, and I could play the beginning).
First use this and get 1.1.1 running, then apply an opensource updatepack on top of it and you'll be perfectly up to date (I'll work on getting those out now).
Thanks for the help.
I already tried out your converter, but it seems to not work correctly (if at all); It only creates a folder for the new installer, and terminates after that. I'm using Windows XP with all the latest updates. Specs: C2D E6750 (2,66ghz), 2GB RAM, Geforce GTS250; there's enough space on all the drives.
I already checked out the installer, and it really seems to be one of the first builds (as in - version 1.0, from 17/12/2007). I'd be glad to help you with any possibilities to create a working version, and as long as both Alec and Derek won't have anything against it, I can leave it on my private server for you to download.
For whoever else might need it, I've updated that tool and it works now for both the demo and the 1.0.3 version of the game (although it can only create an incomplete installation from the demo, i.e. this doesn't result in a full game - intentionally!).
Download link is the same as in my prev post:
I hope noone gets disgruntled because it essentially bypasses the protection, ignores the DRM present in 1.0.x, and unpacks all the game data. I would have never been able to write the code that unpacks molebox; I just found it on the net and made it work with the full version (using the molebox key extracted from a heap memory dump).
I personally don't see a problem with this as 1.1.1 comes with all files freely accessible and without DRM.
Hope this is useful for people like IceD who still have a very old installer around and can't get Plimus to unlock their legitimate 1.1.1 download.
TL;DR Plimus is a pain in the ass.