Minor ability and obstacle related spoilers follow. If you've played 3 - 6 hours of the game you've probably seen it all yourself.Hi guys. I bought the full version of the game after enjoying the demo and have played for 6 hours now and wanted to share my thoughts so far. Everything others have said before me about the art and overall feel of the game are spot on. Derek's underwater fantasy land is as lush and alive as I could have hoped. Controlling the character is also very sharp and satisfying. I never feel like I'm fighting the controls. This is notable because a lot of indie games manage to have controls that are just plain "off". I find progressing through the world very fun and satisfying. The idea of setting up Naija's home as a place to demonstrate and apply all of the core abilities you obtain is an excellent one.
Onto the other side of the coin (I bet you saw this coming a mile away). I've spent about the last 3 hours of gameplay hopelessly lost. Well, not lost in that I don't know where I am, but I am at a total loss as to what I need to do or where I need to go to obtain my next form or ability. I have energy, fishy, and plant forms. I need to be able to see in the dark, get past steam vents, and (maybe) swim up strong currents. I strongly suspect that obtaining one will lead to the others but therein lies the rub. I'm somebody who has been playing games for decades and over that period of time have gotten very good at thinking like you need to think in gaming situations like this. As most of you probably know there is a sort of arcane language that games speak to gamers with. Things that may seem obvious to a veteran gamer like me might not be obvious at all to a beginner. Point being is, if you've managed to stump me even after I work on the problem for 3 hours straight, something somewhere has broken down. Or I could totally be on the wrong track and if that is the case please point and laugh at me. Keep in mind I'm not asking for help. If you know what I should do next please do not post it. This thread isn't about me being stuck, it's about why I believe I'm stuck and how I think it could be improved.
I don't see the problem as being with the game itself, the problem is the map. This very thing has been pointed out in the few Aquaria reviews I've read (both linked from this very forum). The map just doesn't do enough to clue you in on where you've been and what you've seen. It needs work guys.
First of all, I don't get the minimap. It illuminates a very limited area around the character, not enough for it ever to be useful. Plus, the little it does show is vague and stylized. Add to that the large icons indicating area transitions that are usually too numerous and bunch up all around the edges. In any given area these may indicate that there are (for example) 3 transitions and a save point somewhere in the general direction of the northeast. This might be useful if you could swim in a straight line in that direction, but Aquaria just isn't designed like that. So I end up never using it, it's just not helpful. This means I'm constantly dropping to the world map. This presents a break in the flow of the game, but one that might not be particularly avoidable and common enough in games of this type (IE Super Metroid). If it were up to me, I'd just get rid of the mini map. Barring that I recommend a toggleable semi transparent Diablo style overlay to replace the mini map. It would show the same depth of information as the world map (as well as the additions described below) except it would only show the current area. It's purpose would be to get your bearings while you swim towards a known goal or some dark space to explore.
Onto the world map. This is where in my opinion, the breakdown occurs. I'm sure we've all played at least one chapter of the Silent Hill games. When you first set out to explore the town of Silent Hill your map is wide open showing all streets as passable, but when you come across places where the road is impassable the game writes in in for you. This is to prevent you from having to either make your own map, or if you're not that type just using trial and error until you memorize which ways are passable or not. Aquaria's world map needs one of two things badly. Either a notation system for the map that allows you to place points of interest and write or type text associated with said point. Twilight Princess the recent DS Zelda game has a good example of such a system. This sort of setup can be fun and satisfying. Or the following additions:
- An arrow indication an impassable current and which way it flows.
- An icon that indicates a blue crystal/steam vent
- A different coloration to indicate darkness.
- Area transitions coded depending on if you've passed through them or not. I picture a bar of color across each. Red for unpassed, gray for passed. This would also solve the problem of not recognizing an area transition on the map as has happened to me a few times so far. Area transitions wouldn't necessarily need to be drawn in until the player eliminates the fog of war immediately in front of them.
- Fog of war status needs to be shown for all areas of the map at all times.
Add to that list any ability focused obstacles that I haven't encountered yet of course. With these additions I could open my game up right now, and probably with a quick scan find an area transition I'd totally overlooked somehow, or find a part of a familiar area that I had in my head was impassable for whatever reason, but wasn't. Or find a block of fog of war I had overlooked somehow.
I lay this out so explicitly because I personally don't like it when somebody comes to me with a problem with something I've created but can't quite articulate what it is or suggest any modifications that might help me wrap my mind around the problem they had or put me on the right track. I have a great deal of respect for both of you guys and think you've made something ambitious and amazing. I despair that the map has been such a big problem for me (and thus likely many others) but delight in the fact that it seems like a relatively easy problem to fix. Thanks for reading.
(No doubt many edits will follow as find dozens of the glaring editing errors that I'm notorious for.)