Heh. Wiccaan and I bring you this neat trainer. Hope you like it. It's not yet released @ Extalia, it's first beta. Works fine so far, but I still feel like I can add more to it - fast shooting, teleporting to selected boss/mob, removing gravity (making air seem water) and many many more.. I need time, patience and a better PC (ATi Radeon 9800, 512 MB DDR1 - sux)

Anyway, here goes - download link: [
http://www.speedyshare.com/553612202.html ]

Leave your comments and name other options you want included. Also:
- don't try save/load option when attempting this: you get to a boss (they are usually in a room, and the door closes behind you) and you saved your position before entering the room and the door close on you; if you hit F5 to load position, you'll warp outside of the room and you CAN'T go back in =] (yeah, I'll try to make a wall hack or remove collisions)
- if mobs are moving, freezing them won't work; enable the hack, kill the ones in your area, and the newly spawned ones will not move

- Naija's speed has been set above the speed you get from a Royal Soup (1104); I set it to 1500 =]
- will add 1-hit kill, as it pisses me off to test stuff on bosses that die hard; just need a filter

- setting mob speed to 0 works only with player speed turned on; F3 on -> you can use F4 to turn on/off mob speed; when you turn off F3, F4 automatically turns off..