Hi all, I just wanted to make sure that this form was a part of the game I couldn't possibly miss; I've explored everywhere but inside the Body (I've only gone in just a teeny bit), and I was kinda worried that I some how missed it even though I've been pretty much everywhere (I think). Perhaps the order I did things in makes it so I missed it and I've forgotten about some path I couldn't cross?
I did Energy Temple --> Open Waters (top two parts only, when I got to the lower parts I thought I was going somewhere I shouldn't because of all the crazy shooter and Nautilus things) --> Mithalas City --> Mithalas Castle (skipped the Cathedral though) --> Kelp Forest --> Mithalas Cathedral (Got Beast) --> Kelp Forest (Got Nature) --> Mithalas Cathedral (Got Spirit) --> The Veil --> The Ice Veil --> Open Waters (bottom two areas a little) --> The Abyss --> Sunken City --> Arnassi Ruins and the rest of the Open Waters maps --> More Abyss/Whale and now I'm at The Body. Sorry for the long list, but I did a heck of a lot of back tracking and re-exploring, in part because I freaked when I got to the Cathedral. The spooky music (love it by the way) made me think it was a more final part of the game, and I was NOT ready to beat it. I'm still not ready to beat it. Only need one more treasure and the dual form along with some recipes (Cold Soup for one), but I am not ready for the adventure to end.
Any hints but not outright spoilers would be awesome (I've already done a search of the forums for Dual form, and both times I did it, there was no indication of what part of the game it was in/how far in).
Happy playing