I have stumbled upon certain discussions and comments (accidentally), and I just felt "bad" finding them. I don't know how to explain in any other terms. I felt offended. I can't help it. What I would like is for anyone who is involved in these discussions not make them in more general forums where all types of gamers are found in. Maybe they can make their own forum (marked of course) where they can talk about it, or private message each other. I know this sounds pathetic, but some things just offend. Yes, I know I'm not a child and things shouldn't offend me, but there have been so many times where I've kept my mouth shut and said nothing and I felt defeated. Where everyone was allowed to voice their opinions and bluntly as they wanted, and I just happened to accidentally find it. As a forum, I thought it could be more controlled (since this isn't quite the vastness of the internet). I would like people to just be cautious of what they write, think about it, and decide if it needs to be put somewhere out of public view.