This is a little bit off-topic, but please endure by behavior

Elfwood-site is very familiar to me, but I haven't got any works there, so maybe you mix me with someone else. I have just a couple pics in DeviantArt (as you already noticed

Perhaps if you really want to know about the use of colour I could help you out sometime and oerhaps even paint version of it for you? It would be quite simple to make an outline copy for painting. You are very talented so you should learn how to use colour or you are selling yourself very short and I would be honoured to be able to help
I have to say, it would be my honour if someone as gifted artist as you could help me with colours

you really work wonders with colours.
I still have a very special image in mind for Naija but it's still floating around in my head at present
That can be quite frustrating, that "image-in-mind" -thing. Sometimes I see pictures crystal-clearly in my mind, and then I'm trying to transfer that image to paper. And even more frustrating; it's almost impossible to do, and the finished work always lacks something

It's quite funny feature, though.