After a loooong time of silence, here's another update. We've all had a busy time, but even though progress is rather slow, it's steady.
Have some mildly spoilerish pictures:

^ Mangrove area WIP. This image is a bit older, but haven't shown it yet.
The trident will play an important role for Lucien.
(Some might recognize it, it comes from
this fanart and is used with permission.)

^ Bedroom :3

^ Near to the entrance to the new city. Notice that the multiple characters system is functional,
and Naija and Lucien are AI controlled at the moment.

^ The world map for the prev. picture. This is how it is currently, but it will get bigger.
Many more areas/maps to be done.

^ Not everything that seems obvious is happening...
Can we know what is reallity, and what is imagination?

^ With the multiple characters comes enhanced forms and costumes support.
Question is, is this really a costume?

^ Something has gone terribly wrong here.

^ On which side are they? And who is the player?

^ With enhanced forms support comes also a little energy form upgrade.
I had posted another image like this way earlier, but that was a totally different system
and everything that had to do with it was rewritten from scratch.
The other forms will also receive their share of updates and new features.

^ Causing mayhem on the debug map.

^ Latest addition as of yesterday: Technically, it's now possible to walk on the ground.
This is still a work in progress but works quite decently so far.
The AI cannot walk yet, but I'll add support for this as well.
Learning to walk may play in important role in the story, not sure yet...
For those interested in the coding part, everything is done in Lua, on the existing API provided by the game (although slightly enhanced and more added functionality), but nothing in the game's code is changed to support all this. I made a little abstraction layer made of duct tape spaghetti popcorn sauce that sits between the game's Lua API and the actual entity/node scripts, intercepting and redirecting calls made on the fly in both directions. It's a bit weird to explain, but it works so well it's scary

Finally, a friend has also joined in development, so we're 3 now. He's not registered on this forum (yet), but have some concept art from him:

(Also see the description on dA, click the image...)
Progress stages)
When there's some more things to show I'll make a video showing things in motion. But it's still too early for that, so stay tuned.