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Offline IcyEyeG

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2013, 12:07:26 am »
@ IcyEyeG: I had intended something like CC-BY-SA-NC, but we haven't decided yet.

I'm my opinion, for what it's worth, that's the best license you guys could choose, as it on the one hand gives the users creative freedom, but at the same time respects the original creators (including Alec and Derek) by only allowing non-commercial use.
I can't wait to see new updates!  ;D

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2013, 02:00:50 am »
Replacing more and more parts of the engine with scripts. Poisoning does not work correctly with multiple characters, so I had to hack out the builtin poison handler and use a scripted one instead, of course with the obligatory improvements & fitting visuals:

(Graphics power to the max with GLSL shaders)

You will be inebriated! :P
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 02:05:28 am by False.Genesis »

Offline archy

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2013, 12:08:38 pm »
Your shader is gonna cause a lot of motion sickness among players...  ;D

Nice work though!
check out my graphical overview of Aquaria recipes:

Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2013, 03:56:10 pm »
Really like the work you have put into this.. inspiring. Been meaning to get back to my Lost Treasures mod.

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2013, 04:34:26 pm »
YESH! And i had thought you were gone forever. That's good news indeed. Please continue with it. ;D
If you want me to check your scripts at some point, let me know. (Proofread, fix, whatever)

For additional inspiration, have some booze:

« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 04:37:48 pm by False.Genesis »

Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #35 on: June 23, 2013, 11:22:43 am »
I was hoping that since the source code is free, that I'd see someone port it has homebrew for PS3, with mod support, and ps3 dualshock support. That would definitely make me much more motivated in continuing my mod. I'm way more into the level, character, and creature design than I am into the scripting engine used in Aquaria. You sir have way more experience with programming than I. Perhaps when you are done with your mod, we could get together and I could share my resources with you and plan on another release. Do you have a timeline of when you are expecting to make a release?

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2013, 02:37:41 pm »
I was hoping that since the source code is free, that I'd see someone port it has homebrew for PS3, with mod support, and ps3 dualshock support.
That's not exactly easy, afaik there's no public devkit for PS3 out there, and installing homebrew is a pain from what i've heard. Don't own a PS though, and never will.

Perhaps when you are done with your mod, we could get together and I could share my resources with you and plan on another release. Do you have a timeline of when you are expecting to make a release?

That's exactly the problem. We don't have a timeline. It's impossible at this point to make any assumptions. We just make things and will continue to do so until it's done. When I know roughly how far we are, I will announce it. (E.g. Diablodoct0r is currently redoing the story, we had something that we felt that worked somehow but it turned out it was incoherent and a bit weird. When the new story is done it should be a lot better.)
Abouts yours, i would like to, but I can't promise anything. I'll have to start my master's thesis in a few months, and our mod will definitely not be done until then. Can't estimate how much time I'll have in future, but I'll try to reserve a bit :)

Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #37 on: June 24, 2013, 09:10:26 am »
What about PSl1ght? or is that way to limited to produce calls for the gpu? and installing homebrew is a piece of cake. I've done extensive modding to my Skyrim on ps3, and have it loaded with a bunch of emulators, including dosbox. Haven't had any troubles.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 09:15:44 am by Danger Mouse »

Offline yams4lunch

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2013, 07:30:31 pm »
I think it would be cool to have a nod to the other community mods, almost like a community canon in a sense. It would be like the community continuing the story, since it's very unlikely Derek and Alec will make a sequel. Any thoughts?  :)
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Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #39 on: August 27, 2013, 05:29:17 pm »
It's about time for a little update. In the last 2 months we didn't make a lot of proegress regarding the maps; most work was cleanups, improvements, and other background stuff that unfortunately doesn't yield good screenshots. Here's a few, those who hang out on IRC have probably already seen them:

^ Bird form is now fully implemented and replaces dual form. Doesn't allow for much height, but allows to cross large horizontal distances very quickly.
Long-distance walljumps included of course :)

^ Forms pimpin'.

There has been some more work on GLSL shaders:

^ Experimenting. Also known as Vectrex-modeTM.
I don't see an actual use for this but it's been a good exercise.

^ Some more poison effects.

^ The volcano area is hotter than ever.

^ Left: Original. Right: Contrast enhancement and light amplification make up for a lacking vision in the dark.
This already does sonar that is reflected from enemies and shows their position.

To support all the changes that have been done, the main menu had to be replaced.
This doesn't work usually but with a few tricks and a lot of glue code (home-made UI library ftw!) we can now change almost all rules of the game.
To name a few:
- In theory: Support to cook more than 3 ingredients at once. In practice: Nobody can remember recipes that complicated, so we'll keep it at 3 :)
- Completely scriptable ingredients (Scroll up a few posts for the drunk pic. Yes we have whiskey now that makes drunk when used.)
- New food effects (such as +defense, +regeneration, +energypower, ...). We're looking for ideas for new food effects to add so if you have one, shout!
- The limit of max. 8 ingredients per type is gone. Now each item has a weight and there's a global weight limit of how much can be carried. Some planning ahead will be required what is best used where.
- Ingredients and costumes are no longer separate, and each costume will have a use or an effect. We're still figuring out how to improve upon the other collectibles system -- home decoration is nice but it could be better.

^ The menu looks almost like the old one. Note unlimited stack size and the other changes.

^ Because each character has a different set of abilities, the old song menu page had to go and is now instead shown on the group menu,
which replaces the help screen (Did anyone ever read that wall of text?!).
With the help screen gone, there's now space for a list that will keep track of things that have happened or that might happen in future.

^ Frances kept poking me to code the puzzles UI so I finally implemented that yesterday. :P Expect this one to be one nasty puzzle.  >:D

^ Quick prototyping session with Christianx42 on IRC.
Not sure yet where this is going. Prototyping!

On the other news...
After being a horribly lazy slacker busy for a while, Diablodoct0r has picked up work on the story again, but no details about that at this time. ^-^
Something else is going on, too: https://soundcloud.com/naxcilliac/freefall-aq  :o (thanks, `Nax!)

That's it for today, stay tuned.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 05:52:39 pm by False.Genesis »

Offline Diablodoc

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #40 on: August 27, 2013, 07:17:11 pm »
Hey guys, I should probably introduce myself to you guys now once and for all, since I'm working on the project now ^^


I recently got to know about this project and was presented its story. After my evaluation on their storyline and gameplay, fgenesis and Fawpaw requested me to make a new game story.

I've been busy these past months and had little time to work on the story, but now hopefully things will settle down and I can start working on this more actively.

Given the new design and story onwards, I'll be requesting new levels and unfortunately many old maps and places may have to be dropped and redesigned, while others may be preserved for other opportunities.

The challenge

One of the reasons the story for Aquaria is so tedious, is that it has been through multiple changes and revisions during the original game's development, especially with regards to the secret ending, and.. well.. the game just simply does not make sense from a storymaker's perspective.
In other words, making a playable and rational sequel to this game is nearly impossible without either gigantic plot holes, or implausible explanations. And I'm saying this after digging for some time into it, finding problems that weren't obvious.

So I figured I have to not only "continue" the story, but redesign and attempt to explain elements of the original game, how basic rules of the universe work, and the origin of the characters. And since gameplay follows suit and is adapted to the story, this has to be done proper. And I don't want this to be one of those sequels that "Was finished in 10 seconds" or "had one of those boring stories".

No response from Alec

To answer critical questions about the game, fgenesis has been attempting to contact Alec on Twitter and asked him about the story, the characters etc.. But after replying that he doesn't remember much, he stopped responding to our questions.


So far, I've mapped out and redesigned some characters, explained origins and made some semi-mythologies belonging to the game, done extensive planning on the later parts of the game, and I'm currently working on Mia as a character; explaining her origin, her mentality, the history of her life and her abilities, etc. Working this way with things will better help me predict the realistic course of the game.

I also requested a new menu for more flexible access to the abilities and characters I wanted to implement, and fgenesis even suggested a Diablo 2 style belt, which is cool!

Stay tuned!  ;)

Offline nax

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #41 on: August 30, 2013, 04:20:48 am »
hi i'm nax the music guy or something

Offline bstrey

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #42 on: September 07, 2013, 11:40:57 pm »
New music? :O Sweet.
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Offline Fafhred

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2013, 02:00:56 am »

Just discovered this project today, seems very promising, I am looking forward to play it eventually when it will be finished :-)

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #44 on: November 07, 2013, 09:29:03 pm »
Hmm, so much time has passed again without an update? Let's go.
This time, I have picked a few random things because screenshots slowly start getting a bit spoilerish.

^ Screw physics!

^ Don't let your spirit go too far away from your body!

^ I was always annoyed that energy form doesn't glow in the dark.
Now it does, and the shots do too. Looks much better.
(Getting the shots to glow in the dark was a technical challenge, I tell you!)

^ I had played around with this before, but now it actually has a use:
Many enemies (and friends too) have a proper vision system now.
I plan to add listening capabilities as well.

^No comment on this one, but feel free to guess :)
(Thanks to Peri for the person on the right!)

^Proof that we've been working steadily for those who were doubting.
It's just me committing to the repo, but everything goes in.
Hopefully spoiler-free.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 09:52:36 pm by False.Genesis »