Hmm has been too quiet around here... time for a little update (no spoilers this time; i'll focus on one thing only. And we're not dead!)
So about 2 months ago thegamemaster1234 came up with a
dress up mod. He shared the modified sprites with me, and i worked on a pretty much complete costume system overhaul. It should be finished enough now to show a few screenshots.

^ Distinct outfits for each character, but some are shared. Costumes are no longer tied to forms. This is pretty much random mix-and-match here. Try to identify which costume each part comes from?

^ Menu overhaul. Each costume part is individually selectable and can be put on or off. Forms remember their costume. Costume parts have different effects, some reduce damage, but are heavy and slow you down. Others are very light and fast but if you take damage it will hurt. Swimming around with everything off is the fastest (esp. in beast form), but dangerous, and getting hit then is a bad idea.
So in general the same thing as with complete costumes (as it was), but now very fine-grained and controllable. If you want to wear the jelly helmet in energy form for a bit of regeneration and the krotite costume for the rest of the body for maximum protection against energy projectiles, sure. Easy.

^ Another pic. Beast form without claws (does a LOT less damage) and more jelly costume (more healing). Not necessarily a practical combination but it's possible. Looks kinda cute too.
(And no, taking the underwear off is NOT possible, because Daxar would beat me up otherwise.

Modesty, please!

I realize that this adds some RPG elements into the pot, which might not be for everyone. But there are intentionally no stats shown -- I want people to enjoy the variety, and not to micro-optimize their outfit.
I'm considering to make people give snarky comments if you don't wear enough when talking to them. That'll be so much fun.
Side note: Pretty much all of this came out of Alphasoldier's nude mod. Mad props to you, if you ever read this. *tips hat*
And big thx to thegamemaster1234 for the initial spritework, of course.