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Offline Fantist

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #105 on: November 10, 2015, 11:11:38 pm »
Hey there! After wrestling with the site for a couple days, I finally got a conformation email so I could verify my account and sign in to tell you that I love your mod so far! It feels like it could actually be Aquaria 2. I know some people don't like some of the mechanics but you really can't ever satisfy everyone. I think you should keep making your mod the way you want it to be.

I'm loving the detail put into the different environments from the screenshots you have shared. I also like the idea of energy form becoming stronger the more you use it but also becoming corrupt from it. That was something I was thought they were going to do in the original game. Remember how after you get energy form she talks about enjoying the destruction and even gives off an evil laugh sometimes when shooting stuff? I'd really like to see something like a dark side/light side meter that fills up based on decisions you make throughout the game.

I certainly hope to see more from you!
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 11:14:38 pm by Fantist »

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #106 on: November 11, 2015, 12:33:29 am »
Something older but i just made a gif and posted this on irc so it should be posted here as well.

^ Click for the full version (warning: 10 MB animated GIF)

Still working on the chapter 1 update/bugfix, but it isn't going as smoothly as planned. There are some issues left i'd like to fix first...

Offline Goobla

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #107 on: November 11, 2015, 12:55:09 am »
Now I can't wait to play as a Krotite  :o

Offline Garr

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #108 on: November 11, 2015, 01:35:23 pm »
Seriously. Why reply is a little button that I had not been noticing since I saw this topic first time? Because that's the time I registered here.
Oh well. My fault.
Just wanted to say my public thanks for your job. I would've gladly helped you, but I have neither enough skill, which is fine, nor enough time, which is crusial. But you, sir...
You remind me of one 2-year-old project of one lady. She decided to make an expanded version of "Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal", better, more advanced and with her own thoughts. At first it was not a big thing, but now she have a community of more than a thousind men who are interested in her job. Of course, only 5-8 of them are actually helping her, but this is always the case.
And this happened to a game which is 13 years old! Aquaria is only 8 years old, and you have close idea: expand a game, make it better, bigger and wiser. Yes, you have a ling way to go, but so does many! I wish you skill, inspiration and lots of admiration of your job, because I would not forgive my fate if something will go wrong and your creation will never see light.

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #109 on: November 15, 2015, 06:08:08 pm »
You remind me of one 2-year-old project of one lady.
Fyi, this mod has been in development for 4.5 years now. With pauses of course.

I wanted to share a lengthy review from Arthas (who isn't on this forum, only on IRC):

Quote from: Arthas
Being a long-time and pretty die-hard fan of Aquaria, I went into this mod with quite some expectations, and I was happy to see that most of them were indeed met.
However, as of right now it is not without its flaws. To name the ones I noticed the most right from the tip of my tongue:

-The writing of both the opening and ending sequence are a bit cheesy, but the rest of it is pretty solid from what I can recall right now. I was a bit irritated to see them all just diving off in the end without a single word, where I would have considered some exchange of words essential at this point. If nothing else at least some baffled remark from Li's side, or him getting a bit angry about his son simply running after her like that or something, since he /is/ taking the role of the adult and caring father here.

-The mod doesn't give you the same feeling of freedom, the thrill of exploration and for that matter the need to engage in it as the main game did.
This might partially be because so far there are not enough items and secrets to find in the already fairly vast world, or new astounding areas that really set themselves apart from those in the main game, where each area did have its own distinctive mood and atmosphere.
On the other hand it might as well be me having played the game so many times that I am already too familiar with the different settings I've seen the game providing players with.

-Continuing this train of thought, precisely because it is lacking this sort of feeling at times - at least for me - it also lacks a certain sort of immersion that I was thrilled to experience again, since Aquaria always excelled in this in my opinion.
What I mean by this is simple: While I am not a big fan of massive amounts of backtracking or anything, I disliked the fact that it literally gives you no reason to come back to any place. Particularly areas like the new section beyond the Song Cave. The new kind of homes one can find here seemed very intriguing at first, but unlike in Mithalas for example, it did neither motivate nor reward you enough to linger or simply marvel at some of the effects shown off.

-I also felt as if the homes themselves were a bit... indecisive as to what they wanted to be, in terms of design. Aside from these houses though, one possible design flaw I noticed in this area was one of these homes standing in the far background at some point, visible through some sort of tunnel, that gave - just as the bottom of the sea in this area - a very nice 3D effect.
On widescreen however, the separate layers of this tunnel became very visible, and one could see that they simply ended after the width of just a single sprite placed in these sort of circles, after which there was only clear water again. Now, this may as well have been intentional, but I found it sort of quirky.
And for that matter, some of the what I think are new art assets in that area seemed rather low-resolution as well.

-The same thing about immersion goes for the tree which one has to acquire the glowing fruit from. The cave it stands in is very, very atmospheric indeed, and I would have liked to see something else done with it of sorts, even if it was a bit of platforming or an interesting NPC sitting around. But as soon as you shoot these bulbs down and collect a few, you are just completely done in that area.

-The anemone maze that now fills the song cave is also a bit of a hassle to navigate.

-Another major factor that hampered my sense of immersion was the fact that one gets funneled through a lot of areas, like the new (uninhabited) parts of the energy temple. Even if you're not in the steady current which already drags you down into the next area, off-track there is also nothing to do or to find, which can quickly become a bit dull.
Likewise, finding the way out of the energy temple upon returning took quite some effort, since I forgot the small passage which I came in from, and which also is not visible on the map. I would have never found out if it was not for the circles on the mini-map, in fact. But you can blame that on my memory.

-The fish/monster battle is pretty tough, to be honest. But it's not the mere challenge that bothered me, it's rather that this thing was waaay too agile and hyper-aggressive for its size, which made it more intimidating and frustrating than it maybe should have been.

-Last but not least, the ending for this first chapter was a bit of a letdown. Not /how/ it ended, just how it was executed. The build-up of having Li and his Son waking up to all these small lights, the sudden sense of threat there nearly had my jaw drop, but it resulting in just leading the Krotites to the door, having them open it, Li saying out of nowhere that he HAD to make this decision, to just leave it all behind in a heartbeat, and no chase, battle or anything happening after that, was one of the most anti-climatic things in that moment, and while it was not really disappointing, it bothered me, because I saw this nonexistent transition out of there to the ending sequence - which in itself was fair enough - as a big amount of wasted potential.

Overall, it could be said that this mod aims for the stars. And while this is not a bad thing by itself, it does imply that there still needs to be a lot more work done.
Because so far the scale it is aiming at does simply not match the amount of content it comes with. The story told and areas shown, all of the gameplay and new visual effects so far also feel a bit like a tease, a mere introduction of what's yet to come.
I get that showing everything that's still in store for the players off in the very first chapter is a very bad idea in foresight, but I can't help but feeling that through all this stuff - no matter how well or not it worked out - that was shown so far, I am a bit dissatisfied, or would have liked to see EVEN more. But again, this too might be something intentional.

But to name some more things I was very pleasantly surprised with:

-The animation transitions from water to land itself could still be a bit smoother, but once on land, it's actually very solid. Walking /can/ look a bit funny at times, but jumping and all the rest is really, really well done.

-The idea of having to traverse the energy temple on your way back while being guarded/observed is very well thought out and executed, although I don't think that it is exhausted yet, because the energy temple as well does not have enough going for it at this point, although it certainly shows potential.

-The short cut-scene in which Li brings back his son to the home cave in order to see him safe before continuing right where you left off seems very natural, fitting and thoughtful, and is kinda heart-warming actually.

-The new areas feel very big and for the most part not too artificial, although that is rather hard to explain. But again, through them not having enough going for themselves and through not being able to go everywhere (yet?), most of them are just a major tease, or you end up wondering if you did something wrong. Which for some reason worked out so well in the original game.

-The way the conversations with Erulians work is truly marvelous. Those mere silhouettes of black on clear blue background telling you so much, yet so little at the same time, REALLY have me looking forward to what's yet to come. Although I would have liked to see these visions? memories? scattered around the place, so that you cannot simply ask all of them from the very first Erulian you meet.

A few comments from me, to give some insight in our ideas and planning. We discussed most of this already, but i'm leaving these comments here for everyone to read.

This might partially be because so far there are not enough items and secrets to find in the already fairly vast world, or new astounding areas that really set themselves apart from those in the main game, where each area did have its own distinctive mood and atmosphere.
Yes. It is intentional that there are no real secrets for Li to find since he won't appear in the rest of the story. Giving him secrets to find there would be kinda counter-productive -- how would e.g. collectibles found by Li have an impact on the chapters to come? For the cape and suit (depending on how much you found) there are some ideas how they will re-appear in later chapters, but any sort of "home decoration"/standard collectibles or even upgrades would clearly be very useless since Li's part is so short.
At some point there was the idea to allow Li to upgrade his blaster, but since it will be taken away from him that would not have made any difference in the long run (aka "Why did they put an upgrade here if it gets stolen 20 minutes later" would be a thought here).
Him getting the thing stolen instead gives him much more reason to leave and drives the story far more in the intended direction.

I disliked the fact that it literally gives you no reason to come back to any place. Particularly areas like the new section beyond the Song Cave. The new kind of homes one can find here seemed very intriguing at first, but unlike in Mithalas for example, it did neither motivate nor reward you enough to linger or simply marvel at some of the effects shown off.
You will get back there later, just not as Li :)

On widescreen however, the separate layers of this tunnel became very visible, and one could see that they simply ended after the width of just a single sprite placed in these sort of circles, after which there was only clear water again. Now, this may as well have been intentional, but I found it sort of quirky.
Whoops, need to fix the map. Getting parallax layers right is really tricky, but we do everything in 16:9 at least (i even use 2:1 to be sure) so these things usually get caught.

-The same thing about immersion goes for the tree which one has to acquire the glowing fruit from. The cave it stands in is very, very atmospheric indeed, and I would have liked to see something else done with it of sorts, even if it was a bit of platforming or an interesting NPC sitting around. But as soon as you shoot these bulbs down and collect a few, you are just completely done in that area.

That area was added at a rather late stage so there were no big plans for it. And it's true, it shows.
But about the platforming, i disagree. Li's jump is intentionally rather awkward/useless and you wouldn't want to do platforming with it.
Might change some things there if we get ideas, but no promises.

-The anemone maze that now fills the song cave is also a bit of a hassle to navigate.
That's intentional.
The density is a bit less in critical spots when the difficulty is set to easy, though (in the updated version).

-Another major factor that hampered my sense of immersion was the fact that one gets funneled through a lot of areas, like the new (uninhabited) parts of the energy temple. Even if you're not in the steady current which already drags you down into the next area, off-track there is also nothing to do or to find, which can quickly become a bit dull.
There are things to find. There's just no way to get there yet or pick most of them up. Right off the bat i remember at least 3 health eggs on the way. But Li can't open them, and one of them can't be seen since it's off limits, but trust me, it's there and you will get there later. Just not with Li, for reasons explained above.
Li's part is designed to be fairly linear, but I heard from others that they already managed to get lost. (The most overlooked thing so far that gets people stuck are the glowfruit in the erulian area.)

-Last but not least, the ending for this first chapter was a bit of a letdown. [...] was one of the most anti-climatic things in that moment, and while it was not really disappointing, it bothered me, because I saw this nonexistent transition out of there to the ending sequence - which in itself was fair enough - as a big amount of wasted potential.
Very true. We did not realize this at the time...
After a bit of discussion there's now a good plan what to add to make this part more interesting and EVIL. ;D
Won't be in the updated version (that is still not yet done), since there's too much not yet functional and some additional AI modules are required, but it'll be done eventually. For a spoiler, look at the animated GIF in my prev. post ;)

but I can't help but feeling that through all this stuff - no matter how well or not it worked out - that was shown so far, I am a bit dissatisfied, or would have liked to see EVEN more. But again, this too might be something intentional.
Intentional. We had to end this somewhere to have something to play, if we just add content we get never done. Fixing bugs and polishing everything took far too long regardless.
And in the end, it would be a waste to show off everything in the first chapter. There should still be surprises and new features not seen before that come later. And there are :)
But we did add a few "unnecessary" things just to show off, e.g. Li's walking in the top of the erulian area. That's exactly the reason why there is air there (there is also an in-lore explanation too, dw).
In the end, this release was supposed to be a teaser, and nothing else. Imho it did quite well for that, but it does have its weaknesses, and those will be addressed if possible/necessary/feasible.

-The idea of having to traverse the energy temple on your way back while being guarded/observed is very well thought out and executed, although I don't think that it is exhausted yet, because the energy temple as well does not have enough going for it at this point, although it certainly shows potential.
There is the idea of making a "stealth mission" part, possibly for Lucien, that is similar. But again, not for Li, and doing it this early without any preparation or explanation would be unfun.
The temple interior isn't exactly finished, we need to pin down Krotite culture a bit more first.

Although I would have liked to see these visions? memories? scattered around the place, so that you cannot simply ask all of them from the very first Erulian you meet.
Will see what we can do. The initial idea was that having as many erulians as memories, and each of them gives one, but that would have involved chasing each of them down. Which isn't fun since they all move around at will, and it's impossible to remember which one you have asked already (not that one could distinguish them that well, anyway). So we did it this way, which isn't optimal either...


I'd like to point out something that nobody has really brought up yet: The "Naija's costume collectibles".
- Ever wondered why they are scattered around everywhere? (The gamplay reason is to assure you that you are on the right track. If you haven't noticed, they lead directly to the huge fish. But there is an in-lore explanation for this as well.)
- Why the cape is where it is (there are 2 possibilitites to pick it up, in case you miss it the first time, and it's required to progress. So you could only avoid it for a time, even if you tried hard.)
--> Apparently Naija lost her cape, but how/why/wtf?
- And why the huge fish spits out the main part of the suit, undamaged.

Ideas? Did anyone figure out yet what happened there? 8)


Lastly, something in very early development:

^ Dialogs! (Slightly inspired by NITW, *cough*)

Actually, i got that to work yesterday at 5 am. Wheeee.
Still ugly and WIP, but it'll get better :)
« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 09:36:17 pm by False.Genesis »

Offline Joey245

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #110 on: November 19, 2015, 05:46:48 am »
First off: Sorry I'm late! I had no idea this was released last August, and so I was quite excited to see the first chapter released.

So, I played for about an hour, and I feel like I'm ready to give my thoughts on this.

First, the good:
+ I really, really like Li's new design. He looks much better with a head full of hair, instead of that stupid mohawk-buzzcut he had originally. And I liked the fact that his hair had turned gray in the opening scene, it really felt like a huge span of time had passed since Naija went missing.
+ The new areas are absolutely beautiful and exotic. The expansion to the Song Cave in particular made my jaw drop, and seeing Erulians swimming through the water (even little baby ones!) was a real delight.
+ The ability to save anywhere is amazing!
+ The sound effects of Li's blaster activating and deactivating are super cool.
+ I like the visions the Erulians gave when you interact with them. Wonderful bits of storytelling without words, and I'm presuming a lot of it will be foreshadowing.

The less-than-positive:
- Li's blaster is just...not very good. At all. I get that it's a starting weapon, and that it's probably not meant to be used throughout the whole game, but...meh. The main problem, I feel, is the lack of homing shots or charged shots; Energy Form's main draw was that you could hold the button and fire off a cluster of stronger blasts. It was all about staying mobile, knowing when to charge up a shot and when to spam right click until your finger seizes up. Li's little peashooter doesn't have any of those advantages; it's weak, it fires in a straight line, and the lack of shot tracking means that it's all-too-easy to miss a shot or have the enemy move a hair out of the way to dodge it. At the very least, having homing shots would go a long way to making the weapon feel useful; as it is, it's just more effective to run away from fights instead of engage enemies (especially since you don't have the Shield song right now - more on that later.)
- The use of jelly heads to make the anemones in the Song Cave close up was a neat little puzzle, but it took me a while to realize that different colored anemones needed different color jellies. It wasn't that I couldn't figure out that red unlocks red, green unlocks green, etc. It was more the fact that I had no idea that the other colors of jelly even existed, or were needed. From what I could see, red jellyfish heads were used to unlock all anemone; so when I tried throwing it at those purple ones that poison you (AWESOME visual effect BTW) and it didn't work. I assumed I was doing it wrong. I think that this could be solved by adding greater numbers and variety of jellies early on; that way, when Li figures out how to feed the anemones, the player can intuit "Oh hey, there are jellyfish of other colors besides red...I wonder if these heads will work?" I dunno, just something that irritated me.
- Another thing that really irritated me: traveling. I understand why it's this way from a story perspective, but so far 90% of my playtime has just been retreading the old Home Waters from Aquaria as Li, who's somewhat slower as Naija and nowhere near as graceful. Maybe it's because I'm impatient to see the new stuff, but I resented having to swim back and forth across Home Waters again and again, going from Home to the Song Cave to the Energy Temple, only to go back because I didn't go in the correct entrance...it just felt like padding. I'm sure the awesome stuff is coming soon, but for now, it'd be nice if there was at least some visual variety to spruce these old, well-worn grounds up a little.
- I know that Li can't sing, and that he doesn't have the power over the Verse as his sweetheart does. But it sure doesn't make the combat any easier, or make exploring any more satisfying. I keep seeing song bulbs that stare me in the face, quivering and waiting for me to sing the right note to get to their sweet treats inside. But Li can't sing at all, so they're just there, taunting me. Also, no Shield song means that there's no way to protect from projectiles, and no Bind song means that you can't get plant leaves or pick up rocks for bludgeoning and defense. Again, I know why that is from a narrative perspective...but the gameplay definitely suffers from these missing features.

Now, bear in mind that I haven't completely finished Chapter 1 yet, so I can't speak for the ending or the levels to come. But I'll be sure to come back and give my report once I finish the chapter.

Speaking of which...

Where exactly IS that light source I need? I tried bringing Lucien with me to get the Dumbo Octopus pet to follow, but then it just disappears as soon as I leave the Home Cave. It only shows up again when I enter the Energy Temple again, at which point Li decides that bringing a little baby into a place filled with bad guys might not be the best parenting decision and puts him back at home.  No matter what I do, I can't get the Dumbo Octopus to follow me, and it doesn't look like it provides all that much light anyways. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

Thanks again for making this happen! It made my day to see that this thing is still going strong-ish.   ;D
"The Verse binds us, narrator and explorer. My story will become your own, and yours will become mine. You will live my life through my eyes...and you will learn the truth."

Offline Retnara

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #111 on: November 19, 2015, 11:35:05 am »
Where exactly IS that light source I need?
Try to find in the new location of Erulians. It's there. In some corner ;)

but I resented having to swim back and forth across Home Waters again and again, going from Home to the Song Cave to the Energy Temple, only to go back because I didn't go in the correct entrance...
I've done it in the original game several times. Hated that endless space around. But then I totally forgot about it, because then I had fish form, which is very fast and useful in case you need to cross some big distance fast. I'm pretty sure that it won't be a problem when we'll get all the forms.

I keep seeing song bulbs that stare me in the face, quivering and waiting for me to sing the right note to get to their sweet treats inside.
We will go back to them later, as it was mentioned. But we will back there with Naija and her singing :) We have to wait until then. But, yeah, my greed was screaming about the injustice of the whole world in such a moments.

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #112 on: November 19, 2015, 11:53:24 am »
Li's little peashooter
That's exactly how it was designed. I think i also keep using this word when i talk about it  ::)
So, yes, it's supposed to feel rather clumsy, and Li is definitely better off running away than fighting.

Since this is the only chapter in which Li appears it won't haunt you later. hope that's okay 8)

- I know that Li can't sing, [...] so they're just there, taunting me.
Very intentional >:D

but the gameplay definitely suffers from these missing features.
hmm, there is a thing we had planned to remedy this a bit but it somehow got lost. Will see about it.

Where exactly IS that light source I need?
Top of erulian area.
*adds one to the list of people stuck on this*

EDIT: two more things
but for now, it'd be nice if there was at least some visual variety to spruce these old, well-worn grounds up a little.
We did intentionally not modify the existing maps to keep them "true". If you disagree i might go and rework them a bit.

and no Bind song means that you can't get plant leaves
That's why there are 8 leaves and some more food in the kitchen to get started with. If they are used up, there are other possible recipes to keep you healthy. Knowledge of the old aquarian recipes is an advantage here, but you can also find some new recipes along the way.
Maybe you noticed that picking up a food doesn't auto-teach the recipe anymore...
So keep it real. If you want to know a recipe, check a cookbook. ^-^ *hint*
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 12:02:35 pm by False.Genesis »

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #113 on: November 29, 2015, 05:29:05 pm »
Finally done with the Chapter 1 update. It's uploaded already and replaces the download in the Release post. If you already have the old version, the in-game mod downloader will show that there's an update available and you can update with one click.

This update features 4 difficulty levels, an item storage box, and a whole lot of bug fixes.

There are no other feature additions or expansions for now, so if you've already played it there's no reason to go through it again, unless you want to see the differences in difficulty :)

EDIT: Saves are compatible, but if you have an old save that has multiple Li heads or other gem issues on the world map, this won't fix it. New saves will no longer have that problem though.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 05:31:43 pm by False.Genesis »

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #114 on: November 29, 2015, 06:23:41 pm »
Hi Joey,

I just saw your post here.  Thanks for your review/feedback -- you write these really well -- lots of thoughtful comments.  :)  As the main designer of the new song cave artwork and puzzles I appreciate your thoughts on them, especially about the jellies.  Having a variety of jellies in the first, top part of the song cave is a good suggestion.  I wanted each set of jellies to be more difficult than the one before, but that proved hard to organize, given Li's limited firepower.  (And too annoying to play if the space tolerances are made any tighter.)  Several people have commented that having six sets of jellies is too many and gets boring, so I'm keeping that in mind as we work on revisions as well.    

Thanks again, and keep up the comments!

(Fawpaw on irc)   

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #115 on: November 30, 2015, 11:43:37 pm »
Quick note: There was a bug in the UI code that would pop up an error when dragging a food item on a char portrait to use it. Fixed & new version uploaded. Thanks Retnara for reporting!

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #116 on: December 09, 2015, 08:59:11 pm »
Hate to be asking this, but... I'm stuck. What am I doing in the Energy Temple? I've been all over it and the only thing of interest I've found is an orange crystal which I haven't managed to do anything with.

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #117 on: December 09, 2015, 10:11:14 pm »
Ohman why does everyone get stuck there o.o
Once you fond *anything* of interest you will get sparkles on the world map that roughly shows where the next thing of interest is located.
And you can't do anything with the crystal (yet).

Simple steps:
First, get the glowfruit at the top of the (new) erulian area. You'll find that if you go through the song door, and then to the right, past the place where you originally got bind song.
Once you have them, carry them around to have light. You can throw them to see further but it's not necessary and even though you can pick them up again afterwards, try not to waste all of them.

Some more spoilers just in case:

Then take the dark passage going downwards, where the energy temple boss used to be. Eventually you'll end up near the original entrance, go left + downwards from there, into a small-ish rectangular room right next to the save point cave. There's now a hole broken through a corner. Then you kinda just follow along more to the left and down until you hit a one-way current.

Does this help?

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #118 on: December 09, 2015, 10:56:49 pm »
... into a small-ish rectangular room right next to the save point cave.
Oh man, I thought I had been everywhere but this was the one place I missed. My bad. (I got the glow fruit alright)

I think there's a bug where the map discovery is only saved for the location you're in at the time of save, so when I continue a saved game all other locations are unexplored and its hard to keep track of where I've been and where I haven't. I'm running the latest OSE.

I think part of the difficulty at the start is that all the locations are familiar. We've been all these places and explored everything before but we have to go over everything again looking for something that's different. The Energy Temple just feels like a very large area to re-explore looking for one tiny detail.

Not trying to sound negative though, I am enjoying it so far. Thanks for all your efforts making this :)
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 11:13:28 pm by Guy »

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Re: Something like a sequel mod
« Reply #119 on: December 10, 2015, 12:34:47 am »
Oh man, I thought I had been everywhere but this was the one place I missed.
Should make this a bit more obvious then. Thanks for pointing.

EDIT: Actually, there's a current that prevents you from going back into the dark passage. Since there are no dead ends (hopefully! if there are, shoot me!) this might indicate that the next waypoint is somewher nearby?

I think there's a bug where the map discovery is only saved for the location you're in at the time of save, so when I continue a saved game all other locations are unexplored and its hard to keep track of where I've been and where I haven't. I'm running the latest OSE.

Yes, this is a known bug but i have no idea what's wrong. Something scrambles the map discovery data and wildly exchanges maps and their explored areas. The map discovery stuff is completely handled by the C++ side (so not related to my mod scripting) so i assume there's a so far undiscovered bug with a thing that happens to work fine in the main game.
I'll try to fix it in the next updatepack, whenever i find out what it is.

Thanks for telling though, you're (iirc) only the 2nd person to report this.

The Energy Temple just feels like a very large area to re-explore looking for one tiny detail.
That was the intention behind it, since Li can't possibly know what he's looking for, ie. which clues to be attentive to.
If it's overdone/boring/unfitting/whatever then please make suggestions what to improve (for later chapters, or for the first one, if it's just a little change and easy to do).
But i can tell for sure that the first part of the 2nd chapter will be in an entirely new area, if that counts.
Just good to know what players like and what they don't, wha works and what doesn't, since game design like this is always a trade-off between balancing challenging, rewarding, interesting, engaging etc in a way that it doesn't end up frustrating/boring/annoying to most people.
(There are some that can never be pleased, but what can you do. :) )
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 01:04:26 am by False.Genesis »