
- New mod selector interface with integrated online mod list and mod downloader (see
here for background info). Has full gamepad support!
It will stay completely offline until you click the globe in the mod selector sidebar - then it will connect to my server at fg.wzff.de and fetch a mod list & preview images.
This might fail if you have a firewall enabled.
Note that everything is hosted on my server, means I also manage the mod list. If you made a mod/patch/graphics replacement/whatever and want me to put it there, contact me.
- Support for soft-patching game data at runtime (exchange graphics, sound, music, texts, maps, etc with one click)
- Fixed subtitles not appearing when starting a new game.
- Multi-Language patch by Henrik Holst (but there are no datafiles for this yet -- as soon as there are some this will be fully supported. At least doing full translations is easier now.)
(There are also plans to fixup support for russian, but later)
- Misc scripting updates primarily interesting for modders
- All sound decoding is now done in a single background thread --> less stuttering when lots of action is going on (see prev posts)
- Added <Prebuffer on="1" /> option to config file, helps against sound issues, but uses more RAM if enabled (see prev posts or readme file)
- Skeletal & Skin loading fixes for linux (file name case issues, again)
- Saving is faster now, especially for large savegames
- Can now load mods from .zip files
Updated first post.
There is still an issue with nvidia nouveau drivers on linux, I got reports that it crashes with these drivers, and am working on it. If this happens for you, please let me know.
EDIT: The mod downloader marks mods you have with a green checkmark, mods that have an update available with a yellow arrow fading in and out, and mods it can't touch for some reason with a red "stop" sign. You can delete those from your disk and download the online version instead if you prefer.
Downloaded mods are placed in your _mods folder as
.aqmod files. These are in fact normal
.zip files and can be opened with any Zip program. The game uses the .aqmod extension to distinguish mods that were downloaded with the internal downloader from those that were installed manually.
EDIT2: Note that Labyrinth mod will not appear in your local mod list because it has a bug:
To fix it, download this
Labyrinth.xml (Right click -> save as) and overwrite the old one with it.
Alternatively, just download the online version, where the problem is fixed.