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Author Topic: Unofficial update packs! [OSEv1.002][16th August 2015]  (Read 113067 times)

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Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 25th May 2012]
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2012, 04:29:03 am »
Display lists are a kinda old feature that would group things into a list, so you need only one render call to render a bunch of stuff at once (roughly like that, don't know the details). But nowadays this is just emulated for compatibility and degrades performance. Achurch added it for the PSP version because there it gave a huge performance boost. Not so on the PC.

Now I'm interested why it's still laggy for you. I tested mine on win XP and linux 64 bit and it runs totally smooth (better than HiB versions, actually). Anything to reproduce, or a specific desription where it's most noticeable, and how?
I guess you understand it's almost impossible to test anything under OSX in VMware. I can run the game with a resolution of 320x240 and see if it runs, but that's all about it ;D
(And my attempts to setup a hackintosh on my desktop machine failed, so far. Not in the mood + no time to try it again anytime soon.)

And I supplied FrancesF with the same OSX builds (just with dev tweaks on by default for modding), and she never said anything that it was laggy, slow, or whatever.

(All that tells me I didn't do something that Ryan did when he made the HiB builds. No idea what that could be. I want to learn this :D)

EDIT: Hm. Ambrosia shipped the last version for OSX that used FMOD, afaik. HiB one is already on OpenAL. So i'm pretty sure it's not caused by the sound system change.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2012, 04:43:02 am by False.Genesis »

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 25th May 2012]
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2012, 05:53:27 am »
Easiest way to reproduce is to start shooting or singing rapidly. It will lag pretty much straight away. With enough sounds the music will cut out, then all audio will cut out completely.
I just tested on 10.5 on the same machine and had no problems.

[edit] Tracked the problem to the on-the-fly vorbis decoding. If I revert to the previous revision it works fine.

[edit2] There's also a weird problem with your latest release where the app will crash on launch if you open it by normal means. If I open it from the command line though it's fine. I didn't mention it earlier because it's so strange I thought it was just a problem on my end but when I tried on 10.5 it did the same thing.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2012, 09:39:44 am by Guy »

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 25th May 2012]
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2012, 04:47:41 pm »
Hey, got both fixed hopefully. The startup crash was from the localisation patch and is fine now, and I re-implemented optional sound preloading that was taken out in that commit you posted.

To enable it, set <Prebuffer on="1" /> in your usersettings.xml Audio subsection. (The config setting appears as soon as you have started the new build once.)

I uploaded a new dmg and replaced the old one - a startup crash isn't acceptable - so please redownload and test :D

But forgot to update the date on the intro screen. Ah who cares.

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 25th May 2012]
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2012, 11:08:27 pm »
All is working great :) Many thanks. I can now play labyrinth without crashing or lagging...

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 25th May 2012]
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2012, 03:07:34 am »


- New mod selector interface with integrated online mod list and mod downloader (see here for background info). Has full gamepad support!
      It will stay completely offline until you click the globe in the mod selector sidebar - then it will connect to my server at fg.wzff.de and fetch a mod list & preview images.
      This might fail if you have a firewall enabled.
      Note that everything is hosted on my server, means I also manage the mod list. If you made a mod/patch/graphics replacement/whatever and want me to put it there, contact me.
- Support for soft-patching game data at runtime (exchange graphics, sound, music, texts, maps, etc with one click)
- Fixed subtitles not appearing when starting a new game.
- Multi-Language patch by Henrik Holst (but there are no datafiles for this yet -- as soon as there are some this will be fully supported. At least doing full translations is easier now.)
   (There are also plans to fixup support for russian, but later)
- Misc scripting updates primarily interesting for modders
- All sound decoding is now done in a single background thread --> less stuttering when lots of action is going on (see prev posts)
- Added <Prebuffer on="1" /> option to config file, helps against sound issues, but uses more RAM if enabled (see prev posts or readme file)
- Skeletal & Skin loading fixes for linux (file name case issues, again)
- Saving is faster now, especially for large savegames
- Can now load mods from .zip files

Updated first post.

There is still an issue with nvidia nouveau drivers on linux, I got reports that it crashes with these drivers, and am working on it. If this happens for you, please let me know.

EDIT: The mod downloader marks mods you have with a green checkmark, mods that have an update available with a yellow arrow fading in and out, and mods it can't touch for some reason with a red "stop" sign. You can delete those from your disk and download the online version instead if you prefer.

Downloaded mods are placed in your _mods folder as .aqmod files. These are in fact normal .zip files and can be opened with any Zip program. The game uses the .aqmod extension to distinguish mods that were downloaded with the internal downloader from those that were installed manually.

EDIT2: Note that Labyrinth mod will not appear in your local mod list because it has a bug:
To fix it, download this Labyrinth.xml (Right click -> save as) and overwrite the old one with it.
Alternatively, just download the online version, where the problem is fixed.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 09:44:20 pm by False.Genesis »

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 14th June 2012]
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2012, 08:00:13 pm »
Fixed my screwup from yesterday, re-uploaded, should work fine now.

Additional fixes since yesterday:
- Fixed savefile problem (non-critical but annoying)
- Maybe fixed crash that happened on Linux with nouveau driver, not sure, didn't get a confirmation yet.
- Fixed custom music or sound effects in mods on Linux (didn't play due to file name case issues)

-Now really fixed on Linux: Added a bunch of workarounds; now it doesn't crash anymore with broken nvidia/nouveau drivers.

Uploaded new linux builds.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 06:55:02 pm by False.Genesis »

Offline archy

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 14th June 2012]
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2012, 03:27:17 pm »
I tried to build the latest revision from the https://bitbucket.org/fgenesis/aquaria repository on Linux, but it failed with this compile error:
Code: [Select]
[ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/aquaria.dir/Aquaria/ModSelector.cpp.o
[ 26%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/aquaria.dir/Aquaria/ModDownloader.cpp.o
[ 27%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/aquaria.dir/Aquaria/Network.cpp.o
In file included from /home/archy/build/aquaria-fgenesis/aquaria/Aquaria/Network.cpp:1:0:
/home/archy/build/aquaria-fgenesis/aquaria/ExternalLibs/minihttp.h:72:5: error: ‘intptr_t’ does not name a type
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/aquaria.dir/Aquaria/Network.cpp.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/aquaria.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

What should I do?


The newest revision from https://github.com/fgenesis/Aquaria_clean.git compiles and runs perfectly.
Is the bitbucket repository no longer up to date?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 04:30:39 pm by archy »
check out my graphical overview of Aquaria recipes:

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 14th June 2012]
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2012, 04:50:18 pm »
Use my git repo, which is more up-to-date and has this and other stuff fixed: https://github.com/fgenesis/Aquaria_clean
This reminds me that I should sync the HG repo with the one above... will do later today.

Offline archy

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 14th June 2012]
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2012, 05:28:34 pm »
Use my git repo, which is more up-to-date and has this and other stuff fixed: https://github.com/fgenesis/Aquaria_clean

(Maybe it would make sense to edit the initial post of this thread to mention that - currently it just lists both repositories side by side...)

Btw., just tried the new mod selector interface, it's very useful, but I'm experiencing graphics problems with it:
(click for full screenshot)
The rest of the game seems to be displayed just fine, though.

Also, when I set the game resolution to "1280 x 1024" (which is my screen's maximum resolution), opening the mod selector immediately crashes the game (no error message other than "Segmentation fault"). It works fine with any lower resolution. The rest of the game also works fine with "1280 x 1024".

I'm using an "ATI Redwood [Radeon HD 5670]" graphics card, with the proprietary "catalyst" driver version 12.6, and X.Org server version 1.12.2.
I don't usually have graphics problems with OpenGL/SDL games.
Are you doing anything out of the ordinary in that mod selector, SDL or OpenGL-wise?
check out my graphical overview of Aquaria recipes:

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 14th June 2012]
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2012, 09:43:17 pm »
You didn't apply the files from my updatepack. The mod selector uses files in gfx/modselect -- if you don't have them, get these first (they are not in the repo).
If you don't need the precompiled binaries/libs, just throw that part out.

I have tested many resolutions and there is nothing fancy going on, just standard Aquaria-internal GUI stuff.
One thing to mention is that the AMD gfx drivers for linux are b0rked crap, but mine mostly works. But no idea why it crashes, can't do much without a backtrace. You're building yourself, so getting one isn't a problem. Would be helpful :)

Offline archy

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 14th June 2012]
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2012, 07:15:27 pm »
You didn't apply the files from my updatepack. The mod selector uses files in gfx/modselect -- if you don't have them, get these first (they are not in the repo).

Ah, I didn't realize that, sorry.

Now that I applied the updatepack, it works as expected, and the crash is gone too.
check out my graphical overview of Aquaria recipes:

Offline False.Genesis

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 12th July 2012]
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2012, 04:03:19 am »
Update! This is mostly a bugfix update:
- Fixed crash when an entity currently being pulled was deleted (for example mantis shrimp bombs exploding while bound) -- my bad.
- Fixed ice chunks appearing as white dots only -- also my bad.
- Fixed a problem that prevented loading a saved game of a mod in a zip file, which occured when no patches were loaded. This affected all mods installed with the mod downloader.
- Shield song is no longer wrongly added when loading a savegame that shouldn't have it.
- Fixed loading world map data when loading a saved game from a mod, and that mod has a world map
- Fixed more possible texture loading issues on linux, didn't have a test case at hand but this should make texture loading file name case independent.

Also enabled fast math for all builds.

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [Updated 12th July 2012]
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2012, 05:09:26 am »
Any Haiku users out there?

Looks like the next update will also be available as a Haiku version. :)
Have yet to test it on real hardware, but it looks promising.

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Re: Unofficial update packs! [1.1.3+][Updated 12th July 2012]
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2012, 09:07:44 pm »
I'm having an issue where the new song hints show missing textures instead of the intended notes. I don't remember much about Aquaria's architecture now, so I can't figure out where the problem is occurring. Here's some of the log.

Code: [Select]
Voice: naija_speedboost
checking is playing now...
play now
setting flag [202] to 1
When confronted with a dangerous situation,
I was wise to use the full range of my physical abilities to avoid it.
With a powerful thrust of my legs, my webbed feet would propel me forward...
...leaving my pursuers in my wake.
set control hint: (Absorb blue plants to heal Naija's wounds., 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )
setting flag [222] to 1
set control hint: (The Shield Song - Press ESC for Song Menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )
***Could not find texture: gfx/song/songslot-0(nul): (the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [song/songslot-0(nul): (the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )] ref: 1 idx: 754
***Could not find texture: gfx/song/notebutton-6(nul)(the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [song/notebutton-6(nul)(the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )] ref: 1 idx: 755
***Could not find texture: gfx/song/notebutton-2(nul)(the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [song/notebutton-2(nul)(the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )] ref: 1 idx: 756

where (nul) is an actual 0x00 byte.  Why would a string function keep on going past a null character?
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Re: Unofficial update packs! [1.1.3+][Updated 12th July 2012]
« Reply #29 on: September 30, 2012, 03:20:22 am »
Yep this is an old and re-occuring bug, It didn't happen on WinXP and Linux anymore, but apparently still on Win7. (Didn't notice earlier because I'm still on XP and refuse to upgrade)

I finally fixed this and another serious bug regarding visited map areas in my git repo, but I can't make good linux builds here, otherwise I'd have put up a new update already.
Will do when I'm back home where my linux box is (~10th Oct).
See the commit log for the changes.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 03:22:24 am by False.Genesis »