Haha, when I was in the army, there use to be all kinds of odd facts posted on the toilet's doors so we wont get bored. :\
Yeah, for real, someone's job in the army was to post that stuff.
Anyway, here are a few facts:
- Killer Whales kill sharks by charging into the shark's stomach at great speed , causing
the shark to explode.
- A dentist invented the electric chair.
- Women blink almost twice as much as men do.
- Cockroaches will live nine days without their head before they starve to death.
- If you cut a starfish's arm, it would grow another amr. And that severed arm, would grow a new starfish.

And here is one I found on the Internet:
- TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.