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Offline Glamador

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #120 on: January 05, 2008, 10:57:59 pm »
That might explain why she appers all ghosty.

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #121 on: January 08, 2008, 08:06:34 pm »
Just beat it today, and finished reading through this whole thread. I must say I agree with the idea that this whole story is told through the blue crystal that the boy touches in the end, hence the main menu picture. All in all, loved the game for its freedom and X-treme wall jumping sequences.

Edit: And who can forget the music?

Offline Lenick

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #122 on: January 08, 2008, 11:08:17 pm »
Didn't Mia say "we don't want anyone finding your memories" or something like that? Perhaps her memories were scattered throughout Aquaria and Naija's son found them all and used the blue crystal to see them.

Offline DragonXVI

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #123 on: January 09, 2008, 12:07:29 pm »
Makes sense, the blue crystals do contain spirits/memories of the past as proved in the game

Also, the identity of the black haired girl in the 2nd ending can be explained with a little hunting in the editor :D (Not exactly a name or anything, but a rough idea as to where she fits in relationshipwise)

Also, I'm from the school that says don't make a cliffhanger ending unless you plan to make a sequal :p
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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #124 on: January 09, 2008, 03:51:53 pm »
Am I the only one thinking that the creator REcreated the flying city underwater?
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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #125 on: January 09, 2008, 10:56:43 pm »
Am I the only one thinking that the creator REcreated the flying city underwater?

I don't think so. What purposes would it hang? We still have an emotional one, but again - the city doesn't look like a created one - take a few deeper looks and you'll understand. The ghosts who wander there are also a mystery, if the city would be a recreated construction. No, the Sunken City was long before the flying one, creator and his creations. There is only one question, begging to be asked - why is it underwater?

Offline oath5

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #126 on: January 10, 2008, 12:32:02 am »
I had a feeling the opening had something to do with the ending. I had wondered how she would end up like that, and well, defying your mother from joining forces and taking over the above ground is 100% qualification for petrification. 

As for the backstory, I am torn between whether or not Naija was actually raised by Mia.  If you think about it, The Creator loved Mia a lot,  so she probably was to stay with him down in " The Body" or wherever his spirit actually lay (since he also had a spirit in the Sunken city, correct? Or was that another ghost boy?)  If you think about the different age stages of Naija in her memories (baby in Abyss, young in Mithalas, preteen(?) in the Veil) shows that Mia probably left The Creator shortly before or after she created Naija, hence the cradle in The Abyss.  So that might have been Mia after all, but she either must have become crooked in her powers and changed over time, or, Naija was planted in Mithilian society (it's obvious she lived there.)

The boy on the airship is most definitely her son. I swore I heard someone say "Mom or mother" after he took his hand off the crystal but that could be me just making stuff up and hearing things. Whatever the case, he looks a great deal like Li,  except with green skin and apparently amphibious lungs so he's most certainly their "hybrid"  son. The sleeping girl, at first I obviously thought that could be his sister, since she too had dark hair like Li, but her clothes looked Mithalian. then I remembered there was mention of a Mithalian princess, so I thought that might be some sort of lost member of the royal family that escaped the slaughter that had occurred and she has been alone all this time, somewhat like Najia. Just a thought, a far fetched one at the very least but it's still a theory. I might have to beat the game again to see that, where she was sleeping exactly.

What is considered the "good" ending, did I see that?  I'm pretty sure I got all the memories since she didn't tell me to look harder aka you rushed. I thought I saw a wedding screenshot somewhere, but there was nothing of that sort in the ending, was that a mod?

I immediately saw the eagles on Li's camp as pertaining to a city or government. I think he was there again under orders to look for something, or was just studying.  If I can remember correctly, did he have glasses when he was a child? I thought of him more as a scientist than a person from a government, not many people from government go scuba diving. Seemed he was doing research.

I'm a  bit confused about the little ghost boy, was that Eric? Or a representation of him?

Offline KingAl

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #127 on: January 10, 2008, 01:06:50 am »
The way I see it, the creator corrupted his creations after they ran away from him. They were flawed in creator's eyes because they had free will and left him. So he took revenge and corrupted his creations (the texts in the cathedral boss room and the sun temple support revenge).
He might have caught Mia sometime after she gave birth to Naija.

Sure, races were destroyed, but I don't think Mia was 'corrupted' by him, that just seems a bit contrived. I think she was always corrupted but he couldn't see it - look at his attempt to recreate his mother and father in the Sunken City.

No, the Sunken City was long before the flying one, creator and his creations. There is only one question, begging to be asked - why is it underwater?

Eh? Because... the city crashed into the water? I don't see why there'd be any doubt that the Sunken City was the flying one - it shares the fountain, it's haunted by that city's ghosts, we saw a city crashing into the water at the beginning, it shares the symbols of Li's race which implies to me he's something of an archaeologist looking for the crashed city... Sure, Occam's razor doesn't apply to fiction, but why would it be anything other?

I'm a  bit confused about the little ghost boy, was that Eric? Or a representation of him?
I assumed that he really was there - that some vestigial part of The Creator resided in the Sunken City, dwelling on his loss. Incidentally, you've got the 'secret' ending if you regain control of Naija after the cutscene depicting the aftermath of the Creator's death.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 01:08:22 am by KingAl »

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #128 on: January 10, 2008, 01:36:53 am »
But why is the city buried so deeply underwater? Even if the boy/creator took a while to die or get his powers of make Mia, which eventually made Naija, I just don't get it why it is buried so deep, and to think of it, the Creator DID create The Body, Right?
Also, something that crashes, into ocean or land, doesn't usually keep integrity, aka: it falls apart. And just like you just said, his attempt to make his mother and father underwater, just like the "sunken" city. And things that are supposed to be above water, like wood and other building materials, this also aged in time underwater.
Or last possibility is that he just created The Veil and Kelp Forest above the Sunken City, but that would mean he controls land too, which also isn't right.
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Offline FaeDyne

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #129 on: January 10, 2008, 09:35:36 am »
But why is the city buried so deeply underwater? Even if the boy/creator took a while to die or get his powers of make Mia, which eventually made Naija, I just don't get it why it is buried so deep, and to think of it, the Creator DID create The Body, Right?
Also, something that crashes, into ocean or land, doesn't usually keep integrity, aka: it falls apart. And just like you just said, his attempt to make his mother and father underwater, just like the "sunken" city. And things that are supposed to be above water, like wood and other building materials, this also aged in time underwater.
Or last possibility is that he just created The Veil and Kelp Forest above the Sunken City, but that would mean he controls land too, which also isn't right.
Somehow I wonder if this much thought was really put into it. :> Whether the sunken city was from the flying city or was recreated, I think  will have little to do with whether that LARGE area could have somehow fit intact through the large amount of narrow passages above it, or whether everything between it and the surface are actually covered over after it fell.

and I think with the Creator's death, he probably brought back other Mithalans, not just the prince. so that black-haired girl could be the princess.

So... anyone think Eric = Alec? :> both creators of Aquaria. :> apply some lazy English vowels and some R/L interchangeable.
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Offline Praetyre

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #130 on: January 10, 2008, 11:08:11 am »
As Xiagan put it; http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=503.msg6379#msg6379

Am I the only one who thinks Eric and Mia are an unusual mix, being that they seem to represent the respective evil figures of Gnosticism and Christianity (Eric= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demiurge ) (Mia=Lucifer, both beautiful yet evil manipulative creations of a greater entity that rebelled)?

Offline Glamador

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #131 on: January 10, 2008, 06:29:09 pm »
Have we determined that Mia is indeed less powerful than the creator?  There have been several theories in this thread alone that could easily fit without being out of place.

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Offline Wenzor

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #132 on: January 12, 2008, 07:25:26 pm »
Have we determined that Mia is indeed less powerful than the creator?  There have been several theories in this thread alone that could easily fit without being out of place.

We don't really know...but we're definitely sure she's smarter

Offline KingAl

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #133 on: January 13, 2008, 04:12:39 am »
Have we determined that Mia is indeed less powerful than the creator?  There have been several theories in this thread alone that could easily fit without being out of place.

Well, we know that she wasn't confident enough to take him on herself - whether that means she's less powerful or is just self-protective is open to interpretation. Or perhaps the Creator has greater power over things which he's created directly than those which have been created by others.

Offline SunBeam

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #134 on: January 17, 2008, 05:41:37 am »
Read these whole 9 pages and here's what I've gotten to. Am close to 100% sure of the next facts:

a. The Sunken City IS the city you see in the intro. Either that or a recreated copy (in the eyes of the little boy longing for his home). Not to mention that in the ending of the game, he speaks about it IN PAST TENSE. So yeah, there won't be any flying city in the sequel :)

b. The girl at the end, in same cave with Li and Naija's son - can be their son's WIFE. We learn in the end that all the species were released from their cursed forms and managed to hopefully multiply and rejoice. We are shown a symbolic scene with one of each of the species, suggesting that they were reborn "from ashes"..

c. The boy flying away at the end can also mean something else - legacy of the creator, the verse flowing through him drove him to his own creation - making a world in the sky :) I believe opposites do attract, as we all know. So, boy in the sky, drawing pictures of sea (intro); gets in the sea, makes own world. Boy in the end, living all his life in the sea, longs for the sky; rushes to attempt at making his own creation.. You might say "But Li wasn't one of The Creator's made beings". Even so, Naija says all her features and abilities seemed to fit Li very well ;) Plus, their son has genes from the both :P

Just my 2 cents. Do throw rocks at me! Shield Song, turned ON! :D
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 05:44:07 am by SunBeam »
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