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Offline FaeDyne

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #105 on: January 02, 2008, 12:06:50 am »
I thought perhaps killing The Creator undid all the destruction he caused, although he also created them, so it's strange that it wouldn't undo their creation in the first place. :>
I guess we can't really figure anything out from this. We don't even know if the whole city fell from the sky or just parts of it. If it got put back up there, then the powers aren't limited to just what was created underwater after he fell.
and I thought it was said that the boy was the only survivor. but... he's a ghost. it sure seemed like he drowned. and how did the city and the boy end up under the abyss? (then again, how do shafts of sunlight constantly shine through to deep cave areas in other parts of the game unless they're relatively thin walls between the cave areas inside and huge open areas where light can get through a hole at many angles throughout the day?) I suppose it's possible that everything above it is actually part of the city, and the "sunken city" area is just the bottom, or that original parts that are exposed...
The whole story is so vague. :S
from the exotic lands of Ryzom, Myst, and Phantasy Star Online

Offline Wenzor

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #106 on: January 02, 2008, 03:31:24 am »
Another question would be how much of the living creatures (and the ones that lived) of Aquaria the creator made with his own powers.

Perhaps he just created the thirteen we see displayed before his chamber (where you fight his first and second form). And the thirteen used their powers to create the creatures of Aquaria.

All I know was that he created the gods (I don't know if he created all of them, it's in the ending, he said something like he wanted to feel loved again, but everything he created had their own mind), and some of the primes? (Nautilus Prime was in the ending xD that's all I can remember)

also b4 u fight the the Creator (body I)
u can see a lot faces on the wall (Naija's face was on it?)

Offline Lenick

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #107 on: January 02, 2008, 06:36:47 am »
also b4 u fight the the Creator (body I)
u can see a lot faces on the wall (Naija's face was on it?)

Mithalas says that Naija is the child of the thirteenth. The last face on the wall, which just happens to be the thirteenth face, is probably Mia's.

Did anyone notice that one of the faces kind of resembles a seahorse? That could be the Narcassi god or some kind of seahorse prime  :).

Offline megablake

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #108 on: January 02, 2008, 06:48:34 am »
Just played through the ending again, noticed a few things:

Do we know all all of the faces in the wall before you face the creator?  I recognize Mithalas, the energy god, the forest mother, and I think that the sun temple god was in there as well.  There's also what could be the Nautilus and Octopus Primes.  The last one, the one that also shows up in the menu screen, I assume is Momma Mia.  Anyone recognize the others?

Noticed that Eric says "The Spirit that gave me life stayed within me..."  Might be reading into the capitalization too much, but that sounds like something possessed him and gave him the power to shape life under the water.  Possibly something inside the red crystals?

I'm not so sure that the spirits you release were able to restore their respective races.  We see one Energy temple guy, one Forest guy, the Prince, and two of the binding people (there was one that taught you the song, and the one that you freed from The Body?)

Now who does that black-haired blue-skinned girl at the end remind me of?  Maybe a certain princesses?  Maybe the Prince was able to bring back his family from wherever he left for...

Paid more attention to the sketches during the ending this time.  I really like the volcano version of the energy form.  It's kind of a nice look into the eariler versions of the game, which if I remember the interviews right, were going to be more of an RPG-ish underwater world.  Also, I see that the Mia sketch has manacles on her wrist, the kind that you might chain someone up with.

I wonder if the next game (which please please please let happen because it would be awesome yes) will have a more populated world or worlds?  Maybe another resounding theme replacing the loneliness of this one?

I would love to go through all of Derek's sketches for the game, but if they do continue this story, there might be too many spoilers to show them on the web)

Oh, and I didn't get a good look at the flying city at the end, but it's flipped from the flying city during the intro?  Does this mean that the intro city was destroyed and became the Sunken City, or are we just looking at the city from another angle?  Hmmm...  Ether way, there's a lack of little blimps and flying ships around the end city, so perhaps the city was just rendered inhabitable?

Man, I love speculation!

Offline morpork

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #109 on: January 02, 2008, 07:46:47 am »
That Mia in the ending can't be Naija's true mother..
When you look at Naija's childhood memories her mother seems warm and caring, not the world conguering/slaying type.
Just compare the difference in Mia first lovingly cradling Naija in her memory and then talking about "burping babies" in the ending.
Maybe the spirit of the creator posessed Mia after it left the boy?
Only the sequel will tell. And speaking of which, you wrote "to be continued" in the ending so that is a promise. You can sign in blood here:


Offline FaeDyne

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #110 on: January 02, 2008, 08:49:18 am »
That Mia in the ending can't be Naija's true mother..
When you look at Naija's childhood memories her mother seems warm and caring, not the world conguering/slaying type.
Just compare the difference in Mia first lovingly cradling Naija in her memory and then talking about "burping babies" in the ending.
Maybe the spirit of the creator posessed Mia after it left the boy?
Hrm. Well, that does lend credit to the idea that perhaps Naija was placed into Mithalan society, although I think the person who suggested that might have said Mia also went with her. Perhaps she's not really Mithalan, but some kind of demi-god that can assume any form. (which is backed up by the game mechanics)
I think someone already asked if the first memory in Mithalas showed a woman with Niaja, and whether she looked like Mia or not... curious to find the answer to that. (I'm sure I have a save-slot near that point, as I saved frequently in a new slot)
Speaking of memories, why is it that you can click on the spots you gain memories? And why does it bring up your inventory? When that FIRST happened, I assumed that there was more I needed to do with my inventory to finish, and if not at the moment, then to come back later to properly unlock it. :S Strange.
from the exotic lands of Ryzom, Myst, and Phantasy Star Online

Offline Zixinus

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #111 on: January 02, 2008, 11:51:46 am »
When you look at Naija's childhood memories her mother seems warm and caring, not the world conguering/slaying type.

Hypocretes are strange people. They might spend their entire lives without any positive emotion, only to give much of it for their child. She is ambitious woman that I can tell, and she might have gotten crazy hiding from the Creator.

Offline IceD

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #112 on: January 02, 2008, 04:22:34 pm »
Mia was too perfect, even for the Creator. She propably had her own expectations and as Zixinus said, she was  a very ambiotious type of person. With her powers and charisma she could do anything. But I think she was also a caring mother in the right time, although she could change her mind as the time passed, because the story tells about the only true reason she had raised Naija was a hope that her daughter will join her in the  future. She ereased Naija's memories so her daughter could rewrite her life and history. The world of Aquaria is bursted with many unknown forces and prehaps Mia knew about them (remember that she was the most perfect creation, after all) and wanted them to be drained by Naija, so she would become a powerful being (Naija was a "flawed" creation, but came from Mia). The only thing Mia didn't expected was that Naija will have such dreams - she was alone all the time, so it was obvious that her warm heart ached to be loved and she wanted to share that love with someone. It's sad that we could see Mia's true face in the ending - she's an awful being, after all.

Oh, and Naija was a mithalan girl - it's really obvious, although she didn't belonged to the race in the same line as other Mithalans. When we create, we wan't to make something as our resemblance, so mia created Naija as a mithalan girl, just like she was looking like. We can't also forget that Mia was the most precious creation of the Creator, because she was somewhat an almost perfect and succesful reflection of his own mother. I think this tells us all - Mia had the powers of the Creator and all the love and care of his mother. This two faces could fought against each other all the time...

It's an interesting view to see Mia being possesed by the soul of Creator, ot the "Creator" himself, as we can't agree on this fact who he really was. Although I see Mia even as a more powerful being than the Creator...
« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 05:53:43 pm by IceD »

Offline megablake

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #113 on: January 02, 2008, 09:30:34 pm »
I agree that Naija was raised as a Mithalan, as they bear the most resemblance. 

I don't know if Mia is more powerful then the creator, but she's certainly smarter and more devious.  The Creator, for all his power, had the mind of a child.

Went back and looked at those faces in the wall:

1) No clue...

2) Crab - Hey, fought one of those!

3) Octopus - Fought one of these too

4) Turtle - maybe the same one up in the veil?  Seeing as it lives near the surface, it could just leave the water when Eric has a tantrum.

5) Not sure, some sort of piranha head maybe?

6) Seahorse - Like Wedixy said, maybe the Narcassi god?

7) Strange fish face?  Maybe the god of the messengers?

8) Energy Temple god

9) Forest Mother

10) Sun Temple god

11) No clue...

12)  Mithalis

13) Mia

Offline Wenzor

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #114 on: January 02, 2008, 09:44:24 pm »
That Mia in the ending can't be Naija's true mother..
When you look at Naija's childhood memories her mother seems warm and caring, not the world conquering/slaying type.
Just compare the difference in Mia first lovingly cradling Naija in her memory and then talking about "burping babies" in the ending.

Mia probably changed over time, or maybe she created Naija just because she wanted to kill the boy? Or maybe the spirit which "helped" the boy went to Mia....?
In the third memory, it showed Mia was caring for a baby (Naija)....That's probably after Mia left the boy and then created Naija immediately (borned in the abyss....-_-)
Wait wait...errr

Anyways, it was a prequel xD, we won't be able to know something until the sequel came out.

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #115 on: January 03, 2008, 01:58:21 am »
Perhaps the presence of the creator stopped Mia from venturing out of Aquaria, so she got her daughter to do the dirty work of killing the creator, but that's just speculation.

The first face resembles (atleast t me) the Nautilus prime. And the eleventh face reminds me of those two guys seen in the credits (as artwork).

Offline Glamador

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #116 on: January 03, 2008, 05:53:39 am »
I wouldn't put it past that B***H Mia to pull a stunt as complicated and intricate as all of you are describing, but is it not possible that she wasn't always evil?  Sure she may have had some grand plan for Naija but perhaps in the beginning she was just a loving mother...as the creator intended.  Of course...all of the creator's other creations strayed eventually...maybe all of his creations are flawed after all...

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Offline megablake

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #117 on: January 03, 2008, 09:53:03 am »
I can see Nautilus Prime for the first face.  I guess I just couldn't think of it out of profile.

Offline IceD

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #118 on: January 03, 2008, 05:10:19 pm »
I wouldn't put it past that B***H Mia to pull a stunt as complicated and intricate as all of you are describing, but is it not possible that she wasn't always evil?  Sure she may have had some grand plan for Naija but perhaps in the beginning she was just a loving mother...as the creator intended.  Of course... all of the creator's other creations strayed eventually...maybe all of his creations are flawed after all...

Yeah, this is the most certain truth in the game. You can't make perfect things. Mia surely was a loving mother for Naija, the memory from abyss speaks for itself.

Offline morpork

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Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« Reply #119 on: January 03, 2008, 06:15:07 pm »
I wouldn't put it past that B***H Mia to pull a stunt as complicated and intricate as all of you are describing, but is it not possible that she wasn't always evil?  Sure she may have had some grand plan for Naija but perhaps in the beginning she was just a loving mother...as the creator intended.  Of course...all of the creator's other creations strayed eventually...maybe all of his creations are flawed after all...

The way I see it, the creator corrupted his creations after they ran away from him. They were flawed in creator's eyes because they had free will and left him. So he took revenge and corrupted his creations (the texts in the cathedral boss room and the sun temple support revenge).
He might have caught Mia sometime after she gave birth to Naija.