Just played through the ending again, noticed a few things:
Do we know all all of the faces in the wall before you face the creator? I recognize Mithalas, the energy god, the forest mother, and I think that the sun temple god was in there as well. There's also what could be the Nautilus and Octopus Primes. The last one, the one that also shows up in the menu screen, I assume is Momma Mia. Anyone recognize the others?
Noticed that Eric says "The Spirit that gave me life stayed within me..." Might be reading into the capitalization too much, but that sounds like something possessed him and gave him the power to shape life under the water. Possibly something inside the red crystals?
I'm not so sure that the spirits you release were able to restore their respective races. We see one Energy temple guy, one Forest guy, the Prince, and two of the binding people (there was one that taught you the song, and the one that you freed from The Body?)
Now who does that black-haired blue-skinned girl at the end remind me of? Maybe a certain princesses? Maybe the Prince was able to bring back his family from wherever he left for...
Paid more attention to the sketches during the ending this time. I really like the volcano version of the energy form. It's kind of a nice look into the eariler versions of the game, which if I remember the interviews right, were going to be more of an RPG-ish underwater world. Also, I see that the Mia sketch has manacles on her wrist, the kind that you might chain someone up with.
I wonder if the next game (which please please please let happen because it would be awesome yes) will have a more populated world or worlds? Maybe another resounding theme replacing the loneliness of this one?
I would love to go through all of Derek's sketches for the game, but if they do continue this story, there might be too many spoilers to show them on the web)
Oh, and I didn't get a good look at the flying city at the end, but it's flipped from the flying city during the intro? Does this mean that the intro city was destroyed and became the Sunken City, or are we just looking at the city from another angle? Hmmm... Ether way, there's a lack of little blimps and flying ships around the end city, so perhaps the city was just rendered inhabitable?
Man, I love speculation!