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Offline Karn

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Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« on: December 11, 2007, 01:46:26 am »
I noticed someone mentioned that they'd like a page to have convenient locations as to where to get items for recipes, so I'm going to list some of the more popular/useful items if you're looking for healing or bonuses. Simply CTRL+F if you are looking for a certain one.

Plant Leaves
- The fire-breathing seahorses in the Kelp Forest drop three when you kill them.
- If you enter Mithalas by the transport plant, the jars there hold two or three.
- If you use the transport plant in Naija's home, you can Bind some of the plants there (if you have the Seed Bag) and they usually have leaves/poultices.

Jelly Oil
- There are jellyfish all over The Veil, although you want the blue ones and not the yellow.
- There are two or three in Nautilus Prime's chamber, just exit to Naija's home and re-enter to respawn them.
- There is also a single one literally right outside of Naija's home. Kill it, collect, go back into her home to respawn the jellyfish, etcetera.

Fish Meat & Fish Oil
- Remarkably simple, just shoot energy bolts into schools of fish. You'll build them up in no time. There are many schools near Naija's home and in The Veil.

Eel Oil
- A bit harder, there are 2 eels on the eastern side of The Veil and two or three on the west. It's a slow process to find them, but the fastest choice.

Small Eyes & Fish Eggs
- The little pods that shoot the miniature one-eyed squids at you give both of these. The squids give the eyes, the pods the eggs. There are a few east of Naija's home.

Rainbow Mushrooms
- The easiest to get mushroom, there's a house in southwestern Mithalas that holds three jars, each containing one Rainbow Mushroom.
- Random jars in Mithalas may also hold these.

Rubbery Meat & Small Tentacles
- In The Veil, where you fight/fought the octopus boss, there are a few small squids. Each drops 2-3 rubbery meat and 1 small tentacle.

Red Berries & Green Bulbs
- Yanking up the plants in the ground with Bind will give you these two items at random.
- The best place to find the plants is the Kelp Forest and inside Naija's home if you have the Seed Bag.
- There's also a single plant literally right outside of Naija's home. Pull it up, return back to her home to respawn, come back out and etcetera.

Rukh Eggs
- These are hard to come by. The easiest place is in The Veil, on the far eastern side. Swim through a small cavern on the eastern wall, then walljump up an entire canyon to find a single Rukh there. Attack it until it drops its egg, then jump into the nest (try not to jump OVER it and back into the water) and you'll have your well-earned egg.

Shark Fins
- In The Veil, far eastern side, there is a group of three sharks (one being fairly large) near the surface. Each will drop a fin.

Spicy Meat
- The yellow jellyfish near the surface in most areas of The Veil will drop these like candy.

Spider Eggs
- There are giant spiders all throughout the Kelp Forest, each will give you one egg when you kill it.

Swordfish Steaks
- If you head south out of The Veil, you will reach a circular cavern that branches off in many directions with only two swordfish in it. These are the only swordfish I have ever seen.

Turtle Meat
- Simply go into the Turtle Cave in The Veil and go wild in energy form. Easy meat.

Rotten Meat
- Most vases in Mithalas will give these upon breakage.

Small Bones
- Easily the most common (and annoying) item pulled from plants with the Bind song.
- Also inside vases in Mithalas.

Ice Chunks
- The blue crabs inside the Ice Caves east of The Abyss will drop these.

Red Bulbs & Special Bulbs
- Pull them up in the Kelp forest from Binding plants?

Glowing Eggs
- Angler fish in the Abyss drop these.
- The angular fish in Mithalas Castle drop these, as well.

- Red Bulbs (maybe)
- Special Bulbs (maybe)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 04:10:31 am by Karn »
... What?

Offline smjjames

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2007, 01:49:17 am »
if you can go back into your home waters (I assume you can), theres plenty of fish and jellyfish around and go nuts in energy form or something. Which I've been wanting to do but can't get past the dang energy god.

Offline dhakkel

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2007, 03:49:43 am »
The light-bearing non-combat jellyfish that hang around in the Abyss also drop blue jelly oil, but I don't know how often. I just blew up a few by accident and found one.

Also you say Ruhk eggs come from more than one spot? I've only ever found the one you mentioned.

Offline Karn

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2007, 03:51:57 am »
The light-bearing non-combat jellyfish that hang around in the Abyss also drop blue jelly oil, but I don't know how often. I just blew up a few by accident and found one.

Also you say Ruhk eggs come from more than one spot? I've only ever found the one you mentioned.


In the turtle cave, at the bubble jumping area where you get the urchin armor. If you use a Speed+2 food and beast form to jump from that highest bubble up and to the right, you can find another Ruhk... But it's totally not worth it, so much easier to get the one I mentioned.
... What?

Offline Ixis

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2007, 03:52:57 am »
Red Bulbs can be found from binding plants in the Kelp Forest.

Glowing Eggs can be found from the angular fish in Mithalas castle.

Offline dhakkel

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2007, 03:59:46 am »

In the turtle cave, at the bubble jumping area where you get the urchin armor. If you use a Speed+2 food and beast form to jump from that highest bubble up and to the right, you can find another Ruhk... But it's totally not worth it, so much easier to get the one I mentioned.
Haha, wow, they really did stick things everywhere.

Offline RvLeshrac

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2007, 04:03:26 am »
As far as I've been able to tell, there only appear to be 4 Special Bulbs in the game, appearing after a few bosses.

Offline Rizz

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2007, 04:06:25 am »
The angler fish in the Abyss drop Glowing Eggs quite regularly.

And Special and Red Bulbs can be found in the Kelp Forest.

Offline Karn

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2007, 04:07:58 am »
Are the special and red bulbs just rare pulls?

I think I went through the entire Kelp Forest just pulling up stuff and all I got was Red Berries rather than Bulbs, and Green Bulbs rather than red. :(

I'll try out the angler fish and stuff, though.
... What?

Offline Plaid Phantom

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2007, 11:49:45 pm »
As far as I've been able to tell, there only appear to be 4 Special Bulbs in the game, appearing after a few bosses.

I've got four right this moment, and I know I've used one to make an arcane poultice.

Offline smjjames

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2007, 11:52:56 pm »
speaking of glowing eggs, somehow I got the leech poultice (which requires them) from the shelled pink seaslug type enemy (I don't know what it's called ingame though) in one area of the Energy Temple. However I messed up and forgot to heal up and died on the way back, and lost it, but I had saved in that area, so it wasn't a huge loss. Might try and get it again.

Offline fieari

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2007, 12:44:08 am »
Right outside the entrance to the sunken city (not the gate Li has to open, but the city proper) is a box containing three leaves.  It's right by the exit of the room, so you can easily farm it, and doesn't require killing anything.  Really fast to fill up on leaves, then leaf poultices, then rolls (if you have a lot of fish meat, which you probably do), then veggy soup (if you have a bunch of hot soup).

Offline dhakkel

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2007, 12:46:57 am »
I had 8 special bulbs at the end of the game. Just 8. I don't know if that's on purpose, but all I did was pop colour buds (I didn't even know you could pull weeds with Bind).

Offline fieari

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2007, 02:45:33 am »
Just so you know, I included a bunch of text from here at: http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Aquaria/Ingredients

Hopefully we can get a cross referenced recipe/ingredient list along with every place you can find the things.

Offline Ixis

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Re: Cooking ingredients and where to get them.
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2007, 04:42:37 am »
There are a limited number of Special Bulbs in Aquaria, and all the ones I've found have been dropped by, or are near bosses and mini-bosses (i.e., after beating the Jellyfish boss you will find a Special Bulb in the Jelly Outfit room.)