can anybody confirm whether the yellow jellyfish in The Veil (not the Ice Veil) actually drop spicy meat 'like candy'? I'm not saying they don't drop spicy meat, its just not as often as it says.
I've found another place that works well for spicy meat, in the first part of the cathendral, those flying red things drop them almost all the time, also those things that shoot the purple homing darts at you sometimes drop glowing eggs.
I don't find they drop that often, 1 out of 3 seems to drop spicey meat. Mithalas is a good ingredient run I find. I go in and immediatly bind that tadpole to my face ( which looks dashing ) and then go up to get leaves. back and forth like previously mentioned by
fieari until you've built up your leaf rolls, veggie soups, veggie cakes and special cakes. that adds up to a lot of leafs! I can't remember where it was mentioned here but I also use the plant bulb in veggie soup. after that it's back and forth between the rainbow mushroom room and the cathedral to get glowing eggs and spicey meat from the diagonal purple shooting fish and the red fish that 'drops' bombs. is there a list of names for all of the creatures in the game?
the Kelp forest is my favourite spot to get eggs and eyeballs, a quick loop through the turtle bus stop map gets me mostly stocked and then a few trips back and forth in home waters which is inevitable seems to fill me up. there's something else that has been dropping eggs in infrequent amounts, but can't remember atm.
the leaf spots mentioned are all great: the Mithalis hatch door ( first time I saw them thought 'LOST' so now they are always hatches ), the fiery seahorse, the home water hatch cave with seed bag, but also if you are in the area that little nymph cave where you got the seed bag has a silly amount of leaves. I've only gone back through there a couple of times, looking for treasures, but it's there and lotsa leaves!
I'm always low on tentacles, are octopus and the occasional squid the only spot for those? it was desparing to battle the Octopus Prime boss and see all those tentacles beside his beak sitting out of range... despite that I still racked up about 5 tentacles!
the turtles in the turtle cave don't drop any turtle meat for me, only those turtles where you pop their shells off and they take off. am I missing something here? down to my last turtle soup
one thing I try and do is have 7/8 of cooked items in case I pull a ( jelly ) poultice or a tough cake is dropped. then I don't have to mourn it's loss into the 8/8 ceiling ( I still pick them up out of principal sometimes tho
