As I've mentioned in a couple other places in this forum, some of my favorite parts of Aquaria are all the little touches: Ekkrit and the purple Bevy fish that follow you around; Naija's giggles and cries of delight at the world around her; her Princess fantasy in the Mithalas throne room; the neat little biological details like the Isopod-parasite fish and the Upside-down Jellyfish.
We've talked a lot about our favorite big aspects of Aquaria-- favorite songs, favorite moments, thoughts on the Veil and Li, the theme and ending, etc. But now I'd like to know what everybody's favorite little details are.
As some further examples, here's some more details I really like:
1.) The Dragonfish in the Abyss. At first they look like pretty fearsome enemies with their scary, dead eyes, big, ol' teeth, and the way they circle around you like they're coming in for the kill. But if you hold still, they'll just swim around you without actually attacking. It was at that point I realized that they weren't vicious monsters, they were just curious little fangly-fishies. Now the Anglerfish on the other hand...
2.) The Basket Starfish poking out of the rocks in the Abyss (what can I say-- I'm a big marine biology nut)
3. SPOILER WARNING: The fact that the fourth "puppet form" of the Creator appears to be a possessed/mutated Li (I wonder what the significance of that is-- was it the Creator trying to corrupt the one thing Naija loves? Or was something more sinister going on...)