To Senor: I had a really large apartment at the time. They were all over the place; I even had a wading pool in the guest room where I bred exotic catfish. When I bought my first house I moved the larger ones but the big guy broke twice, insurance canceled, gave them up to get my insurance back. Grew orchids commercially for 20 years and taught art for 30 (concurrently). Now I make spiritual jewelry and teach meditation and am resuming work on our mod, Magic of Aquaria, with Yogoda.
I think the whole deal about sushi and soup is that it is a whimsical notion that normal human food could be consumed underwater, and I prefer to believe that Naija eats really fast when she consumes them, making their crispiness or other qualities delivered intact. And it proves that Alec and Derek have a great sense of humor. Trying to make stuff in Aquaria conform to our reality is an activity of the monkey mind. In my experience, thinking is overrated. The first food item I invented was the "Drum Roll of Death", a sushi roll which gives +4 offense. Not pumped about changing Aquaria itself in order to add food, though.
By the way, we have a little room just for the treasures, of which we have 50 (I would have made more, but Yogoda made me stop). You begin with the silhouettes of the treasures on a little pedestal and get their image as you collect them. It is a separate map, so you can go back and forth and pluck the numerous leaves, which drop cool stuff. Wouldn't want our Naija to starve...
That said, making rainbow mushrooms have psychedelic effects is not much of a reach... I don't know what the Grouper sandwich would produce for an effect. Maybe she could turn pink with happiness for a minute and increase her health; that's how I feel after eating a fried grouper sandwich, or crab and shrimp stuffed grouper... can you tell that my name means "Mother of the Ocean"?