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Author Topic: Does Naija have scales or flesh?  (Read 33426 times)

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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2011, 01:08:29 pm »
Frogs have those mucus skin things, Naija could probably have that too, but then she'd be all moist and sticky all the time...

Ahem. <_<
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Offline trojanpooh

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2011, 05:53:26 pm »
Naija lives in the ocean, which was the canvas for The Creator.  That means he didn't create it which means we can assume its made up of salt water.  I could be wrong, but doesn't salt kill frogs and stuff since they absorb water through their skin?  I don't think Naija could have that skin type.

Offline Senorctenophore

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2011, 10:47:55 pm »
I always figured she'd have skin like a stingray-- soft, but sort of sandpapery.  A bit like a wet, muscular mushroom.   If you've ever been to one of those ray touch tanks at an aquarium, you know what I'm talking about.  I also like the idea that she'd have a thin coating of mucous like a fish or a shark.  Mostly to keep parasites off her, but also because I think it would be really, really funny if Li was constantly scrapping off slime due to her persistent affections.  ^-^
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 10:49:35 pm by Senorctenophore »

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2011, 12:28:21 am »
There are merfrogs ingame though. O_o
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Offline Sindhi

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2011, 02:02:35 am »
The "friendly Southern sting ray" (Cayman islands; they come right up and nibble squid from your hand), has the most soft underbelly, soft as a baby's bottom...not sandpapery at all... I would prefer Naija be like that, and without mucus...I think Li would prefer that, too...
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Offline Senorctenophore

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2011, 03:14:51 am »
Actually, it's too bad Naija doesn't have some sort of slimey coating.  Being able to smother enemies in mucous would make a nifty attack.  Especially if she could secrete it from her skin in massive quantities like a hag fish.

Offline trojanpooh

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2011, 03:18:13 am »
I hadn't thought of the Mermogs as frogs for some reason, but you've got a point.  Maybe they have scales though.  Who knows (answer: Alec and Derek)?

Offline Zyol

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2011, 05:20:47 pm »
Doesn't normal skin have issues with being underwater so long, though? also, is there some reason having webbed feet and such prevents her from having scales on other parts of her body?

Well fantasy worlds don't always have to abide by real world scientific laws you know.

Offline Widget

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2011, 06:02:35 pm »
There are merfrogs ingame though. O_o

I always assumed they were based on toadfish.

Some species look pretty similar (like the one above) and they're all technically pufferfish, or blowfish, which explains all the poison-based attacks.
"As with other fish of this family, the flesh is poisonous, due to tetrodotoxin, and eating the fish can have fatal consequences." [1]
I'm pretty sure they also have barbs on various parts of their body which deliver the toxin aswell.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 06:08:34 pm by Widget »

Offline trojanpooh

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2011, 06:33:24 pm »
I think its safe to assume she has magic flesh (AKA human flesh but it doesn't get all wrinkly  :P).

Offline JannieE

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2011, 09:18:48 am »
I think its safe to assume she has magic flesh (AKA human flesh but it doesn't get all wrinkly  :P).

Exactly my thoughts as well. I would expect scales to glitter more than she does. But I'll go with the soft ray-skin too. And yes definently no mucus! That would totally take some of her beauty away.... :-\

Offline BishopKayn

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2011, 09:44:33 am »
Huh right. We all do seem to forget that she's like 1/2 immortal, at least should be because Mia is  "as" powerful as the fallen Creator. Which would make the fledgling boy 1/4 immortal or a lesser demigod. Someone mentioned Li using the flying machine earlier (a point that irritates a bit) and though I know its slightly pushing the envelope here, it would be Naija's Demi-God Son that took to the skies as his mother grew yet older in her unconscious state. Which spurs another question: If she has so strove to revoke true divinity as her mother preferred.... then did Mia simply merge with her? Something that would be good to know for my D&D Aquaria Campaign that I may have found new inspiration for.  AHEM. (Yes Alec or Derek your voice in this matter would be ^_^ wonderfully admired)
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Offline EshDee

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2011, 12:46:30 pm »
I think God is just leetspeak for "higher lifeform." In the game, "Gods" are contextually far more suited and magical a term that compliments the story, so that's my thoughts on them. I think the only true God is the Creator God. :)
The Gods were created as pretty much the pinnacle of the species they rule over. Mithalis seemed essentially to be a large Mithalan, Mother Nature was the most extreme manifestation of plant and animalistic hybrids, the Octopus Prime, Crab bosses and Jellyfish God, etc, were also just very large variants of the ordinary creatures. Some, like Mithalis, were only shown in different, grossly different and distorted forms after they were subjected to unnatural things, like Mithalis again, being chained and used to gain knowledge for immortality from Mithalan priests, etc. Even the Creator God himself was a child that was corrupted and distorted after years of loneliness and failure. It was only his merging with an ancient spirit after the attack on the Skyhome that gave him influence over the waters in the first place.

As for Mia's God status, well as said, I don't think the "Gods" were Gods as much as just higher/superior life-forms, but one thing is clear that Mia was created as the most equal creation to the CG. I think it's more the case her independent, self awareness and human-like intelligence being the element that allowed her to evolve more than just a simple beast like the others were based on, and hide herself and evade the CG to work her own agenda.

Naija I'd reckon is just a very powerful lifeform, and nothing more.  She is however very different and unique from other Mithalans in that being born through Mia, she is able to fully manipulate the verse as she chooses, while the other Mithalans and creatures of Aquaria only have some limited powers. Naija seems to have the ability to use it entirely. This is what I get from the game at least -

As for the actual title question - I reckon that Naija has a combination of both. :]
Not all fish have scales - some have a soft skin, some (like sharks) have skin that is made of microscopic teeth - but ultimately, not all fish or aquatic creatures have only scales - and so I imagine Naija to have something similar. :D
Her official art shows that she has different textures and colours on her - and while they're not scales - or resemble them, I think it implies in my opinion that she's got a kind of skin/minor scale combination some underwater creatures have.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2011, 05:34:39 pm »
Good grief, I'm not sure where the god talk came from, but I believe people here are completely having the wrong idea about the Thirteen and the Creator.

The Creator is a child, not a god. He fell to his death, was revived with magic that stayed with him and he created 13 creatures because he was lonely. But they turned on him, making him wrathful, insane and an egomaniac. As thus, with the power to destroy and make everything, he was referred to as a god. Just because that is so doesn't mean he's a god. I make and destroy some pretty mean origami, but that doesn't make me a god either.
Now just because he made 13 creatures that have power to create a lot as well doesn't make them gods either. The creator said so himself, that he could only remember the verse, never the chorus, and that it spread into everything he made, AKA, the magic everyone possesses.

Naija is no God either, nor a demigod. She simply has powers, stop making things divine. Durrr, *witty divine soup reference here*
As thus her child isn't a quarter god either, though he's sure to have powers.

As to the reference to Naija being smarter than other Mithalans; it's not because she's special, nor because she was Mia's daughter/creation, but because she was EDUCATED by Mia. She would've just been a feral creature otherwise. If you don't think that's so, go figure this, how does a creature that does not know language think?
Then to Mia being made as the creator's equal, this isn't so. The creator wanted Mia to be better than him, seeing she was made in the image of his mother. Now what child does not look up to his mother? Not with the obvious evidence of missing her so that he spread the verse of the song she sang through everything.

As for the skin, it could be possible she has a combination, but it's unlikely. The darker pattern doesn't prove anything either seeing orca's, whales and etc. have patterns as well.

That'll be all, feel free to prove me wrong on any of the subjects.
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Offline EshDee

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Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2011, 07:05:14 pm »
Quote from: Alphasoldier
The Creator is a child, not a god. He fell to his death, was revived with magic that stayed with him and he created 13 creatures because he was lonely.
Quote from: SuperDecimal
I think God is just leetspeak for "higher lifeform." In the game, "Gods" are contextually far more suited and magical a term that compliments the story, so that's my thoughts on them.


Even the Creator God himself was a child that was corrupted and distorted after years of loneliness and failure. It was only his merging with an ancient spirit after the attack on the Skyhome that gave him influence over the waters in the first place.
Don't think anywhere I stated anything other than what you said in your post, nor anything not stated in the game. :P

Quote from: Alphasoldier
Naija is no God either, nor a demigod. She simply has powers, stop making things divine. Durrr, *witty divine soup reference here*
As thus her child isn't a quarter god either, though he's sure to have powers

Quote from: SuperDecimal
Naija I'd reckon is just a very powerful lifeform, and nothing more.  


Quote from: Alphasoldier
As to the reference to Naija being smarter than other Mithalans; it's not because she's special, nor because she was Mia's daughter/creation, but because she was EDUCATED by Mia. She would've just been a feral creature otherwise. If you don't think that's so, go figure this, how does a creature that does not know language think?

No-one said anything about her being smarter. I did mention though her having a more profound connection to the verse, seeing that she was born of a creature that was created using the most potent uses of the Verse.
Furthermore, Mia wipes Naija's memory, so anything Naija was taught was forgotten. Naija lives as an otherwise feral creature afterwards until Mia starts to send her on her quest.

Also bear in mind that language is not coherent, concise words and complex structure. Some animals have highly developed language. Most have language that is based on the transition between instinct and reasoning. A thought is just expressing and processing any sort of information and deciding how to act. It's that blurry line between instinctual reaction and reasoning (on any scale) that becomes thought. And that communication is also language.
Ultimately; almost all animals are capable of thoughts on varying degrees in varying species.

Quote from: Alphasoldier
Then to Mia being made as the creator's equal, this isn't so. The creator wanted Mia to be better than him, seeing she was made in the image of his mother. Now what child does not look up to his mother? Not with the obvious evidence of missing her so that he spread the verse of the song she sang through everything.

Quote from: SuperDecimal
As for Mia's God status, well as said, I don't think the "Gods" were Gods as much as just higher/superior life-forms, but one thing is clear that Mia was created as the most equal creation to the CG. I think it's more the case her independent, self awareness and human-like intelligence being the element that allowed her to evolve more than just a simple beast like the others were based on, and hide herself and evade the CG to work her own agenda.

There was only the mention of equal purely because, being the creator himself, the CG can't make anything more than himself, bearing in mind he's not technically a god, nor magical in his own right either.

Quote from: Alphasoldier
As for the skin, it could be possible she has a combination, but it's unlikely. The darker pattern doesn't prove anything either seeing orca's, whales and etc. have patterns as well.
But those are cetaceans, and cetaceans are mammals.
Naija does not breathe air.

Besides, as a fictional underwater creature, I think people should and are entitled to interpret and speculate as they wish here, especially when there is not defined truth.

Quote from: Alphasoldier
That'll be all, feel free to prove me wrong on any of the subjects.


That said, I think you're looking too much into the semantics of it all. A lot of what I said (I haven't read all the posts here so can't speak for them) didn't actually dispute what you or the game said, and a lot of terminology was just personally used to interpret the same things.
The game is alot less precise and gives room for lots of interpretation on the same thing.

That said, I see no harm or wrong at all for other to interpret or hold the game and its concepts in their own, personalised way. It's absolutely a credit to the game if it's open enough for people to make their own assumptions and beliefs, it makes the game and story experiences that much more potent and personal for them. Which is a mark of an incredible game :)


Gezellig, he? :D   
« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 08:16:06 pm by SuperDecimal »