Okay, for one, the first part of my posts weren't directed at you, but at the one before you, I was obviously supporting what you said as well, only in a more blunt way. Good job thinking you're the only one on this forum.
No-one said anything about her being smarter. I did mention though her having a more profound connection to the verse, seeing that she was born of a creature that was created using the most potent uses of the Verse.
Furthermore, Mia wipes Naija's memory, so anything Naija was taught was forgotten. Naija lives as an otherwise feral creature afterwards until Mia starts to send her on her quest.
Smart == More power, sorry you misunderstood that. Second to that, I'm 99% sure that she's smarter than most, if not all of the Mithalans.
Also got confused by the pretty long post, misplaced the intelligent of Mia with powerful, knowledge is power anyway.
Also bear in mind that language is not coherent, concise words and complex structure. Some animals have highly developed language. Most have language that is based on the transition between instinct and reasoning. A thought is just expressing and processing any sort of information and deciding how to act. It's that blurry line between instinctual reaction and reasoning (on any scale) that becomes thought. And that communication is also language.
Ultimately; almost all animals are capable of thoughts on varying degrees in varying species.
Language is indeed not coherent, thinking however is. Anything that's related to behavior is input and output. Dog pees against chair, gets hit on the nose, relates peeing against chair to pain, so next time he gets the URGE to do that, he'll relate to the pain and not do it. However, any creature that hasn't developed a speaking language, is most likely feral, or integrated into a culture that DOES have a coherent language, even then... when integrating into a culture that does have that, means you learn that language as much as your mind allows it.
But those are cetaceans, and cetaceans are mammals.
Naija does not breathe air.
Besides, as a fictional underwater creature, I think people should and are entitled to interpret and speculate as they wish here, especially when there is not defined truth.
I said it's unlikely, not that it's not so.
Second to that, rays also have patterns, so don't go all wiseass with species order on me. Almost all species have skin diversity which most of the time result in patterns, not scales AND skin.
This game gives a lot of open interpretation to what things might be or not be, but that's because not a lot of things are explained. This however doesn't mean people can go and pull random facts on the game like saying that Mia's at least just as powerful as the creator, seeing she obviously isn't or she would've confronted him herself with a slight bit of help from another of the 13. Inevitably, when you look at it, she defeated the Creator with the "help" of all 13 together.
Finally, keep your Dutch to yourself, stay in English. It'll only remind me of a certain ass that came prancing around here with fancy words while he didn't even buy the game anyway.