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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #420 on: February 15, 2010, 05:54:49 pm »
Am not sure, could be another troll.
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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #421 on: February 15, 2010, 09:36:34 pm »
Am not sure, could be another troll.
Looks like the same person.

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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #422 on: February 17, 2010, 09:06:00 am »
Could be the same person but if so I don't see why they waited a week to make the second post.
Also, nice avatar Chibi  8)
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Offline Tonakai

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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #423 on: February 23, 2010, 08:01:20 pm »
This post contains spoilers. If you haven't completed the game yet, I would suggest going elsewhere.
This post also contains a bit of emotional stuff related to real life.

Hello, my name is Tonakai.
Tonakai is Japanese and translates to reindeer. I learned about that when reading Finnish version of One Piece.

I found about Aquaria quite a while ago when I was searching for 2D side-scrolling games.
I heard about Aquaria in an another game's forums. There was a small game where you posted a picture of a game and then everybody else would guess what the game is.

When I got Aquaria and played it...
To very mildly describe the feeling... I was impressed. Amazed.
The very first cave's music, which is called Light... When Naija's talk stopped, I just sat on the rock for a while just because I wanted to listen to the calm music.
Then, I slowly swam towards the upcoming adventures...

I pretty much enjoyed every part of the game.
I gotta admit that I used a walkthrough on some parts, likein Sunken City, the part where you have to get the ghost kid to the room where you fight the big golem like creature... Very odd puzzles.
And in Creator's fifth form. I had absolutely no idea that you had to use the Sun Form to take off the eye......

After I beat the game (even though with a walkthrough... All memories in the first go. Probably not a good thing... I haven't even seen the normal ending yet. :X ), my mind was still in Aquaria.
The next day in school I couldn't even concentrate on the lessons, because I was just thinking of Aquaria, Naija, Li, all gods, the Creator...
Such a good story... Such good music... Such a good gameplay... Such good graphics.
And all of this amazing game was made by only two indie game developers.
Heh. It's kinda funny to think that a small amount of indie game developers can make thousand times better games than any of those big companies. (Don't get me wrong; those big companies do have several good games, too!)

After a few days I decided to download the soundtrack of Aquaria.
Before I did that, I had been quite sad. Sad because of several friends... Who decided to be huge pricks to me. I'm not going to tell the full stories here, but if you want to, I can link...
Anyways, I had been sad. Sad and lonely, without any friends to talk to... All of them had left after I graduated from 9th grade.
It was quite sad time...

Until I discovered Aquaria and its great soundtrack.

It's impressive how music from a game - I repeat, MUSIC from a GAME - can affect a person like this.
I found all the happiness from songs like Open and Bright Waters, Arboreal, the excitement from the boss fight songs like Big Boss, Mithala, Worship, the relaxation from songs like Light, Remains, Veil...
Now I have listened to every song from Aquaria at least 60 times. The most played song is Big Boss with 197 repeats... After that comes an another boss fight song from an another game with 117 repeats.
All that listening drove all the sadness away from me, and to this date I have been filled with energy and happiness... You guys should see me in real life.
I'm so happy some people look at me with "what the fuck" in their eyes. It truly feels great!

And all of this happened from a game by two indie game developers called Derek Yu and Alec Holowka.
I really owe you guys. You have given happiness in my life......

Now that I'm typing the ending of this post of mine, the song Lost to the Waves is ending. Nice coincidence, huh? Great way to submit this post...

P.S. I just previewed this and holy SHIT this post is LONG! I wonder if anyone will read this... Lol.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #424 on: February 23, 2010, 11:16:51 pm »
Read your longass post, to sum up my responses:
I'm amused at how a Finnish thing can learn you Japanese words.
I'm happy that you enjoyed the game and especially the music, you must be a very sensitive person.
The 'normal' ending (SPOILER) lacks the meeting with Mia and has one additional sentence of Naija saying that you hadn't collected all the memories yet. (SPOILER)
Most big game companies figure out new game play methods and make a game with it, Indies comes with concepts before playing methods. Always a big difference in the end product.
Even though it wouldn't be wise to tell the story here, what specific thing made them go prick on you? (looks, behaviour, emotions?)
Further I'm happy that Aquaria has made you so happy and hope you'll stay like that.
Finally, I too find it amazing that two people are capable of making such a amazing game.
And indeed a nice thing that you ended this post coincidentally with the song.
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Offline Zoko

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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #425 on: February 24, 2010, 01:13:19 am »
I actually finished the game a few minutes before I had to go to school, I was almost late to class because I was watching the ending! Needless to say I was stunned and amazed by the secret ending, and I couldn't focus for the rest of the day.

Most big game companies figure out new game play methods and make a game with it, Indies comes with concepts before playing methods. Always a big difference in the end product.

Completely agree with you here, Alpha!
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Offline Tonakai

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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #426 on: February 24, 2010, 09:21:28 am »
I'm happy that you enjoyed the game and especially the music, you must be a very sensitive person.
Well yeah, that might be so...
Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not an emo of any sort :v

The 'normal' ending (SPOILER) lacks the meeting with Mia and has one additional sentence of Naija saying that you hadn't collected all the memories yet. (SPOILER)
Don't worry, I know about the normal ending (damn walkthroughs!), I just haven't seen it by myself yet.
Hmmh... Nowadays I quite regret that I have ruined many good game experiences with all kind of walkthroughs.

Most big game companies figure out new game play methods and make a game with it, Indies comes with concepts before playing methods. Always a big difference in the end product.
I can't say anything else than I agree.
Cave Story, Penumbra series, Aquaria, Iji... Need I say more? :p

Even though it wouldn't be wise to tell the story here, what specific thing made them go prick on you? (looks, behaviour, emotions?)
Probably me being really stupid.
Well, that's what I think so, I'm not 100 % sure, though... They haven't told me. :p
Nowadays I don't really care about it, it has almost been a year since the first incident.

Further I'm happy that Aquaria has made you so happy and hope you'll stay like that.
Heh, thanks.
Even though I have been a bit tired recently, I'm still happy. :D

Also, damn... From all the praises towards Aquaria, I quite forgot to introduce myself. :|

As you have seen and told, my nick name in here is Tonakai, and I am from Finland.
I am a 16 years old male who is quite sensitive, as Alphasoldier said.
I'm studying in a vocational school as a datanome. I have a perfect class - Nobody hates anyone and everyone gets along with everyone else. Except for two people...

Most of the time I spend my free time on my laptop chatting in IRC and posting stuff in an another game's forums where I spend time quite a lot, plus playing games.
Among those, I quite often do some kind of exercise. Got to have your body shaped up... At least a bit.

Well, that's probably everything you need or maybe want to know... Nice to meet you. :v

Offline AhKi

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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #427 on: April 25, 2010, 05:26:39 am »
Hello, everyone. I'm AhKi. I'm a game reviewer for my college's news paper and all that jazz. I just wanted to show up to express how ridiculously fond of this game I am. I wish I could even begin to express something as beautiful in my writing as you folks have in this game. I'll be following your work from now on.

Offline pjstephenson32

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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #428 on: April 25, 2010, 06:01:27 am »

I'm Jhon and I am new in this forum.  It's so nice to be here, meeting new friends and discuss related topic related to the forum itself.  I'll see you around guys.


Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #429 on: April 25, 2010, 11:48:46 am »
Guys, I'm not sure about this stephenson guy. He has posted in years old thread without adding anything to them. Second to that he hasn't said a word about Aquaria.
I suspect either a really dumb person or a very intelligent spambot.
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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #430 on: April 25, 2010, 07:04:02 pm »
But what is he spamming or advertising about? It just doesn't makes sense...
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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #431 on: April 25, 2010, 09:15:18 pm »
There's a few more options:
-A foreigner
-A child
-Mentally handicapped (can't think of a nice way of putting it)
-Some combination of the above

Offline Zoko

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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #432 on: April 25, 2010, 09:58:37 pm »
Uh, obvious troll is obvious?

He's basically followed the same pattern every other spambot/troll has, with the exception of posting ad links. And on that note...

They're bombing us!

He may be a child or mentally handicapped, but it doesn't change the fact that he's trolling our forums. Honestly, Jhon Stephenson doesn't really sound Phillipinesse to me.

If he's a spambot then I'm impressed. He's managed to post something vaguely relevant to each topic. I foresee polite and social spambots asking us to teach them how to love.
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Offline pjstephenson32

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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #433 on: April 27, 2010, 12:48:34 pm »
Hello Zoko,

I am just trying to clear my name in this forum.  To tell you honestly, I am not a spambot.  I am a real human posting and sharing something related to each topic in this forum.


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Re: Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #434 on: April 27, 2010, 08:51:17 pm »
hahahaha nice one