I'm happy that you enjoyed the game and especially the music, you must be a very sensitive person.
Well yeah, that might be so...
Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not an emo of any sort :v
The 'normal' ending (SPOILER) lacks the meeting with Mia and has one additional sentence of Naija saying that you hadn't collected all the memories yet. (SPOILER)
Don't worry, I know about the normal ending (damn walkthroughs!), I just haven't seen it by myself yet.
Hmmh... Nowadays I quite regret that I have ruined many good game experiences with all kind of walkthroughs.
Most big game companies figure out new game play methods and make a game with it, Indies comes with concepts before playing methods. Always a big difference in the end product.
I can't say anything else than I agree.
Cave Story, Penumbra series, Aquaria, Iji... Need I say more? :p
Even though it wouldn't be wise to tell the story here, what specific thing made them go prick on you? (looks, behaviour, emotions?)
Probably me being really stupid.
Well, that's what I think so, I'm not 100 % sure, though... They haven't told me. :p
Nowadays I don't really care about it, it has almost been a year since the first incident.
Further I'm happy that Aquaria has made you so happy and hope you'll stay like that.
Heh, thanks.
Even though I have been a bit tired recently, I'm still happy.

Also, damn... From all the praises towards Aquaria, I quite forgot to introduce myself. :|
As you have seen and told, my nick name in here is Tonakai, and I am from Finland.
I am a 16 years old male who is quite sensitive, as Alphasoldier said.
I'm studying in a vocational school as a datanome. I have a perfect class - Nobody hates anyone and everyone gets along with everyone else. Except for two people...
Most of the time I spend my free time on my laptop chatting in IRC and posting stuff in an another game's forums where I spend time quite a lot, plus playing games.
Among those, I quite often do some kind of exercise. Got to have your body shaped up... At least a bit.
Well, that's probably everything you need or maybe want to know... Nice to meet you. :v