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Offline Justme8800

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2010, 05:08:39 am »
Mine kinda sucked. :(

As I entered the zone, I saw on the map that there was a surface approaching. I had a feeling it was supposed to be some awesome and beautiful breakthrough moment... only thing was, I had one hit point left and the screen was blaring deep red from all sides. I approached cautiously, reassuring myself that "there's no way they would spoil a moment like this, there's gotta be a save nearby..." and "crap crap crap I'm gonna die!" So, my breakthrough moment had me seeing red, literally. My heart sank when I saw the slow motion and everything, I could just think "damn, I totally ruined that by being all freaked out about my health, that should have been all emotional."

So yeah. I guess it was emotional, just the wrong emotions. I'm really sad I missed out, I envy you guys.

The rest of the game was awesome, though! (Except for it crashing on the final form of the last boss. :p Other than that, great!)

Offline kornairia

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2010, 06:45:27 am »
I was missing sound as I entered the veil so....  :'(

Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2010, 08:06:09 am »
At least you saw the words on the bottom? ^^
Bored little neko, pouncing along, scattering posts everywhere. =^.^=

Offline Xiagan

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2010, 05:28:07 pm »
Justme8800, solution: Play the game again! ;)
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Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2010, 08:36:36 pm »
kornairia, solution: read above post. ^^
Bored little neko, pouncing along, scattering posts everywhere. =^.^=

Offline ShadowOnTheSun

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2010, 10:11:35 pm »
My veil moment was kind of weird.  I went up to the big open area and swam around for a while and then I went up.  When I saw the surface I was cautious and didn't break through.  I was thinking I didn't know what was up there and wasn't sure if Naija could survive out of water.  I crept up to the surface and broke through and realized it was okay.  Then naturally I switched to beast form and had fun jumping around all over the place.

Offline Justme8800

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2010, 08:32:49 am »
Justme8800, solution: Play the game again! ;)

Way ahead of you. :D

Offline GMMan

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2010, 05:57:28 pm »
Hmm... My Veil moment was a bit disappointing. First, I was playing on a computer that did not have speakers. Second, from past experiences, the computer's graphics suck (can play L4D on low graphics at around 10 FPS, but can't play any other Source games). Basically I was somewhat distracted, and managed to break out of the Veil by accident. I think I was more focused on what exactly the map was displaying rather than concentrating on the water level. Still, I wonder about how Naija could breath out of water (her lungs, if she had any, would be filled with water, so that wouldn't work out properly). Going further, I don't know why Li is constrained by the water level, while Naija can just still cling to a wall.

(Actually, I was sort of afraid to go into that map, as Naija previously warned of doom and gloom. Well, so much for that.)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 05:59:18 pm by GMMan »
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Offline Lady-Succubus

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2010, 11:52:22 pm »
Once Naija waterfizes Li he's afraid of the air ^^
Bored little neko, pouncing along, scattering posts everywhere. =^.^=

Offline Katana

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #24 on: July 04, 2010, 03:58:12 pm »
The reason it's such a great storytelling moment for me is it elicits an immediate "wow" outside of a cutscene. It's sort of a "player-invented cutscene" in a way, and it works perfectly.
Just as an area for improvement, I think the area could have been planned a little around that first moment. ie; no enemies in your way towards the surface (but they come back afterwards), before the first break there's a bright light above you that gets brighter as you go higher, etc.
I wouldn't say it's up there with Braid's switch-up ending, but it was definitely cool.

Offline Bart_Hibbs

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2010, 12:17:39 am »
I was headed for the save point, following the bottom, figuring the surface was higher. I knew breaking through was part of the game as its in the trailers Id seen. But it was closer than I expected, surprising, and gave me a bit of a shiver. Then as I was following the bottom, I landed on dry land.

Definitely a high point in the game.

Offline everfreeDragon

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2011, 06:53:47 pm »
I see this thread has been necroed before but I just had to share mine, I hope you guys don't mind it.

So I reach the veil, notice the flat part of the map and decide I have to reach it believe it to be the water level,  I'm in beastform, my default from the moment I unlocked it.
I head for the save as I've reached a milestone being near the surface which leads to me breaching the surface, it slows down as the land below me starts taking up the screen, suddenly I'm fearing land may be an instant death due to the low health slow-mo I had seen many times before this point. Naija starts talking and the fear is replaced by a relaxed joy as the water becomes visible again. I take in all there is to see during this moment knowing my fears were of nothing. Sadly such a unique experience can't be recreated in new playthroughs as my fear for Naija's safety can't just come back when I reach this point again each time.

It's always a magical moment, but the first time is once in a life time.

Offline Maira

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2011, 04:11:27 am »
I don't think I was actually expecting to break through the veil. I was a little concerned about Naija being able to breathe out of the water, but I think somewhere in the back of my mind I was either expecting her to stop before she hit it, or was actually just chasing a fish that had gotten close to the surface. When she jumped out, that was definitely a "Whoa" moment for me.

Then of course, I spent a lot of time jumping all over the surface and copying the purplish-pink metaray. ^-^ After beating the game, I went over to the Ice Veil to swim around with the otters and dolphins. I have to admit, I'm a little sad the Ice Veil has so little surface area, since that big blot of land is in the middle, but it's still one of the most beautiful places in Aquaria in my opinion.

I'll admit I do have a little something for ice.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 04:12:58 am by Maira »

Offline Moons Glory

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2012, 08:46:52 am »
So I'm really late and far behind everyone else but I still wanted post. There are people still discovering this really awesome game like myself and this is for just in case anymore latecomers wanted to post too.
I discovered this as an iPad app. I have beat the game and it is pretty awesome even though, from some of the posts, it seems like some of the controls are much better on a computer.
Anyway, as far as my veil moment, I saw the veil in the map and was excited about getting there so I hurried. I was excited to see what was there when I saw that it was cut off and flat at the top. But when i got there, at first I was scared and thought something might happen like she couldn't breathe out of water or she would get attacked immediately so I only approached it cautiously a few times, but then I finally decided to just go for it and I rushed to the surface. She jumped high and it was exhilarating and so cute how she did it to. It was an emotional thrill for me when I actually broke through. Loved it.

Offline ranapuer

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2012, 03:43:27 am »
I had actually read in a review that you could reach the surface, so I knew it was coming (even just reading in a review that the world wasn't made entirely of water was a cool moment), I just didn't know when. When I first entered the area, I noticed the flat top of the map, and thought to myself 'this must be it.' I was a bit disappointed at not being able to have that impactful surprise in my game experience, so  I tried to get into the mindset of how I would think if I were being surprised and considering how this shifted the worldview of the game. So I was trying to think of this, swimming upward and regularly checking the map as I got close to the surface. However, I assumed that the top of the skybox was the surface of the water, so I thought I was a ways away from it. So even though I was expecting to hit the surface soon, I wasn't expecting it when it came into my view. When it did, everything I was thinking about went out the window and I thought 'there it is!' And then I swam to it and jumped, and while I was in the air I relaxed and just enjoyed it. I hadn't known about the slow-motion part, which was a great aspect of it, and honestly made it one of the best moments I've ever experienced in a video game.