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Author Topic: Your Veil Moment  (Read 41059 times)

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Offline Zeke

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Your Veil Moment
« on: June 30, 2009, 12:38:46 am »
What was it like for you when you first broke through The Veil?  I remember Alec mentioning somewhere that he was particularly touched at what some players have told him about their Veil moments, but I can't seem to find that sort of thing compiled anywhere.

For me, it was just wonderfully lightening (in several ways).  I had just come from trying to explore The Abyss without the Sun Form, and I had been feeling the weight of darkness and the uncountable fathoms of water and rock above me; when I entered this area, full of life and light, and saw that huge flat border on the minimap, I rushed for the surface.  Naija's own experience, and my thrill of discovery and exploration, made that instant my favorite part of the game.

Incidentally, I started this thread as kind of a pet petition.  See, the first time I broke through, Naija did a backflip diving up out of the water, in slow motion.  On subsequent playthroughs, I was surprised to see that this wasn't a default action.  Most times, you just sort of slump back into the water; it's actually really hard to do a backflip on purpose, I found.  The idea of Naija bursting through into the air, arms upreached, to fall carefree into the water on her back, just strikes me as so much more in keeping with the theme of the moment.  So you tell me:  did you backflip, that first time?  Does it make a difference?  I would like to see something that makes it so if you're X degrees within being vertical when you first break the Veil, it automatically has you backflip.  Since I bet most players rush at the surface head on the first time anyhow.  Thoughts?

Offline Align

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2009, 01:01:07 pm »
As I watch this, I'm reminded of how once I realized the surface was up there somewhere, I was constantly striving towards it, ever going upwards with rising...hope? And then, Naija broke through.
Didn't backflip but it was very memorable, even emotional.

Offline Sindhi

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2009, 07:04:21 pm »

Crossing the veil is a euphemism for enlightenment, seeing the light (literally, in Naija's case); breaking through all the things that hold you back from becoming who you truly are.

 Align, thank you for the link; I didn't get either cutscene when I crossed the veil (rode up with Ekkrit; didn't have beast then), so it was great to see them. I wish all the cutscenes were available on YouTube. 

I especially love that beast form gives you such height in jumping out of the water, and that in turn gives such a feeling of freedom and joy. The second time I went up to the veil was best for that reason. It feels like flying, and I secretly believe that we all have flying dreams because we have forgotten how to fly; some part of us knows this. Some of the other achievements in the game involve a lot of practice, such as briar-jumping and wall-jumping. Breaking through the veil doesn't; it is instinctive; it is our natural state. Yahoo.
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Offline sadron

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2009, 09:47:29 pm »
Sadly my veil moment was pretty dull. Mostly just a "Neat, I reached the surface of the ocean." moment.
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Offline H-Falcon

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2010, 02:03:49 am »
I was in fish form when I went out of the water the first time. And I was not going so fast either, because I slowed down when I reached the surface (For no reason...).
So I restarted the game and jumped out of the water in normal form after that.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2010, 06:09:20 am »
Even though you kind of bumped a year old thread, I must respond myself for this is a nice thread.

My veil moment was exactly as how Naija experienced it.
The first time I went up and actually and saw that after all those everlasting never-ending depths I had swum to the surface was amazing, I jumped out gracefully and a better moment could not have been, I even got shivers at that slow-motion moment.
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Offline Alec

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2010, 06:37:30 am »
I bring up this thread in my storytelling talk. (which I've had a chance to do about 3-4 times in various different places now)

Offline Zoko

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2010, 09:11:00 pm »
Yay, we're in Alec's storytelling!  ;D

I'm proud to say that I did a back flip my first time, and I was likewise awed by the moment. I was actually expecting the surface to be all the way at the top of the map, so when I jumped out it took me unexpectedly. I think this kind of added to the experience, because Naija didn't know what was going to be up there and neither did I, so we were kind of in sync like that.
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Offline Xiagan

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2010, 10:29:59 pm »
The topic title sums it up very good. The fact that there actually is a "Veil Moment" shows how special this experience is.

First kiss, first time, first own room, first earned money, Veil Moment, ... ;)
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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2010, 05:01:14 pm »
I was rather shocked and surprised.  i figured that yes, somewhere there was the surface of the ocean but i really did not expect to leap out of it the way i did.  it was...  refreshing, not only in the context of the story itself, but also in a wider view comparing it to other games.  Lots of games have transformations or turning points, but only some have the impact and effectiveness of the "veil moment"

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2010, 06:33:47 pm »
I had read something about tricky jumping in the Veil while I was lurking the forums, so when I saw the name of the area I thought, "this is it." But then at first I thought the top of the map would be the surface of the water, since it was flat--so at first I was heading for that save crystal past the island to the left, following the minimap (I crash a lot, and save as much as I possibly can). So I'm swimming and swimming, hoping to get to the point, when I bump into a wall. "Okay," I thought (the surface was still just past my screen) so I did what came naturally: I swam up and to the left. In a fraction of a second I found myself breaking through the veil, going into slow motion as I was flying over the island. It made the cutscene make a little more sense because she was literally staring at a stretch of ground as she was saying it.  ;)

It was so beautiful I almost cried. ^///^

And then I landed smoothly into the turtle. Ouch.  ;D
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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2010, 01:59:37 am »
And then I landed smoothly into the turtle. Ouch.  ;D
Sounds like a blooper. xD
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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2010, 02:41:18 am »
Too bad I didn't think to record it. The veil moment itself was quite record worthy.

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Offline Zanith

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2010, 06:33:45 am »
To be honest, I was too scared to do it at first. I was swimming up and suddenly see the surface line and go, "Wooooah, wait a sec, I'm not sure I want to go through there yet. I don't know if Naija breathes air. O_O;" So I chickened out for a bit, busying myself with a bit more exploration. Eventually, seeing that there was a crystal across land, I figured I had to come up sooner or later. And so I dash up and enter that flying cutscene thing, subsequently getting so giddy that I shout, "HOLY S*** THERE'S A SURFACE! THERE'S A SURFACE!!! AND THERE ARE MONKEYS!!! AND I CAN EAT THEM!!!" like a moron... xD Seriously though, it was just one of the many moments in this game that totally floored me.

Offline ScottT

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Re: Your Veil Moment
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2010, 02:23:01 pm »
Even just making up to the large bay-style area was quite pleasing to me, although I found one on the right-side of the sun temple first.  Everything was so pretty and peaceful - at least until the great big shark turned up.  I think it was just after that I broke the surface - initially swimming just under and then decided to try it to see what would happen ("fish jump out - surely nothing bad").  That first break plus the next few minutes was certainly one of the more memorable moments in the game :)