What was it like for you when you first broke through The Veil? I remember Alec mentioning somewhere that he was particularly touched at what some players have told him about their Veil moments, but I can't seem to find that sort of thing compiled anywhere.
For me, it was just wonderfully lightening (in several ways). I had just come from trying to explore The Abyss without the Sun Form, and I had been feeling the weight of darkness and the uncountable fathoms of water and rock above me; when I entered this area, full of life and light, and saw that huge flat border on the minimap, I rushed for the surface. Naija's own experience, and my thrill of discovery and exploration, made that instant my favorite part of the game.
Incidentally, I started this thread as kind of a pet petition. See, the first time I broke through, Naija did a backflip diving up out of the water, in slow motion. On subsequent playthroughs, I was surprised to see that this wasn't a default action. Most times, you just sort of slump back into the water; it's actually really hard to do a backflip on purpose, I found. The idea of Naija bursting through into the air, arms upreached, to fall carefree into the water on her back, just strikes me as so much more in keeping with the theme of the moment. So you tell me: did you backflip, that first time? Does it make a difference? I would like to see something that makes it so if you're X degrees within being vertical when you first break the Veil, it automatically has you backflip. Since I bet most players rush at the surface head on the first time anyhow. Thoughts?