...I love it.
This is without a doubt, the best editor system I've seen so far in any game. I mean, not just from one genre,
I mean, from age of empires to counterstrike to PoG to frazel's wand, to EV to neverwinter nights, this seems to be well-thought out.
It seems to be really easy to make maps.
Just one feature request, if you don't have it all ready...Something I vaguely remember...Bit mapping? Basicly, you draw a picture, and can scan it into the editor, where the editor reads black as solid wall tiles, and white as empty spaces. It saved a lot of time in Mascot to use this feature (Though, I was too nooby at the time to use it)
@ shinygerbil...... 4chan ftl. Tosheros is going to be very much dissipointed, if you stick around : P