How do you calculate the rotations and the positions of the tiles which are placed along the black border? Which algorithm is behind that? Is it complicated? And how is the collision detection implemented on this bumpy border?
Basically I calculate a normal vector based on the surrounding tiles at each point. (this is also how Naija + enemies know which way to rotate when on a surface)
The collision detection is just a simple tile grid, although the tiles are only obstruction tiles (just data, not visual). It gets generated from the base image, but then you can also add an obstruction property to any free floating visual tile to make it solid.
Its kind of hard to explain, but there might be some hints in
this video.
I'm thinking maybe I'll put up some more videos of the editor after/just before the game comes out. Derek's been working on a pretty cool editor tutorial level!
Man, this game rocks! I am really sure that I buy this game.
That's great to hear, man! Can't wait to release this thing.