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Author Topic: Game Music (what does it need? MIDI or Real Audio? Any sound restrictions?)  (Read 25876 times)

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Offline !nfecti0n_dr()n3

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Okay, so im working on this project wiyh FOOL STUDIOS. I happen to be in creative control of the music and audio design. I use Cakewalk's SONAR 5, Producer Suite. And, being a highschool student, it cost me a pretty penny. So, I have mastered all aspects of recording/mixing/dubbing and mastering. Now, i was wondering about the creative atmosphere that should be set for a 2D/top-down RPG style game. As you would see on retro RPGs of the same feel and genre (say, 1986-1999), you would notice 80% of the music being MIDI/Sythesized.  I can handle this, but the option of audio/wav created sound has hept bugging me all along. Would this be a good option? Yes, the programming/compiling software does support this, but its never been done before. I was considering using several songs from bands on my label, with the obvious mix of game enviroment/atmospheric music to set the tone. And, for character themes, i considered using real audio, to get the true tone i imagine.

So, to wrap this into a question with less words, "Would wav. audio be very good alternative to in-game MIDI?"
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Offline !nfecti0n_dr()n3

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pleze excoose me bayd typong
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Offline Alec

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One way would be to search the internets for information about audio compression and game audio formats. There's a great site called Google that lets you search for just about anything you want information on!

If you're asking what we use to compress audio, we use OGG Vorbis. Its great, and free.

Maybe you guys should run your posts through a spell check before uploading them. (the new version of firefox has one built in!)

Offline FoolStudio

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I think we we're just asking a simple question.
And I can't depend on google for crap, also: Sorry for the trouble.
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Offline Alec

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The simple answer is "No". Wav files would be huge.

The longer answer involves pointing out that Ogg Vorbis is a great way to compress audio so that it sounds good and its not so huge. :)

If you guys are releasing your game for free, then you could get by with MP3 as well!

Offline FoolStudio

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Ok thanks :)
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Offline Toom

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Hang on - are you saying you spent

Offline BMcC

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[...] So, I have mastered all aspects of recording/mixing/dubbing and mastering. [...]

Oh hey, !nfecti0n_dr()n3, I'm really glad you're here.  I've got some mixing questions -- it'd be cool if you could help me out.

See, I'm trying to carve EQ for this vocal track, but now the guitars sound dull (and everything else generally muddy).  What frequencies should I be boosting/cutting for which instruments, again?  I always forget.  Oh, and should I de-ess the vocals?  Furthermore, what kind of attack should I be using for the vocal compression?

Should I be mixing with headphones or something else?

And recording...  do you prefer solid state or vacuum tubes, and why?  What pattern should I use for recording a tambourine with a condenser?  Cardioid?  Omni?  Super-cardioid?  Should I be using a condenser at all?  Where should I put bass traps?

Ah!  And you're a mastering engineer, too -- great!  I was wondering... should I apply global compression to the tracks before sending them to be mastered?  And what about the levels?  They should be as high as possible, right?

Thanks in advance.  :)
...  I actually gave up playing when BMcC began beating me at my games. It kinda took all the fun out of it by having the snot kicked out of you by a 4 year old.  ...

Offline Toom

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Valve amps make my pants sweat.

Offline FoolStudio

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I think you should mix with the headphones
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Offline Toom

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Just crank the bass and overdrive right up and send whatever mess you end up with to Southern Lord. You'll be rolling in Bentleys before sundown.

Offline FoolStudio

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My friend bought them in U.S dollers and he records music for his band. So I don't think any compression was needed for a cd with just 4-12 songs on it.
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Offline BMcC

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Haha, I love you, Toom.  ;D
...  I actually gave up playing when BMcC began beating me at my games. It kinda took all the fun out of it by having the snot kicked out of you by a 4 year old.  ...

Offline PHeMoX

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So, I have mastered all aspects of recording/mixing/dubbing and mastering.

No kidding, and then you don't know everything about the different sound formats on the PC? Lol ...  ^-^
"Fun is never superfluous."

Offline !nfecti0n_dr()n3

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Okay, dum dums. Idk why u guys are attacking me about the file formats stuff. I KNOW my formats, thank you. All of you misinterpreted my question, jesus christ. Im not even talking about file compression. Im talking about a morale affect. Would it be moral to use audio sound in an RPG? I've seen it done in KH, which is beautiful. But, in a 2-d top-down RPG? Im not sure. It would seem to upset the atmosphere. That is what Im asking. So, please, stop treating me like a music/sound noob. I've dealt with this stuff for a good 7 years now. thank you.


X: With your EQ problems, I would suggest your med/hi frequencies be upped. Not really to swallow those of the vox track. (DONT DE-ESS!!)

X: With your compression track, I have always been taught to use low attack generally. 20-30? Thats my area.

X: Yes, headphones are very good for mixing. Preferably hi-fi studio phones. $50-70 range is good.

X: With your condenser crap, use cardoid. It picks up really good percussion sound. Its picks up med frequences very well. Best cardiod you can get is a SM-57. I love mine, and you can genrally get one for about $100.

X: bass traps, if u use the lingo im firmiliar with,  is like a simple cushioned thing around the room to trap the sound waves, right? Get back to me on that. If I am right, then I would suggest not worrying about it. I usually go straight into the board. U lose some luster and warmth, but I just get muddy and sloppy sound when I record bass through mic.

X: When u feel it is neccesery, global compression is a verygood thing, but not in really generous amounts. But, sometimes, too much compression can damage your signal. Keep that in mind.

QUESTION FOR YOU: Are you testing me or something? Sigh...hope you guys are happy. Jerks.
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