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Messages - blackzeroflame

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Gameplay / Re: Stuck, unable to pass over darkness or hot water
« on: March 10, 2008, 07:58:35 pm »
Heh, I was just about to go looking for Hellgate: London, since you mentioned it, and then i read the last line Glamador...

Gameplay / Re: A La Carte - Recipe tool-tips
« on: March 10, 2008, 07:55:29 pm »
I think the auto-cook system could be as simple as double clicking on an item in your recipe book

One thing that I'm really hoping to see a mod or patch for, and i know this has been brought up before, is a "memo" system on the map, and the ability to view other areas on the map, instead of just the one you're in.  I can understan why a vauge map  system could make sense in this game, since it's not as if she can just pull out her map and scribble a fuw notes in it.  But, I think for a game like this, where new areas can be explored based on new abilities and items, it's useful to make a note of any possible secrets and barriers, so you at least know to go check them out at the end of the game.  I did that a lot in Phantom Hourglass, and it made the whole process of item collection a lot less frustrating.

General / Re: Aquaria and Game of the Year lists and Reviews
« on: January 08, 2008, 08:39:04 pm »
Aquaria simply isn't getting that much attention because it's a small, indie PC release released digitally. Most of the big sites haven't even reviewed it. I doubt this has to do with ad-space or the like, because if you look at the recent IGN PC reviews, about 75% of the stuff they review is crap. Take Alvin and the Chipmunks or Swashbucklers for instance.

That doesn't matter much for gamespot, they did a review of EV: Nova, and that was a PC/Mac release only available as shareware.  I think part of the problem is that people aren't showing enough interest.  Everybody keeps coming here to post about the game, but i'm not seeing people posting about it elsewhere.

Gameplay / Re: Reversion to Normal from Beast Form...an issue
« on: December 30, 2007, 07:42:41 pm »
I dunno, I can beat him with mouse only. ;)

Funny enough I beat him with mouse only, too.
My brother told me later on that I can just switch with 1-8.
I was about to bite into my keyboard, since I almost freaked out at the sun temple boss :P.

Am I the only person who never changed forms in the king jellyfish fight?

Gameplay / Re: Next time make it easier...
« on: December 30, 2007, 07:38:46 pm »
* Xiagan refuses to build an even bigger quote-pyramid.

Yeah, you're right, but in this case you don't win, you lose.  ;)

Congratulations, you beat the game, your prize is...


Gameplay / Re: Not Buying and Here's Why
« on: December 30, 2007, 07:30:26 pm »
You seem awfully caught up in the idea that all a game is, is a game.  I think when Derek and Alec made this game, they didn't make it for you, or me, or anyone else.  They made it for themselves.  Just like many artists (and when you make a game like this, that's what it is, art.)  they make their art for one of two reasons, because THEY like it, or because it holds something they want to share with the world.  With the exception of a few glitches, this is exactly how they wanted Aquaria to be.  Honestly, I doubt very much that they'll even consider changing anything about this game, just because people didn't like it, the point is that THEY like it.  And that even when people say they are having trouble with the game, or don't like some part of it, they still keep playing.

General / Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« on: December 22, 2007, 05:10:41 am »

on a side note- What' s with your avatar Alec?  did a few copies of JoJo's Bizzare Adventure fall into the ocean?

his avatar is Najia done in the same style as Cave Story, another fantastic indy game that i highly recommend, it's free too

Gameplay / Re: (potential spoilers) Did you know....
« on: December 22, 2007, 12:36:58 am »
has anyone else had a "bad trip" on rainbow soup?  when i took it, about halfway through, everything turned red and najia sounded like she was taking damage

would that be the secret room near the whale?

Gameplay / Re: spoilers!! difficult race
« on: December 21, 2007, 07:28:09 am »
i think you can pull it off easily if you actually ride one of the seahorses, i've never tried though, i didn't find out that you could ride them until after i beat the race

personally, i used hot soup and beast form, got in about 1:26 i think.

supposedly you can use spirit form since it stops time, but i could never pull it off like that, it's just so much work to memorize the exact distance you could travel like that, and i didn't know about the shortcuts for changing forms

Gameplay / Re: i am stuck at the body i didnt go through the sunken city!
« on: December 20, 2007, 08:12:46 pm »
would this be the time paradox glitch i've heard so much about?  I got the game with the patch already there, so i never got to experience it

Gameplay / Re: ...haven't i seen this before ???
« on: December 20, 2007, 08:06:12 pm »
yeah, i noticed most of those, i figured it was just because i'm a massive metroid fanboy

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* This game is too f*ckin hard!!!
« on: December 20, 2007, 08:04:46 pm »
also, in the frozen veil, you may find that you have more trouble with the bubbles if you go fast, use a slower form and take your time so you don't overshoot the bubbles

General / Re: Wii
« on: December 20, 2007, 07:37:26 pm »
furthermore every Wii comes with ONE nunchuck attatchment so you could have the joystick on the nunchuck be the direction input and use either A and B or C and Z for button input.

the beauty of the dual controller setup would be that you could move in one direction, and fire in a completely different direction.  Though i think that'd make the game a lot easier and take away a bit of the cool feel that you aren't controlling najia, but just giving her directions from an outside perspective

General / Re: Wii wish for Aquaria
« on: December 20, 2007, 07:33:11 pm »
The wii-mote is actually extremely accurate, but many people aren't using it properly.  I recently got the Umbrella Chronicles and was having a lot of trouble making headshots, because you have to hit exactly in the center of the forehead.  I thought it would be easy because i was using a massive HDTV, but i found that my sight would wobble and jerk around.  I then realized that if i used the sensitivity calibration tool, it smoothed everything out.  I suggest maxing out the sensitivity and bracing the wiimote on your leg.  The sensitivity boosts the update speed on the remote, so it doesn't wiggle and jump.  After calibration i went from about 5-10% headshots, to 70-80% headshots.

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